After Xie Yuying left, ye Shuang didn't stay in the room for a while, then he felt a strange feeling coming from Shenshi.

It's like someone's invading the territory he's occupied.

Generally speaking, this kind of feeling only appears under the experience of two immortals.

That is to say, there is a strange practitioner in the resort now.

Weiwei and Qianqian breath, ye Shuang has been very familiar with, and will not produce any strange feeling.

Moreover, this breath is not as dark as the ghost cultivation of the Mo long society. On the contrary, it should be an immortal who has cultivated the grand and righteous way.

But the feeling of being peeped at makes Ye Shuang very uncomfortable.

"Who's peeping out of the house?"

I saw Ye Shuang calmly sitting on the seat, eyes scanning around, suddenly a deep voice a drink.


As soon as the voice fell, a swift figure flashed in front of the French window and immediately fell in front of Ye Shuang's eyes.

The visitor was a middle-aged man in a loose Taoist robe, about forty-five-six, with a bun on his head and a floating dust in his hand.

"Young master Ye is really good at cultivation. I have tried my best to hide my breath, but I was found by young master Ye."

Landing outside the window, the Taoist priest saluted Ye Shuang and then said with a bitter smile.

"Hum, if I hadn't thought it was difficult for you to practice, I would have killed you."

Ye Shuang snorts angrily, but it frightens the person outside the window.

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Ye. I don't have any malice towards Mr. Ye. I was entrusted by the organization to meet Mr. Ye."


Ye Shuang frowned and looked at the man warily.

On the right chest of the Taoist, there is a symbol of lightning and flying sword embroidered with gold and silver.

Since he came to this world, it was the first time that he saw such a symbol.

But ye Shuang almost subconsciously connected this symbol with an organization.

"The eye of the verdict?"

"It turns out that young master Ye knows the existence of the ruling eye, so it's easy to deal with it."

Taoist farfetched smile, said, "because a few days ago in the battle between burning heaven sect and Biyun Valley appeared the breath of an immortal, I was sent to investigate by the eyes of the verdict, through multiple evidence proof that ye Gongzi did not exceed the rules, I'm here to inform Ye Gongzi."

"Is the eye of judgment so furtive?"

Ye Shuang was dissatisfied.

"Mr. Ye misunderstood. I was just about to show up. I didn't expect that Mr. Ye had guests in his room and could only hide for a while."


Ye Shuang sneered, "so you've heard what we just talked about?"


The Taoist's face was stiff. He asked in vain. If he didn't hear it, how could he appear at this time.

"I can let bygones be bygones, but I don't want another time, otherwise..."

Ye Shuang fingers pop up a genuine Qi, genuine Qi hit a glass, the cup was instantly surrounded by a mass of black inflammation, burning down in the blink of an eye.

"Hiss ~"

Seeing this, the Taoist couldn't help taking a breath.

He thought he overestimated Ye Shuang's strength, but now he seems to underestimate him.

Just a genuine Qi can melt the glass and put it in the eye of judgment. This kind of combat power is also quite good.

"Ha ha, young master Ye's strength is really terrible. No wonder he can kill the cultivators in the middle of the gas refining period." Taoist Shan Shan a smile, embarrassed to say, "the investigation of things, I have informed Mr. Ye, will not stay more, Mr. Ye, we will see you later."

The Taoist gave another salute and immediately turned into a whirlwind and disappeared in the same place.

"The eye of the verdict."

Ye Shuang frowned. He didn't expect to come so soon.

Once the eyes of the ruling are concerned, it is tantamount to putting on a layer of shackles.


"Hoo, Hoo."

The middle-aged Taoist didn't stop until he ran for many miles. Although he just looked at Ye Shuang, he felt that he was meeting guyuanqi.

Ye Shuang's breath can even make him feel a little uncomfortable.

On second thought, ye Shuang is in charge of monitoring in the future, and the middle-aged Taoist has a trace of despair.

"No, I have to report Ye Shuang's strength to the eye of the verdict. If you want to watch him, I'm afraid only Guyuan boss has that ability. "

A thought of oneself just spent the eldest brother effort to hide breath, the result is still discovered by Ye Shuang. He knew that he could never watch ye Shuang.

After seeing off the judge's eye, ye Shuang left the living room and went back to the study to continue drawing the talisman.

After a series of things, ye Shuang more and more feel the importance of talisman.

Now his strength is far from strong enough, and talisman can well avoid this weakness.

At the same time, these talismans can also be sold to fill the capital gap of Meng GUANCHEN.

For this reason, he prepared a large stack of yellow paper, and now he has drawn more than 30 low-level talismans. As for high-level talismans, ye Shuang is now the main force in drawing, at least reaching 100.

If these talismans are auctioned in the market, they can be converted into hundreds of millions of funds at least.

After all, the rich would never mind insuring their lives.

If ye Shuang didn't want to reveal too many secrets, he would sell those high-level talismans.

He can become the richest local tyrant in Wuyang in a twinkling of an eye.

It's just that it's easy to expose some of your cards.

There is no need to expose too much strength now that the strong enemy is around.

After ye Shuang's realm reached the stage of refining gas, not only the level of talismans he drew increased a lot, but also more and more kinds of talismans he could draw.

It's a pity that some top runes are difficult to draw with his current strength.

After preparing nearly 100 talismans, ye Shuang left his study.

Qingmin Hui and Hongmen are ready to move. They don't know what they will do. They also need to prepare for a rainy day.

"Maybe we need to remind sun pangzi of them as well."

Ye Shuang thinks for a while in the room and dials sun pangzi's phone.

But the phone was always connected and no one answered.

As like as two peas, Sun Pangzi hung up the phone and sent it to the morning rain.

Ye Shuang frowned and faintly felt that something was wrong, so he called Wu Tao again.


After the phone rang several times, suddenly came the voice of connecting.


But the voice from the other side of the phone is not Wu Tao's voice, but a strange man's voice.

"You are not Wu Tao!"


Someone seems to have taken the cell phone from the other end of the phone.

"I didn't expect you to call so soon. It's beyond our expectation."

"Your classmates are in our hands now. If you want to save them, come back to Haishan villa alone."

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