The truth is, you can't be sure of that.

"You don't know?"

Fatty Wang looked at Su Zihan with some doubt and asked.

"It was obviously my brother Zijin who saved me, how could it be possible...?"

Before Su Zihan finished speaking, she heard Fatty Wang snort coldly and interrupted her.

"Heh... Su Zijin? Did he tell you?"

Su Zihan didn't answer, but stared at Fatty Wang, motioning him to continue.

"If Su Zijin told you, then you should be careful of him.

If I'm not mistaken, this guy got along well with those gangsters back then."

"It's just that I didn't know the relationship between you and Xiaoyao at that time, and Xiaoyao didn't let me tell you, and your Su family's affairs have nothing to do with me.

At most, we have a cooperative relationship in the family, so I don't bother to care about your affairs."

"However, Xiaoyao is my brother. Now that I know the truth, I have to seek justice for him."

Indeed, Fatty Wang didn't know about Su Xiaoyao at that time. Every time he mentioned this to Su Xiaoyao.

He always perfunctorily passed it over, so at that time he only knew that he was an orphan, and nothing else.

Fatty Wang looked at Su Zihan coldly and continued expressionlessly:

"In fact, when you were blocked in the alley, Xiaoyao and I were nearby, and of course Xu Jie,

At that time, we wanted to help you call the police, and whether you could hold on until the police arrived depended on your luck, but Xiaoyao was so anxious at this time,

He grabbed my school uniform and covered his head, then sent the two of us away, asking us to find someone, and he would hold those hooligans back."

"But we are brothers, how could we bear to let him go by himself? I went to deal with those thugs myself,

But he said that if it was for his own good, then don't go over there,

Although Xu Jie and I were a little strange at the time, we didn't think he was joking, so we just listened to him and went out to find someone,

But when we found him, he had already fainted not far from the infirmary due to excessive blood loss,

When he was unconscious, I heard him repeating a sentence, do you know what it was? "

At this point, Fatty Wang paused, looked at Su Zihan and asked.

Su Zihan heard this, looked at Fatty Wang with red eyes, and asked in a trembling voice:

"What...what did he say?"

After hearing this, Fatty Wang showed a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, and said coldly:

"He said, don't let my big sister know, if she knows, she will ignore me... "

"Teacher Su, if I'm not mistaken, you are the big sister he said, right?"

When he said this, Su Zihan had already burst into tears, but he still couldn't believe it.

Now, she would rather believe that the person who saved her that day was not Su Xiaoyao, but someone else.

Because she couldn't accept it. If it was really Su Xiaoyao who saved her, then what had she done to Su Xiaoyao over the years?

If it was really Su Xiaoyao who saved her, then Su Xiaoyao would never forgive her for what she had done over the years.

"Impossible... This is impossible..."

At this point, she could only deceive herself.

Seeing this, Fatty Wang sneered:

"Teacher Su, I told you what I said. It's up to you to believe it or not. I just want to tell you that Xiaoyao is really good to you.

Don't wait until you really lose this family relationship before you regret it."

"And... maybe... you have already lost it now..."

After that, Fatty Wang left without looking back...

Only Su Zihan, who was standing outside the teaching building with red eyes and a daze, was left...

"Scar... yes, scar..."

After a long time, Su Zihan came back to her senses and whispered softly.

She then wiped her tears and went straight to the classroom where Su Xiaoyao was.

Everyone in the classroom was studying, including Su Xiaoyao.

At this moment, he was taking notes with his head down, and suddenly heard the door open. Those who came to class at this time were either teachers or late students.

Sure enough, when he looked up, he found that it was Fatty Wang. Fatty Wang met his eyes after entering the room.

But Su Xiaoyao saw guilt in Fatty Wang's eyes.

This surprised him very much. He couldn't understand why Fatty Wang looked at him.

It would be this look.

He simply stopped thinking about it, lowered his head, and continued to take notes.

The college entrance examination was about to begin, and he couldn't be careless at this time.

At this time, another sound of a door opening rang out...

With Wang Pangzi as a precedent, Su Xiaoyao didn't even raise his head this time.

He might have thought that there were other classmates who were late like Wang Pangzi, or that the teacher had come, but these had nothing to do with him.

He just wanted to study now, and no one wanted to disturb him.

But as the footsteps got closer, he instinctively raised his head.

Seeing that it was Su Zihan with red eyes, he was stunned for a moment.

But in this moment of daze, Su Zihan had come behind him.

Without saying anything, she suddenly stepped forward and lifted up Su Xiaoyao's clothes from behind, and also saw the hideous scar on Su Xiaoyao's back...

At this moment, her tears fell like a flood, and one hand trembled to cover her lips to prevent herself from crying.

There was also guilt and pain in her eyes when she looked at Su Xiaoyao.

Su Xiaoyao reacted and broke free from her, looking at her coldly, and said in a cold voice:

"Teacher Su, what are you doing?"

However, Su Zihan couldn't bear it anymore at this moment, and took Su Xiaoyao's hand and walked out.

Su Xiaoyao was caught off guard by her sudden move, and staggered when he was pulled by him, and was pulled out by her in almost three or two steps.

"Let me go, what are you going to do?"

Su Xiaoyao finally broke free from Su Zihan's hand, looked at Su Zihan and said angrily.

"Teacher Su, if you are sick, please go to the hospital and don't bother me..."

After saying that, Su Xiaoyao turned around and was about to leave. He really didn't want to continue to entangle with this suddenly crazy woman.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Su Xiaoyao turned around, a hand grabbed his arm again.

Su Xiaoyao broke free again. This time he didn't spare any strength. He directly threw Su Zihan and staggered, and then looked at her angrily.

"Brother Xiaoyao, follow me. I'll go apply medicine for you."

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyao understood what was going on and snorted coldly:

"No, it's already healed. Teacher Su doesn't need to worry about it."

"No, brother Xiaoyao, listen to me. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. I was wrong..."

"Sorry, Teacher Su, I don't understand what you are saying."

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