Only when jiedan can his spirit power be greatly improved.

At that time, you can control monk Ziyun and form a battle array!

The power of battle array is to rely on the power of many people to achieve the effect of qualitative change through quantitative change.

The strongest Lin long is the peak of jiedan period. With millions of friars of Ziyun, he can fight against Yuanying!

This is what ye Shuang thinks.

But the premise is that he must have the cultivation of jiedan.

The refining of Hunyuan pill is not easy. It not only tests the alchemist's ability, but also has great requirements for materials.

There are many danfang, each of which has its own characteristics and focuses are different.

One of them can be refined from the lotus seeds of the extremely cold holy lotus!

Before eight lotus seeds, ye Shuang used a breakthrough to Guyuan period.

The remaining seven fusion, refining Hunyuan Dan, can let him directly break through jiedan!

With those herbs, ye Shuang immediately began refining without hesitation.

At this time, Wan Xiuping found yuan Fengjun.

Ask him about manwang.

Even though the two families have never been at loggerheads, they still need to share such things.

This is a foreign enemy!


Wan Xiuping smell speech is also a face surprised, this how possible!

But thinking of his opponent's incomparable momentum, he could not help but dispel his suspicions.

"How to solve it? Does Ye Shuang have a way? "

Wan Xiuping spoke.

Yuan Fengjun looked at the sky and shook his head.

"I don't know. Ye Daoyou asked me for some herbs. Maybe he is trying to find a way."

"Medicine? At this time, he is still refining medicine! A joke

Wan Xiuping immediately shook his sleeve, and his anger was obvious.

Yuan Fengjun frowned.

The words fell to the lips.

What's the point of arguing.

As soon as the baby gets better, all of them will have to disappear if there is no accident.

All hope is placed on Ye Shuang.

Yuan Fengjun thought so.

Only he, the most mysterious, even now yuan Fengjun can't see where ye Shuang's ability limit is.

He's the only variable on earth.

Yuan Fengjun has no doubt.

A day later.

The regeneration of the northwest.

Large black clouds cover half of the northwest, and this area is even spreading.

The abnormal phenomenon even makes many ordinary people panic.

Such a terrible scene is not a normal natural disaster at all!

For a while, the news media reported it.

Countless people are in a panic.

This is also the result of network management's wanton crackdown on this news.

But no matter how hard you press it, you can't hold it.

After all, the black cloud continues to spread, more and more ordinary people can see its existence.

Delete a post, there will be ten Posts appear, it is difficult to eliminate!

Yuan Fengjun was shocked.

"This man's strength recovers so fast!"

Only those friars who participated in the coming of the underworld before can understand how serious things have become.

At this time, ye Shuang is still in the process of refining Hunyuan pill.

He looked at the cauldron in front of him.

The refining of pills can't be finished in one day or two.

Even if ye Shuang is highly experienced, he can only guarantee that he will not make mistakes, but he can not speed up much.

Unless you use the legendary treasure of time.

But just think about it. It's just a dream for now.

Ye Shuang is also able to detect the external vision.

But in the end, he chose to block the news and refine Hunyuan pill at ease.

If you can't break through Dan, it's useless.

Five days later.

Black clouds have spread all over the northwest.

The Great Northwest is not the northwest mentioned before, but the vast northwest of China.

The area is even more than one million square kilometers!

Yuan Fengjun even felt that every next moment, the man king would break through the sky demon mountain and come to this world!

Finally, the worst news came.


"Elder yuan, the black cloud suddenly began to break the average speed of diffusion and spread by a large margin."

"And where it's covered by black clouds... There's no satellite signal left!"

Yuan Fengjun was shocked.

He understood what his men meant.

It is very likely that the whole northwest has been occupied, and the people in it may or may not have died.

Wu Hao is also worried now.

He couldn't calm down at the thought of his parents' death.

But ye Shuang is more worried.

Before the other party sent themselves here to settle down, they left directly.

I couldn't get in touch for several days, and I didn't know what I was doing.

"Wan Xiuping, what are you doing?"

In the eyes of the ruling, Yuan Fengjun cursed.

"Roll up and leave?"

Wan Xiu gave yuan Fengjun a glance.

"What else? The manwang is about to call. When will he wait now? "

He had a premonition that the first trouble the underworld people had to find after they recovered was the eye of judgment.

There are so many sect monks in it.

It can be said that as long as you control the eye of judgment, you will not be far away from controlling the earth.

It was because of this worry that Wan Xiuping wanted to take his disciples away.

"Everyone is in danger. If you don't think of a way, it's just... Where can you escape?"

Yuan Fengjun spoke.

Wan Xiuping gave a cold hum.

"It's nothing to escape to, at least not to stay here!"


Wan Xiuping was waiting for a large number of his elite disciples to flee. He was very secretive and didn't disturb too many people when he left.

He actually has a place to go.


Wan Xiuping's eyes brightened.

In his early years, he had an adventure in Antarctica. He knew that there was a place in it, which was a small complete secret place. It was basically isolated from the outside world!

As long as you go there and multiply slowly, you don't have to worry about the earth's problems!

This is his wishful thinking.

I never wanted to surrender to that manwang.

No matter how stupid he is, he can't do that!

"Keep up, everyone. As long as we get to the south pole, we don't have to worry about the ups and downs of the earth!"

At this point, he suddenly sighed.

If possible, he would not.

Although the place is hidden, there are not many resources, and the area is far less than that of Huaxia.

That is to say, he has few people to take with him, and he can continue to dominate.

Otherwise, it must be more subdued!

"God damn it

Wan Xiuping gave a cold hum, pointing to the sky.

"Keep up with me, don't whine!"


Ye Shuang opens his eyes, showing excitement in his eyes.

Hunyuan Dan, it's about to take shape.

Now it's the most crucial step!

Pinch a magic formula, as if a catalyst in general.


The surrounding environment changed.

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