On the other side, Huang Guoda had already been discharged from the hospital and was waiting for the driver to pick him up at the hospital gate.

However, Su Xiaoyao happened to bring Lin Wanxia to the hospital to change the dressing.

However, when Su Xiaoyao saw Huang Guoda, he immediately smiled, stepped forward, and took the initiative to greet him.

"Hey~ Isn't this Chairman Huang? What's wrong? Did someone beat him up?"

Hearing this, Huang Guoda immediately turned around and looked at Su Xiaoyao with a smile on his face. He always felt that his smile was a bit gloating.

But he also knew what he had done wrong, so he could only smile and joke:

"Chairman Su is joking, it's just... I just accidentally fell last night."

"Oh? Fell, Chairman Huang fell pretty badly."

Su Xiaoyao's face was meaningful, and he was still trying to hold back his laughter.

Don't blame him, because Huang Guoda looked a little funny at this time.

There was a big circle of gauze wrapped around his head, and there were several lumps on his head.

At the same time, his legs were also wrapped with several circles of gauze, which looked even more serious than Lin Wanxia's.

Listening to Su Xiaoyao's words, Huang Guoda's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Then he directly changed the topic, looked at Lin Wanxia on the side, and asked knowingly:

"What are Chairman Su and General Manager Lin doing here?"

Hearing this, Lin Wanxia did not speak, but just glanced at him with cold eyes.

However, Su Xiaoyao on the side would not miss this opportunity to point fingers at someone else.

"Hey~ You don't know, my wife was almost hit by a car yesterday, but fortunately she was lucky and only had some scratches."

"But my mother-in-law said that this matter might not be that simple, and someone must have instructed him to do this,

It's a pity that we haven't found out who this person is yet, otherwise I would have smashed his head and broken his legs,"

"It's really weird, my wife is so beautiful, he has the heart to do it,

I guess he must have been hurt by beautiful women, so he can't stand people who look good. ,

And this guy, without the experience of having a beautiful wife cheating on him, would never do such a thing. "

"I'm telling you... Hey, Chairman Huang, where are you going?"

Just as Su Xiaoyao was blasting, Huang Guoda seemed to be unable to listen anymore, and then limped away from here, and then there was another voice:

"Chairman Su, I'm leaving first, let's talk another day."

Seeing this, Su Xiaoyao sneered, then spat fiercely in the direction of Huang Guoda's departure, and then looked at Lin Wanxia on the side.

But who knew that Lin Wanxia was looking at him with suspicion at this time, and then whispered meaningfully:

"Tell me honestly, did you cause the injury on his body?"

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyao was stunned, and then subconsciously said:

"How did you know?"

As soon as the words came out, Su Xiaoyao covered his mouth, and then looked at Lin Wanxia with some embarrassment.

Seeing this, Lin Wanxia smiled, not as angry as Li Jingwen.

Instead, she pinched Su Xiaoyao's face playfully and praised:

"Well done."

Su Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then said with some ill intentions:

"Does the wife have any reward?"

However, after hearing this, Lin Wanxia looked around, and then her face flushed and she lay down beside Su Xiaoyao's ear and said something.

Su Xiaoyao's eyes instantly lit up, and then he picked up Lin Wanxia and ran towards the hospital.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and change the medicine, and go home after changing the medicine..."

On the other side, Huang Guoda returned home quickly, but the first thing he did when he got home was not to find Wang Xiaoxiao.

Instead, he went to the basement again, and seeing his gloomy face, he was probably going to vent his anger on Su Zijin again.

Sure enough, when Huang Guoda closed the door, Su Zijin's screams came from inside instantly.

After a long time, Huang Guoda was seen panting and sitting on the iron bed, while Su Zijin was curled up in the corner, shivering.

Seeing this, Huang Guoda glanced around, and when he saw that yesterday's food had been eaten up, he suddenly smiled.

Then he looked at Su Zijin and said in a somewhat sarcastic tone:

"Su Zijin, you are really cheap, you really ate all this to survive?"

Hearing this, Su Zijin did not speak, but he looked at Huang Guoda with fear in his eyes.

Seeing this,

Huang Guoda smiled, as if he had done something very accomplished.

Then he came to Su Zijin's side and said meaningfully:

"Dad will leave here soon."

Upon hearing this, Su Zijin's eyes lit up instantly, thinking that he would finally not have to suffer Huang Guoda's abuse.

However, Huang Guoda's next words made him fall into despair again.

"But don't worry, Dad will definitely take you with him."

Upon hearing this, Su Zijin's eyes dimmed again instantly.

Seeing this, Huang Guoda seemed to be crazy again, pinching Su Zijin's chin, gritting his teeth and speaking:

"But do you know that all this is because of you?

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have left like a dog."

However, after hearing this, Su Zijin laughed like a madman, and said with some sarcasm:

"Huang Guoda, you are a complete loser, you were before and you are still now.

You couldn't keep my mother's heart before, and you can't keep these industries in your hands now.

It's so pitiful, hahahaha..."

At this moment, Su Zijin was like a madman, constantly laughing at Huang Guoda, as if he wanted to completely anger him.

Yes, just now he finally saw the last glimmer of hope to escape, but now it is completely shattered.

Su Zijin's heart had already collapsed, trying to use this to retaliate against Huang Guoda and satisfy his own pleasure.

Sure enough, Huang Guoda's face darkened instantly after hearing this, and his eyes gradually became angry when he looked at Su Zijin.

"How dare you laugh at me? You are a waste, what qualifications do you have to laugh at me?"

Huang Guoda grabbed Su Zijin's collar, shook it back and forth, and shouted loudly with gritted teeth.

Such a scene is really interesting, a father and a son.

At this moment, they are like crazy, exposing each other's shortcomings, and no one will spare anyone.

"You are right, I am indeed a waste, but how can you be better than me?

You are also a waste, a coward, who can't even keep your own things. No wonder my mother abandoned you."

Su Zijin looked at Huang Guoda with crazy eyes, his face full of mockery.

Hearing this, Huang Guoda was so angry that he overturned Su Zijin's wheelchair on the spot, and then punched and kicked him.

It was as if he wanted to vent all the anger in his heart.

However, this time, Su Zijin no longer cried heartbreakingly.

There was only a crazy look and laughter, as if the person being beaten was not himself.

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