Unbeknownst to him, although Ye Shuang was still constantly attacking, he was still extremely shocked.

Although the opponent in front of him looked very ordinary and didn't want to practice martial arts or even had the ability to fight back, how could he persist for so long under his own attack!

Although Boo was young, he had participated in dozens of underground boxing matches and had never lost. In the past, he had encountered some strong opponents, but even inner strength masters would be severely injured or even directly lose under his rapid attacks.

Didn't that fellow who was ranked 50th on the Black Ranking last time also not last three minutes before being defeated by me?

But this guy, he's already been here for almost five minutes, how could he be like nothing happened? There wasn't even the slightest sign of injury, and the pained expression on his face was completely gone.

What kind of monster was this!?

It had to be known that although Boo's attacks were sharp and his moves vicious, his physical and mental energy were also limited. Having fought Ye Shuang for almost five minutes on stage, he had indeed expended too much energy, but Ye Shuang was still fine.

"This guy won't last long!"

At this moment, Ye Shuang could feel that Boo's stamina was being depleted greatly. Relying on his physique, he no longer avoided dodging. Instead, he used his arm to protect a few important areas and let Boo continue attacking him, exhausting the opponent's physical strength.

This time, all the spectators in the stands were stupefied. Most of these people were frequent spectators of the boxing club, and they'd watched many matches, but this was their first time seeing such a situation.

Although this Ye Hao looked like he was getting beaten up, he didn't have any reaction at all. Even when his fists and kicks landed on Ye Shuang's arm, it only made a dull sound before it stopped moving.

Could it be that these two fellows are really putting on an act! This match was a show arranged by the Manor!

Ye Shuang's appearance did not conform to the norm. Now that this scene was witnessed, the entire grandstand was in an uproar.

"This is waterproof, fake! Acting! Refund, let the villa refund! "

There were even some gamblers who had lost quite a few in the previous two rounds who had already started to link up with each other, intending to use this opportunity to seek compensation from the Manor.

"This, how could this happen!"

In the office area at the back, Chen Yong and a group of staff were all stunned when they saw the situation on the stage.

Chen Yong was happy and worried. He was happy to see Ye Shuang in such a situation. The danger in the mansion should be solved, but seeing the noisy audience, he had no way to explain himself if things went on like this.

"What, what the f * ck is this situation? What is this guy made of?"

When Yan Song, who was in the VIP area on the second floor, noticed this situation, he was completely shocked. As the person behind this competition, he was the one who was most clear on Abu's strength. Ordinary inner strength experts and even inner strength grandmasters were no match for him.

Also, there was another characteristic to the Abu battle. Due to its speed, it usually only took about two to three minutes to finish the fight. However, it had already been almost five minutes and the fight still had not ended. This made Yan Song anxious.

Could it be that this Ye Hao was actually a master at hiding his strength? No wonder he wasn't afraid of her just now?

But in this battle, Boo had to win!

The Green Min Society had placed heavy bets on Boo this time. Adding on their previous investment, it was almost an astronomical figure. They definitely could not screw up this match.

As the largest underground casino in Xijiang Province, the Carefree Villa had won a lot of fame and reputation for being fair. However, in this kind of underground boxing competition, there were quite a few articles that could be done.

"Brother Song, what do you think we should do?"

The situation in the arena below also made Yan Song's men anxious. A trusted aide walked over and asked with an inquiring tone.

"Motherf * cker, I didn't expect to run into such a tough opponent. Second match, use that one!"

Looking down at Ye Shuang, who seemed to be fine, Yan Song cursed bitterly. After thinking for a moment, he instructed his subordinates.

"Understood, I'll arrange it right away!"

Qing Min had planned everything for this battle. After hearing that, his trusted aide showed an understanding look and left in a hurry.

"Bastard, this time I will kill you, I will!"

Seeing that his trusted aide had left, Yan Song's eyes revealed an expression of heartache. He clenched his teeth and pointed at Ye Shuang who was in the arena.


At this moment, the ring rang with a crisp bell sound, signaling the arrival of the first period. The battle had entered a period of rest.

Even though Boo was unwilling, he still had an angry look in his eyes as he retreated to the corner of the ring. Then, a group of staff members quickly surrounded him to check on his body. They had already replenished his strength.

"Mr. Ye, are you alright?"

Compared to Abu, Ye Shuang's side was much quieter. Other than the two subordinates that Chen Yong had arranged for, only Big Fortune was by his side. When he saw Ye Shuang's end, he quickly handed over a bottle of water.

He had bet nearly fifty million yuan on Ye Shuang, so he definitely did not want anything to happen to Ye Shuang at this point in time.

"It's fine!"

Seeing Xie Dayu being so courteous like a lackey, Ye Shuang's impression of him changed slightly. However, his gaze was still fixed on Boo who was not far away.

According to Ye Shuang's calculations, in the previous five minutes, he had already expended a large amount of his physical strength. In the following battles, he would not be in such a good state, so it was time for him to counterattack.

However, just as Ye Shuang was drinking the water, she suddenly discovered that a staff member had secretly grabbed a syringe and quickly stuck it into Boo's arm while she was not paying attention.

"There's something strange, what are these guys trying to do?"

Seeing this situation, Ye Shuang was also on guard, not knowing what tricks the other side was playing.

However, that staff member had done it very covertly and happened to be in a corner. Furthermore, the injection was completed in an instant, and only Ye Shuang, with her sharp eyes, had accidentally discovered this scene.

Now, even if he wanted to expose it, it was all over. There was no more evidence.


With the second ring of the bell, Ye Shuang and Boo walked into the arena. The second round of the competition had begun. Boo roared again and continued to pounce at Ye Shuang with a face full of anger.

However, his speed was clearly slower this time. It seemed that he had expended a large amount of physical strength just now.

And facing this situation, Ye Shuang, who was already prepared, sneered. For the first time, he did not adopt a defensive stance and charged forward.

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