"I'll pay 450 million."

"I'll pay 500 million."


Lu Tianxiang and ye Tian started a price war directly. If they were from other families, they would have retreated at this time.

But Lu Tianxiang just like bite this fragment, how also refused to let go.

After several rounds of shouting, the price soared and doubled.

Naturally, the auction house is happy to see its success, but ye Tian and Lu Tianxiang are both suffering.

Although Ye Tian is ordered by his family to take this piece at all costs, it is not easy for the Ye family to spend more than one billion yuan in a short time.

This is true of the Ye family, not to mention the Lu family.

Although Lu Tianxiang said hello to Lu Tianen in advance before he came, and he was willing to meet Ye Shuang's requirements at all costs with his grandfather's permission, the billion fund is also a big expense for the current Lu family, and even affects the subsequent actions of the family.

Fortunately, ye Shuang has seen Lu Tianxiang's dilemma. He just asked Lu Tianxiang to take this piece instead of himself, but he didn't want Lu Tianxiang to pay.

Although one billion is a bit exaggerated, as long as ye Shuang pieced together, he can always come up with it.

As long as you can take a picture of this piece, yueshuang can also borrow some funds from Meng GUANCHEN. Besides, the funds borrowed from Lu's family and the remaining funds in his hands are enough to pay for this piece.

For the sake of this piece of debris, it can be said to be a ruin.

From the size of this fragment, we can infer that the size of Chunyang Zhibao is equal to the height of a normal man, and it weighs at least several tons.

If this pure Yang treasure is all obtained by auction, the funds required may be an unimaginable astronomical figure.

"Continue to increase the price, no matter what the cost, I will take this piece of debris. As for the money, you don't have to worry. I will let Guancheng group pay part of the money."

Behind Meng GUANCHEN is Biyun valley. Even if Meng GUANCHEN can't get so much money, Biyun Valley can get it.

Ye Shuang only needs to hand over part of his talisman to Biyun Valley to get the funds he needs.

No matter how powerful the Ye family is, it's just a family in the secular world. Compared with Biyun Valley, which has fallen from the Xiuxian sect, it still lacks a lot of details.

Ye Shuang has so much insurance that he doesn't worry that this fragment will be taken away by Ye Tian.

If there is anything in case, it can only be said that the time is also life, this fragment and ye Shuang have no fate.

After calling the price several times, it seems that they have finally reached the limit of each other's psychological price.

Both ye Tian and Lu Tianxiang began to be cautious.

Although Lu Tianxiang represents Ye Shuang and is backed by Biyun Valley and Guancheng group, the price has soared rapidly and directly exceeded 2 billion yuan. It will be a bit tight for anyone.

As for ye Tian, in order to take this piece of debris, he has overdrawn the amount of funds that the Ye family can take out in a short time. For this reason, he has also obtained the help of Ninghai, although this is a good thing they have decided before they came to Guangyang province.

And other customers at this time, even the atmosphere also dare not.

Although the Lu family is not as good as the Ye family, they are the local leaders in Guangyang province.

Now, if anyone gets involved, it will not only offend the local snake, but also the strong dragon of the Ye family.

Naturally, they have a hundred guts to do such a thankless thing.

In addition to the fear of these two forces, the amazing amount of auction is also the reason why they dare not be angry.

Not afraid, but too nervous.

They have never seen such a scene before. For a piece of fragment, they actually made a huge price of 2 billion yuan.

If it wasn't for the fact that one of them is the Ye family and the other is the Lu family, they would surely think that they are crazy.

Now even the stupidest fool knows the value of this fragment.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the two families to fight for a common piece.

"Miss Lu, it seems that you must grab this fragment with me?"

At the end of the auction, ye Tian couldn't help looking at Lu Tianxiang and said in a deep voice.

"If Mr. Lu really wants to collect antiques, I can exchange other precious treasures for this fragment."

"What does Miss Lu think?"

It's the first time that ye Tian talks with others in such a low voice.

This is the limit that he can do. If Lu Tianxiang still doesn't know what to do, he doesn't mind using the power of the Ye family.

Others are also looking forward to, looking at Lu Tianxiang, waiting for her answer.

"It seems that you still don't understand. I'll make up my mind about this piece. If you want to get this fragment, you can raise the price as much as possible. "

Lu Tianxiang said without hesitation.

With Ye Shuang behind her as a support, Lu Tianxiang naturally mustered up her courage.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Lu family, it's still wishful thinking to fight against the Ye family.

"Very well, Miss Lu really impressed me." Ye Tian squints and stares at Ye Shuang and Lu Tianxiang coldly.

Suddenly, see him long body but rise, discontentedly Nu hum a, take rather sea in the whole audience surprised under the vision of position.


"Ye's family is shriveled here."

"It's interesting. The Lu family is against the Ye family."

"It's two billion. Is it really worth it for a piece of debris?"

The guests at the auction whispered.

If ye Tian leaves in anger, it means that he has given up the competition for this fragment. There is no doubt that this fragment belongs to Lu Tianxiang now.

As for the amount of money required for auction, because the amount is too large, it does not need to be paid at one time.

Lu Tianxiang only paid some down payment to obtain the fragment.

She will be in the hands of the fragments after a hefty transfer to Ye Shuang.

I thought there would be some special feeling, but I didn't get the slightest harvest.

Seeing this, ye Shuang couldn't help laughing and said, "if this fragment is very useful for special people, it's just a scrap iron for ordinary people."

To activate a piece of pure Yang treasure, even if it is just a fragment of it, it needs to reach the level of the middle and late stage of the gas refining period at least.

If you want to thoroughly refine such a fragment, at least you need to reach the solid Yuan period.

As for ordinary people, even if they get this fragment, they are just guarding Baoshan and can't use it, and eventually they become a piece of scrap iron.

Ye Shuang is not unwilling to tell Lu Tianxiang the secret of this fragment, but worried that Lu Tianxiang knew too much, which was not good for her.

"This time I can take this fragment, thanks to Miss Lu's help."

Ye Shuang contentedly put away the fragments and said to Lu Tianxiang, "in return, I can satisfy Miss Lu's wish."

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