Lu Yan gave a cold hum.

Just now, but now I'm controlling the altar, and this guy dares to provoke himself.

I'll kill you every minute!

In an instant, Lu Yan moved the leading altar made up of thousands of blood heads, and poured part of his strength into his body.

In a flash, Lu Yan felt that his strength was several times stronger, and immediately laughed.

"Die for me!"

Lu Yan's eyes are bloody, and two red rays rush out of his eyes, straight to Ye Shuang.

He knew that the biggest threat was Ye Shuang, so as long as he killed him, there would be no accident!

Ye Shuang is also aware of a threat in the light.

But it's just a little bit.

If you want to compete with your own high-level talisman, it's far from enough!

His talismans broke out and collided with the blood line. The blood line broke up and disappeared in the air.

Lu Yan suddenly stay, can't believe general.

Then vomited a big mouthful of blood, backfire suddenly poured into the body, let his originally bad body be destroyed again!

Then a large number of talismans exploded on the altar of Jieyin.

In an instant, a big hole was made in it.


The altar was almost unstable, and Lu Yan on it vomited blood.

If there is a mistake in the altar, their plan will fall short!

"Younger generation, if you let go now, you will be spared your life. Otherwise, when our king comes, you will be destroyed!"

The human figure in the sky is also aware of Ye Shuang's trouble at this time, and can't help humming coldly.

That cold hum seems to penetrate the space and go straight to Ye Shuang's mind.

In an instant, he felt that his spirit had been greatly attacked, and his mind also had a wave of pain.

He had a sweet throat and vomited blood.

"Master, are you all right?"

Ye Shuang shakes his head.

Just stare at the figure.

Apart from such a long distance can have a blow to him, we can see how strong his strength is.

If they do come here, they will survive.

Ye Shuang thinks of this matter, the vision shows dignified.

There is a way to live, but

But at this time, there was another change on the ground.

Thousands of friars have come here!

The leader of these people is yuan Fengjun.

"How are you, Mr. Ye?"

Yuan Fengjun see ye Shuang hematemesis, immediately asked.

Ye Shuang shook his head.

"What's that?" Yuan Fengjun looks at the figure in the sky.

"I noticed something unusual just now, so I rushed over."

Ye Shuang just said: "break the altar, or wait for the shadow to come down, the earth may have a catastrophe."

Ye Shuang said helplessly.

Yuan Fengjun realized the seriousness of the matter.

"All the disciples listen to the order and attack the head altar for me. Evil people do many evil things, which is against the harmony of heaven. We should get rid of them!"

As soon as the words came out, all the disciples rushed to the altar with red eyes.

At this time, ye Shuang was stunned.

Not only yuan Fengjun, but also Wan Xiuping.

Besides, there are also many disciples behind him. It can be seen that he has made preparations before.

"This is exactly what happened. Can ye Daoyou explain something?"

Even if he doesn't deal with Ye Shuang, Wan Xiuping still asks.

If it wasn't for today's accident, which made the entrance guard of the treasure land useless, he would not have come in, and he would not have found so many changes.

That countless heads also don't say, the human figure in the sky is more shocking.

As if it is easy to step down, they will become other people's feet of mud and dirt!

"I don't have time to say that you don't want to become a corpse later. Help to deal with those heads."

Ye Shuang doesn't care.


Wan Xiuping was angry.

But at this time, the momentum of Ye Shuang is much stronger than before, even he dare not easily ignore.

This feeling makes him feel

"You have broken through the solid Yuan period!"

Ye Shuang glanced at him and didn't answer.

At this time, a large number of monks around the great altar of receiving and leading, spared no effort to release their most powerful moves.

Lu Yan on the altar was in a panic.

Secretly gnash teeth, even directly cut off his head, and then with the last bit of strength to melt it in the altar.

After all, it is the body of the monks of the Yuan Dynasty, which contains a lot of Reiki essence.

In an instant, the momentum of the whole altar rose directly.

Sheng Sheng released a lot of blood light, and forced to block the attack of thousands of monks.

No sign of weakness!

Ye Shuang was surprised to see this scene.

The man of the underworld is so cruel.

Although Nalu Yan has taken away the real leader of the ice sect, his soul also lives in it. If he cuts off his head, he will not survive.

"Luyan, you have made great contributions to our blood underworld clan. I see it in my eyes. I will let your blood younger generation enjoy all the glory in the future!"

The so-called manwang in the sky gave a big drink and his eyes were sad.

Because of Lu Yan's last assistance, the Jieyin altar's speed of rushing into the earth is also greatly accelerated.

The next moment.

There was a burst of laughter in the sky.

Earth, here comes the king!

A lot of black air spread to the whole sky demon mountain, and set off waves of ripples.

Instantly, a large number of monks fell to the ground and vomited blood, and their eyes showed panic.

The ability of black Qi is so great!

Ye Shuang's eyes are dignified. He uses a defensive talisman to separate them.

However, in the past can block thousands of defense talismans, but now there are bursts of grinding teeth.

Black gas is constantly eroding the protective cover.

He yelled at the crowd.

"Together, we can break down the altar of Jieyin to prevent it from coming!"

All eyes were fierce.

Even if he was hurt by black Qi before, he still insisted on his body to cast his technique.

They all saw the power of the human shadow in the sky. When the other party really came, how could the earth stand it.

Everyone's going to die.

Wan Xiuping also put down his emotion and attacked the head with the others.

Yuan Fengjun is like this, Jiang is like this, ye Shuang is like this even more.

Only a few talismans burst out and rushed to the countless heads.

Many of these human heads and corpses were not powerful in their lifetime, but under the special technique of the underworld, they can play a very strong defensive and summoning power.

However, despite this, the huge shining, everyone's cards at this moment almost all appear, the purpose is just to break the altar.


There was a flash of light.

"Damn you

The figure, which was about to condense into substance, was suddenly unstable, and he could even be seen vomiting blood.


Many friars got excited.

"If you had done that earlier, it would have been useful, but now, it can't stop me!"

The shrill voice yelled out. In an instant, the figure was completely solidified and set foot on the earth for the first time.

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