Through the previous conversation with Yuan Fengjun, ye Shuang can confirm that Wan Xiuping is plotting these keys of the four families.

But wan Xiuping apparently did not find a place to bury the treasure.

Even if he gets these keys, it's useless.

However, Wan Xiuping secretly provoked the opposition of the four families.

Until later, Yuan Fengjun took action and asked Ye Shuang to help him solve the disputes among the four families.

Finally, the keys fell into his hands.

In this process, Wan Xiuping did not even make any resistance and difficulties.

This is what ye Shuang never thought of.

Not to mention the contradiction between Yuan Fengjun and WAN Xiuping, just because he promised yuan Fengjun to solve the dispute, Wan Xiuping had enough reasons to intervene in this matter.

But things have been smooth so far, without any obstacles.

Ye Shuang always feels that something is wrong behind this, but he can't say it for a moment.

He was able to find the address of the treasure through the connection between these keys and the treasure site.

Wan Xiuping will never know where he can find the treasure.

So Wan Xiuping can't be using himself to help him find treasure.

It's like Wan Xiuping is provoking the four families to fight, and then rely on the four families to get the key to find the whereabouts of the treasure.

However, before this process was completed, Yuan Fengjun discovered it, and then directly disclosed Wan Xiuping's affairs in the eyes of the ruling, interrupting Wan Xiuping's plan.

As for his connection with this matter, it is obvious that Yuan Fengjun is leading the way.

So Wan Xiuping is probably pushing the boat with the current and using himself to help him find the whereabouts of the treasure.

If ye Shuang guessed correctly, his current role should belong to Yuan Fengjun.

But yuan Fengjun accidentally asked Ye Shuang to help him deal with this matter, and then became Ye Shuang.

So Wan Xiuping didn't make any decision that made Ye Shuang feel embarrassed. Even his whole person seems to be invisible. This is not wan Xiuping's style at all, unless this matter also involves his interests.

"So from the beginning, both I and elder yuan Fengjun have been involved in Wan Xiuping's plan."

Ye Shuang suddenly brightened, and all the places that he didn't understand were instantly clear.

Just think of this truth, can't help but let Ye Shuang more angry.

Yuan Fengjun may also think of this situation, so he didn't come down personally, but let Ye Shuang help solve the dispute.

But in this way, ye Shuang became a helper to help Wan Xiuping push things forward.

Now he has become a helper to find the whereabouts of the treasure instead of Wan Xiuping.

"He is really a wily fox. He can achieve his goal without paying any price in this matter." Ye Shuang couldn't help thinking in his heart.

It's just that Wan Xiuping's calculation is going to fail this time. If he is an ordinary person, he may be satisfied by Wan Xiuping, but unfortunately, he meets Ye Shuang.

Ye Shuang naturally can't be Wan Xiuping's pawn. Even if he finally finds the whereabouts of the treasure, it's not so easy for WAN Xiuping to get benefits from him, let alone pick peaches and get the whole treasure directly.

If ye Shuang hadn't guessed this before, maybe he would have let Wan Xiuping hide at the bottom of the stage and carry out his own intrigue.

"It's just a pity that Mr. Yuan is not here. Otherwise, we can discuss it with him. "

With Yuan Fengjun, ye Shuang doesn't have to deal with Wan Xiuping himself. He can completely throw Wan Xiuping to Yuan Fengjun.

It is estimated that Yuan Fengjun also guessed this point, so he simply hid behind the scenes like Wan Xiuping.

Ye Shuang can sense the connection between these keys and the location of the treasure, just like there is an intermittent line between them. As long as you follow this line, you can find the location of the treasure. Ye Shuang looked in the direction of this line.

It was thousands of miles away in the northwest, far away from Hanchuan.

Ye Shuang naturally did not stop at all, and rushed to the place of treasure collection as quickly as possible.


The eye of the verdict.

Wan Xiuping has been claustrophobic in the eyes of the ruling since he was exposed by Yuan Fengjun.

Although it seems that he has been locked up on the surface, it does not prevent Wan Xiuping from learning the information from the outside world.

The prisoners around him were all Wan Xiuping's own disciples.

"What's going on now?"

Wan Xiuping would be angry if he lost control of anything. This time, ye Shuang intervened in the disputes among the four families, which he did not expect.

After hearing Wan Xiuping's words, the two immortals around him immediately said: "Ye Shuang has solved the dispute in Hanchuan City according to the order of elder yuan. All the keys have reached him. I believe he will soon be able to find the direction of the existence of the treasure."

"Looking for treasure now? Is it too late? "

Wan Xiuping said with a frown.

The others didn't know how to answer at all. After a long time, no one came forward.

Seeing this, Wan Xiuping couldn't help humming.

"Continue to observe for me. Once Ye Shuang has any trouble, he will inform me immediately."

"Yes, elder Wan."

Naturally, the left and the right didn't dare to resist. They were obedient to Wan Xiuping's orders.

"I believe Ye Shuang won't let me down."

Wan Xiuping suddenly grinned.


"You mean ye Shuang has already started to look for the whereabouts of those treasures?"

Yuan Fengjun also received Ding Ling's return.

In fact, ye Shuang's time to find the treasure is far less than his previous estimate. I didn't expect that ye Shuang would be able to react so quickly and start looking for the treasure seat.

This time let Ye Shuang to help him solve the disputes of the four families, it really contains the meaning of offering flowers to Buddha.

But if ye Shuang doesn't realize this meaning, Yuan Fengjun will only treat it as nothing like this.

Now that ye Shuang has begun to look for treasure, Yuan Fengjun naturally needs to make other arrangements.

Wan Xiuping will never give up at this time, so once he knows that ye Shuang is looking for the whereabouts of the treasure, he will definitely follow Ye Shuang everywhere.

And what he has to do is very simple.

Just delay Wan Xiuping in the dark and create an opportunity for ye Shuang.

When ye Shuang finds the treasure, it's not too late for him to show up.

If he gets the right information, ye Shuang can't eat this treasure alone.

Ye Shuang can never reach a cooperation with Wan Xiuping. It is obvious that he, as a person offering flowers to Buddha, can get some benefits from ye Shuang.

This is also the reason why yuan Fengjun let Ye Shuang help him solve the dispute.

As for the four members, they have nothing to do with the judgment.

It's just the rule of the eye of judgment. Even he can't take the key of the four families directly.

But ye Shuang is not limited by the rules of the eye of the verdict.

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