In the eyes of judgment, in the past confrontation with cangjian Valley, although he was mostly in a weak position.

But since I am in a high position, it will make some people worry.

Naturally, they also put some of their own dead men in each other's people.

Among those elites who were taken by Wan Xiuping to escape before, one of them happened to be selected by him.

The man had a jade slip that could record the surrounding environment. It was a pair of jade slips in Yuan Fengjun's hands.

He can receive what happens over there in real time.

So I saw the tragedy when the other party died.


His subordinates came quickly, "elder yuan, what's the matter?"

"Quick, inform all the elders, open the eyes of the verdict, now!"

After finishing this sentence, Yuan Fengjun quickly said: "forget it, I'd better go myself!"

Then he staggered to the outside, leaving one of his men in place.

He didn't know how the steady elder yuan suddenly became like this.

After half a column of incense.

Yuan Fengjun convinced all the elders, and then directly started the battle.

In fact, there have been setbacks.

For example, some people think it's too expensive to start a big battle and it's not worth it.

But all of these, after he showed the video screen of the man Wang who killed Wan Xiuping and others on the jade slips, everyone shut up.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the verdict burst into rays, the earth kept shaking, and the huge array was immediately formed and fully opened.

"From now on, the eye of judgment is in level one combat readiness!"

A bell rings, and an old voice spreads, reaching everyone's ears.

Whether it's closed, or in other things, people are all interrupted.

Everyone was shocked.

What is the concept of level 1 combat readiness? It can only be opened when the eye of judgment reaches the point of life and death.

But now

Many people think of the spreading big black clouds in the northwest and begin to guess.

"Hahaha, earth's mole ants, I didn't expect you to prepare so soon! It'll give you a good look! "

In the distance, an overbearing voice came from the sky.

The huge sound waves collide with the big array, and instantly set off ripples.

If it wasn't for this ruling, it's estimated that most of the low rank friars' eardrums would be broken.

If you are deaf, it is light. Maybe someone will die directly.

This is Yuanying!

The strength is far beyond ordinary people's understanding!

Yuan Fengjun worried, this so-called big array, really can resist the invasion of each other?

That's what everyone thinks.

"Today, let's see the power of my underworld! To me, your proud array is just... Eggshell! "


Manwang lashed out his genuine Qi and directly collided with Dazhen.

Everyone seemed to feel as if the world had broken down and their bodies were shaking.

And when they put their attention on the big formation again, they were all stunned.

Dazhen... Has a sign of rupture.

This is enough to resist the long-term attack of Jindan period. In the hands of manwang, it's not a united enemy!

This is what it looks like in just one round!

After that, manwang didn't grind Ji any more, and he waved a few genuine Qi again.

It's about breaking the shell.

But what surprised him was that even though most of the battle had been broken, Shengsheng insisted that it had not been completely broken.

Yuan Fengjun tried to calm himself down.

The reason why this array can become the guardian array of the eye of judgment is that it has its ability.

If it's not Yuanying, but a jiedan friar, this big formation can even turn defense into attack and kill him!

Even the top friar of jiedan!

But it happened that a yuan baby came.

And this is not a level of things, the strength of the most common Yuanying is beyond the average jiedan friar.

What's more, manwang is obviously a senior among Yuanying, and his strength is stronger.

This is such a big array. It seems that it can barely hold on.

But only yuan Fengjun knows how much energy the array consumed to resist the manwang's attacks.

Comparable to the past ten years' financial revenue of the ruling eye!

If it's just like this, this array has been overloaded. Maybe the next attack will be directly broken!

"Damn it

Manwang saw that his attacks were ineffective, and he was angry after all.

When I was serious for the first time, a large black cloud formed on my hand, forming a huge black mass.

Then he lifted it up.


The black ball smashed on the array's shield and made an earth shaking sound.


This time, the array only lasted for three seconds, then it broke directly.

But there was still a lot of Yuan Ying's spirit on the black group, which went straight to the monks in the eyes of the verdict.

a moment.

The black air dissipated, and the number of monks in the eye of judgment decreased by 10%.

Those friars, like Wan Xiuping and others, became mummies, and their blood had been sucked away by the man king.

"That's enjoyment!"

Man Wang narrowed his eyes and laughed.

Yuan Fengjun's mood sank to the bottom of his heart.

He knew it was hopeless.

The eye of judgment is coming to an end.


Yuan Fengjun suddenly raised his head, he thought of a person.

Ye Shuang.

If he is there, will it bring a glimmer of hope!

This person has given him too many surprises. He never said in his life that he couldn't see through any person. He could more or less see the details.

But ye Shuang is the only one.

He thought of the talisman of fate that the other side had cast before in TIANYAO mountain, and Shengsheng blocked the manwang's attack for a long time.

I didn't feel it personally before, I didn't feel much.

At the moment, he found that this manwang's random Qi could destroy the eye of judgment. Only when he realized how strong Ye Shuang's talisman was.

"And Mr. Ye? He said before that he had gone to make medicine, but now there is no news? "

Yuan Fengjun asked his men in a hurry, his face flushed.

His hand shook his head with a bitter smile: "No."

"And now all around have been surrounded by the momentum of the yuan baby, there is no signal to go out."

Yuan Fengjun's heart sank and his face turned to ashes.

At this time, ye Shuang is here.

Large pieces of fragrance spread directly to the whole city at an extreme speed.

People who were still immersed in the doomsday public opinion triggered by the black cloud were shocked when they smelled this breath.

There are people who cry directly.

When the pressure is too big to support, as long as a point, that point appears, it will bring light to people's heart.

The fragrance of Hunyuan pill has just played such a role for many people.

He was pleasantly surprised to see the Hunyuan pill that had been refined in front of him. His eyes were full of light.

Now he is in the city, far away from the eyes of the verdict, but he can also feel the strong yuan baby's pressure from that direction, and his mind is urgent.

Swallow the pill directly and start refining immediately.

As long as you enter the golden elixir, you will be saved!

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