On the other side, Su Zirui was the first to be pushed out of the operating room.

Her injuries were not serious, just a slight concussion and a broken arm.

There were no other major problems, just a period of rest.

At this time, Su Zirui was still in a coma.

After repeatedly confirming with the doctor several times, Su Zining let the nurse push Su Zirui into the ward with confidence.

Su Zijin next door was not so lucky.

Because of the serious injury, he was pushed out three hours after Su Zirui was pushed out of the operating room.

However, when he was pushed out, a burst of firecrackers sounded outside.

Seeing this, Su Zhengguo frowned slightly, his family had encountered such a disaster.

On the other hand, others were celebrating in the middle of the night, it seemed that there must be some happy event.

Su Zhengguo was naturally a little unhappy.

Why did I encounter a disaster, but you had a happy event?

However, Su Zhengguo did not say anything, but went forward to check Su Zijin's condition.

When he saw Su Zijin's body full of scars and his left leg wrapped in gauze.

This made his body tremble slightly, and he couldn't help but clench his fists.

Liu Fang, who was standing aside, had already burst into tears at this moment, crying heartbreakingly.

Not bragging, this is even more sad than the death of her own son.

Even when Su Ziyue was so seriously injured at that time, she didn't cry so sadly.

"The patient's left leg was broken when he jumped out of the car, and then he was run over by the car driver again.

The second injury caused a slight limb amputation, so... the patient's leg is probably going to be useless."

Hearing this, Liu Fang fell to the ground immediately, her eyes full of disbelief.

She couldn't accept this result, and she didn't want to see Su Zijin end up disabled for the rest of his life.

So, Liu Fang climbed up again with difficulty, then looked at the doctor, and said in a voice that was almost begging:

"Doctor, please think of a way to cure my son's leg, no matter how much money it costs,

Please think of a way, my son can't live without this leg."

Hearing this, the doctor shook his head repeatedly, then sighed and said softly:

"Family member, I can understand your feelings, but I can't do anything about this matter."

After that, the doctor directly passed Liu Fang and others and left the operating room.

After hearing the doctor's words, Liu Fang also completely collapsed.

It was as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

At this time, the fireworks outside were still going on, causing the nurses on duty in the hospital to look out through the window.

"Hey, hero, what happy thing is it that you have to come here to set off fireworks?"

On the other side, at a camping site, Fatty Wang looked at Su Xiaoyao with a puzzled look and asked.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyao smiled, but did not speak.

As if he was still immersed in his own joy.

Seeing this, Xu Jie on the side poked Wang Pangzi's arm and winked:

"Look at how happy he is, he must have already decided on his lifelong relationship with Sister Wanxia,

otherwise, why is he standing there laughing foolishly?"

Hearing this, Wang Pangzi touched his chin pretentiously, then nodded, looked at Xu Jie and agreed:

"That's right, since he came here, the smile on his face has never stopped,

it seems that he has already decided, yes, that must be the case."

Seeing this, Su Xiaoyao on the side finally Tianshang retracted his gaze, then looked at the two of them, and said with a smile:

"What are you two whispering about?"

After hearing this, Fatty Wang glared at Su Xiaoyao unhappily, and then said:

"I say, you are a dishonest boy. I know that you and Sister Wanxia are very happy together,

but why don't you two celebrate your relationship with Sister Wanxia by yourselves?

You have to drag us brothers into this, don't you know that we are still single dogs? You have to do this to us?"

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, as if he had guessed what the two were thinking.

He immediately shook his head to deny that it was not this matter.

However, Su Xiaoyao was about to explain.

Unexpectedly, Lin Wanxia suddenly took his arm and said proudly:

"What? Aren't we happy?"

Seeing this, Fatty Wang and Xu Jie looked at Su Xiaoyao with contempt, as if saying:

"Pretend, keep pretending, Sister Wanxia has admitted it, how dare you pretend?"

Hearing this,

, Su Xiaoyao shook his head helplessly.

Then he told the two about Su Zijin's car accident.

However, after hearing this, Fatty Wang immediately looked at Xu Jie and said:

"That... Jie Zi, where is the designated driver you brought?"

Hearing this, Xu Jie frowned and said:

"It's in the car, what's wrong?"

"You asked him to drive to buy some more firecrackers."

After hearing Fatty Wang's words, Xu Jie looked at Fatty Wang awkwardly, and then said:

"That... I have spent all my pocket money, do you have any?"

Hearing this, Fatty Wang paused, as if he had made some kind of decision.

Then he took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Xu Jie, and then said with a painful face:

"Tell him to buy it for me according to the money in the card, damn it, I won't live with it..."


The next morning, Su Zirui had already woken up from his coma.

It's just that her behavior today was a little strange. Since she woke up, she has been staring at the ceiling in the ward in a daze.

And her face and temperament are different from before.

It seems that she has matured a lot overnight, and she actually has a kind of sadness that is not in line with her peers.

However, just as she was in a daze, the door of the ward was suddenly opened.

Then Liu Fang walked in aggressively.

Then she slapped Su Zirui without saying anything, and said viciously:

"Su Zirui, why did you let your brother take your car? Do you know that you ruined his second half of his life?"

Hearing this, Su Zirui slowly turned his head and looked at Liu Fang.

But there was no emotion in her eyes, as if she was looking at a stranger.

And her emotions did not fluctuate much.

Just looked at Liu Fang quietly, but did not speak.

Seeing this, Liu Fang still refused to give up, and immediately wanted to step forward and tear her apart.

However, it was seen by Su Zining who had just come back from buying breakfast.

Without saying anything, Su Zining immediately stepped forward and stopped Liu Fang.

"What are you going to do? Zirui is still injured, and you, as a mother, treat her like this?"

Hearing this, Liu Fang's eyes instantly turned red, and then she said indignantly:

"What about Zijin? Zijin's second half of life has been ruined. Have you ever thought about Zijin?"

"The brake system failed, and he was hit by a car. Which of these things was done by Zirui?

Why don't you go find the real murderer instead of running here to embarrass Zirui?"

Hearing this, Liu Fang's reason became clearer, and then she said to herself:

"Yes, the murderer, the driver of the car is also the murderer. When I find him, I must make him live a life worse than death."

However, just as Liu Fang finished speaking, she was suddenly interrupted by a teasing voice.

"Oh? Are you going to make me live a life worse than death?"

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