"Sigh, Ya Qi. Th-don't be angry yet. I think so. How about you let Ye Shuang try it out first? There's not much time left anyway."

Sister Hua also did not expect that this conflict would suddenly escalate. Facing her best friend's request, she frowned. With a helpless expression on her face, she tried to persuade Wei Ya Qi.

This damnable Ye Shuang, why did he always act so abruptly and insolently? Sigh, is there something you can't discuss before proceeding with the next step? Between the father and daughter pair of her best friend, Sister Hua was also extremely depressed. She even started to inwardly blame Ye Shuang.

However, from Ye Shuang's performance at the banquet just now, Sister Hua felt that he should give this fella a chance. Moreover, it was just a few talismans, so even if there was no effect, there shouldn't be any accidents!

"Sister Hua, you!" "How can you also be like this? Fine, fine, you all actually believe this swindler. Today, I want to see just what ability he has, but I'm warning you all, if you delay my mother's condition, then I won't let this guy off even if I die today!"

Seeing that her best friend was also trying to persuade her, Wei Ya Qi was so angry that her entire body was trembling. In the end, she had no choice but to agree.

After all, she knew her father was capable. Under such circumstances, even if she went to the police, she could not do anything about it.

Wei YaQi even had a thought. If Ye Shuang really could not save her mother, she would not let this guy off, even if she had to risk her life.

Seeing Wei YaQi agree with him, Ye Shuang did not say anything else. He took a deep breath and slowly placed the charms he had just finished onto She Lihua's face and limbs in order. Then, he started to mutter an incantation.

For Ye Shuang, the situation just now was indeed a bit urgent. When Wei YaQi and her daughter were talking, Ye Shuang, who had sharp senses, could clearly hear it. Although he did not know what the hormone was, Ye Shuang knew in his heart that any of the drugs were fatal poisons to She Lihua.

Fortunately, he still managed to finish drawing the talismans in time. Just as he was about to leave, he saw that Doctor Hao was about to inject a medicine into She Lihua, so he quickly acted to stop her from doing anything.

At that time, Ye Shuang knew in her heart that if that drug was really injected, not even the Great Firmament Deity would be able to save She Lihua.

This time, She Lihua's situation was truly complicated, so Ye Shuang spent all of his resources on these talismans. These talismans were all poison dispelling talismans written with his own blood, and they were even used to form a few talismans together to form a formation array in order to achieve the greatest effect. That was why Ye Shuang's face was pale from losing so much blood.

Therefore, Ye Shuang would only make a move after he had obtained Wei Ya's approval. Otherwise, if he did not use any magic, and this crazy woman came up to him and tore the talisman apart, then he would really be done for.

At this moment, under the gazes of everyone in the room, Ye Shuang began to concentrate as he muttered to himself, his fingers also constantly changing hand seals in the air. However, She Lihua, who was lying on the bed, did not react at all, causing everyone else to have different thoughts.

Wei YaQi continued to look at Ye Shuang angrily. She felt that this guy was lying. Such god-like actions, could he even save her mother's life? This was a bit too child's play.

Seeing Ye Shuang's actions, that Doctor Hao laughed in contempt and shook his head. He then mumbled something to Wei YaQi in a foreign language.

"What did he say?"

When Wei San saw this person's tone, he felt that this was not a good thing to say and once again asked curiously.

Due to the fact that he had seen Ye Shuang save someone before, of the few people present, only Wei San had the highest level of trust in Ye Shuang. However, even so, Wei San was still a bit worried.

"He, he said he did not expect that he would still be able to see the ancient eastern witchcraft show in the 21st century. If this can cure his illness, then he will have to inject the hormone in his hand."

At this time, Sister Hua had an awkward tone as she continued to translate to Wei San.

Ye Shuang's godly scene also made Sister Hua suspicious. This guy's actions this time were a little unreliable. Was this really okay?

"Hmph, Dad, Sister Hua, you guys finally saw it. With this guy's appearance, do you think she can save my mother? If such a liar really saved my mother, I, I will be willing to be his slave for the rest of my life! "

When Wei YaQi saw Ye Shuang's nonchalant look, she could not help but snort in disdain. Following that, she also immediately sent out a FLAG.

Ah!" Ya Qi, look!

However, just as Wei Ya Qi finished her sentence, Sister Hua, who was staring at Ye Shuang together, suddenly pointed at the bed in front of her and cried out in surprise.

It turned out that as Ye Shuang muttered some incantations, the few charms actually flashed with a weak red light, and She Lihua, who was lying on the bed, seemed to move her lips.

"What's wrong!" Sister Hua? "

Wei YaQi, on the other hand, was too emotional just now to notice her mother's reaction. At this moment, she also thought that something had happened to her mother, so she hurriedly turned around and asked with a worried tone.

"Auntie, auntie seems to be waking up!"

Sister Hua rubbed her eyes. She felt that it wasn't real, so she said with an uncertain tone.

After all, the scene just now was truly unbelievable. Even though Sister Hua came from a large family and had seen a lot, it still exceeded his knowledge.

"What? Big sis Hua, don't tell me that you've been brainwashed by this guy as well …"

"Ah, how can this be!"

Hearing Sister Hua's words, Wei Ya Qi's tone was filled with disapproval. However, before she could finish her sentence, she saw the most shocking scene.

At this moment, She Lihua who was lying on the bed, unexpectedly opened her eyes slowly. She had a puzzled look on her face as she looked at everyone in the room!

"Mom!" "You're finally awake!"

Upon seeing this, Wei YaQi was overjoyed. Tears welled up in her eyes as she threw herself at her mother's bedside, holding her mother's hand and speaking passionately.

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