When ye Shuang appeared in the East Lake, the major forces also noticed the three of them.

"That person is Ye Shuang?"

Where ye's family is, ye Beidou looks at Ye Shuang and asks.

Only Ye Tian has contacted Ye Shuang in person in the whole family, so this must be asking Ye Tian, not other people.

"Third uncle, he is Ye Tian, the guy who robbed the fragments." Leaf day gnash teeth of say.

"It's over now. You don't have to worry about it anymore." Ye Beidou nodded, eyes tightly condensed in Ye Shuang's body.

"It's like that. It's even more like that in the picture."

Ye Beidou couldn't help sighing in his heart. At this time, he also accepted the arrangement of the elder brother for the last time.

"I hope he can win this battle."

Ye Beidou said to himself.

"That boy is Ye Shuang? The Ye family is really lucky to have such a genius. "

Ningjia camp, the leading middle-aged man said with a serious face.

Ning Hai said in a false voice: "he is no genius, that is, he is lucky!"

"Well? in luck? How come you're not as lucky as him! "

The middle-aged man fiercely turns round and stares at Ninghai and says.

"I... I..."

Ninghai hesitated to speak, and finally did not speak at all.

The middle-aged man snorted discontentedly: "shut up if you don't have the ability."


"Ye Shuang is really powerful. No wonder you value him so much."

In a relatively hidden place in the East Lake, the three elders of the ruling eye are standing here, looking at Ye Shuang from a distance.

"What's more valuable is that ye Shuang is young enough. He has unlimited possibilities in the future, and may be able to break through the realm that we have never reached."

Yuan Fengjun nodded and said that he also heard about ye Shuang from his younger martial brother. Later, he sent someone to investigate and found that ye Shuang was in the middle of the Qi refining period when he was young. With his talent, he could reach their present state sooner or later.

The Nanhai sword sect is now in decline. If ye Shuang can be recruited into the Nanhai sword sect, the Nanhai sword sect may have a chance to rise again.

If the Nanhai sword sect had not lost too many experts in those years, the strength of yizang sword valley would not be equal to that of Nanhai sword sect.

Yuan Fengjun didn't need to look at Wan Xiuping's face.

Ye Shuang is the key to the peak of Nanhai sword sect. Anyway, he will bring ye Shuang into Nanhai sword sect.

Even if ye Shuang can't be included in Nanhai sword sect, we should try our best to introduce him into the eyes of the ruling.

In a word, ye Shuang can only teach well, but not evil.

As for the cold weather from Hongmen, Yuan Fengjun has already sent people to investigate.

This man is cruel and ruthless. There are countless ordinary warriors who died in his hands, but this man is not a Chinese immortal, and the judgment can not control him.

If you act rashly, it is likely to attract the eyes of the ruling and the dissatisfaction of overseas departments, which will not be worth the loss.

If Feng Tianhan is not too cruel, Yuan Fengjun also has the idea of enrolling him in Nanhai sword sect.

It's a pity that everything can't be what he wants.

"I didn't expect that so many people would come to watch this time."

Meng GUANCHEN said in surprise.

"The people from Hongmen and qingminhui haven't arrived yet." Ye Shuang laughed, "the play has not really started."

Ye Shuang takes Meng GUANCHEN and Xie Yuying to a pavilion in the middle of the East Lake and sits down.

Before the wind and cold arrived, he waited patiently in the pavilion.

Time goes by, from early morning to noon.

The fog on the lake gradually disappeared.

Others were impatient and began to look around for the wind and cold.

At this time.

Qingminhui and Hongmen people came in from the East Lake.

When they appeared, other people in the East Lake immediately mentioned God.

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect that a small battle attracted so many big men's attention."

Yan Sen, the current president of the Qingmin society, is the most outstanding one.

As soon as he entered the East Lake, he said with a laugh when he saw people from other forces.

"Since President Yan has come, should we let the wind and the cold appear?"

It was Meng GUANCHEN who spoke.

He stood beside Ye Shuang also appeared to be impatient, but ye Shuang was calm and calm, and there was no worry in his face.

"Ha ha, it's Mr. Meng." Yan Sen looks at Ye Shuang in the pavilion in the middle of the lake and says with a sneer, "do you want to ask Feng Tianhan what Qingmin will do?"

"The predecessors of Hongmen are here. I can't decide when the cold weather will come."

Jason came back with a smile.

At this time has been silent Ye Shuang suddenly opened his mouth.

"I know it's cold and windy at the bottom of the East Lake. Whenever he wants to come out, we will start fighting."


"No way? The wind and the cold are at the bottom of the East Lake? "

"How can it be? I'm afraid I've drowned in the lake for so long."

There were waves of surprise from other forces.

Yuan Fengjun in the distance was also slightly surprised. As monks of Guyuan period, they didn't find the wind and cold hidden at the bottom of the lake.

"How did that boy hide his breath so well?" An old man beside yuan Fengjun was surprised.

Yuan Fengjun did not know. He shook his head and looked at Ye Shuang as if he was waiting for his answer.

"It's a very low-level way to hide your breath by integrating your breath with the weather and environment in the East Lake." Ye Shuang took a look at the bottom of the lake, took a sip of tea, and then spat toward the bottom of the lake.

"It's windy and cold. How long do you want to stay?"

Tea was condensed into a small arrow, pierced the East Lake, directly into the bottom of the lake.


Suddenly, a water column exploded in the center of East Lake.

I saw the water column standing on the cold wind.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to find me. Unfortunately, it's too late for you to find out. Ye Shuang, die for me! "

The wind and the cold roared and stepped on the vanishing water column. The whole person flew out like an arrow.

"So fast!"

Meng GUANCHEN, as a great master of Huajin, instantly judged the strength of fengtianhan.

No wonder yesterday Ye Shuang asked himself not to fight with him. He was afraid that the strength of his body would be enough to crush him.

"Mr. Meng, manager Xie, you should step back first."

Ye Shuang said softly, and immediately disappeared in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, and rushed up against the cold wind.

"The strength of this person is really terrible, maybe he can really kill Ye Shuang!"

Yan Sen's mind can not help but come up with such an idea.

Other forces were also startled by the strength of Feng Tianhan. They didn't expect that Feng Tianhan was really hiding at the bottom of the lake.

What's more terrible is that he was able to step on the water column and dive to assassinate Ye Shuang.

"It's impossible, the strength of the cold weather... Is he..."

Ye Beidou looked at the cold wind, opened his eyes, and thought of something in horror.

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