After school, Su Xiaoyao came to the infirmary.

"Sister Wanxia?"

He called tentatively, but no one responded for a long time. Just as he was about to leave, a clear voice rang in the dressing room.

"Brother Xiaoyao, I'm changing clothes, wait for me for a while."

After hearing this, Su Xiaoyao's ears turned red, and he stammered:

"Uh... OK... OK"

After a while, a beautiful figure appeared in front of Su Xiaoyao and smiled at Su Xiaoyao:

"Let's go, brother Xiaoyao."

Su Xiaoyao looked at the woman in front of him, a little stunned, and then followed her footsteps.

Her name is Lin Wanxia, ​​and Su Xiaoyao met her in a small alley outside the orphanage.

That year, Su Xiaoyao was 16 years old. He happened to pass by that small alley after school and saw a group of gangsters surrounding a girl named Yining, and they kept saying frivolous words.

The girl was forced to retreat continuously until she was forced into a corner, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Su Xiaoyao rushed over, pushed the gangsters away, and then protected the girl behind him, confronting them.

However, the 16-year-old Su Xiaoyao was no match for the gangsters, and he was knocked to the ground in a few strokes.

At that time, Su Xiaoyao's eyes were clear and firm, and he protected the girl tightly under his body.

It was not until the gangsters were tired that they found that Su Xiaoyao's face was covered with blood. Fearing that something might happen, several gangsters rushed to escape.

Since then, the woman often waited for Su Xiaoyao in the alley. She would bring all kinds of food for Su Xiaoyao. After watching Su Xiaoyao wolf down all the food in his hand, she would also show a touch of heartache and determination.

From some day on, she never waited for Su Xiaoyao in the alley again, so she came to the orphanage where Su Xiaoyao was, and learned that he had been found by his biological parents.

Her expression was a little dazed, as if she was happy for Su Xiaoyao, but also seemed a little reluctant.

But since then, she has never seen Su Xiaoyao again... The dean did not tell where Su Xiaoyao was taken...

Along the way, Lin Wanxia kept looking up at Su Xiaoyao, sometimes staring at Su Xiaoyao's face in a daze, and sometimes smiling with her head down.

Su Xiaoyao felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, so he asked:

"Sister Wanxia, ​​why... why do you always smile at me?"

"Ah? Well... I'm happy, yes, happy, you've grown so tall after so many years, I'm happy for you."

Lin Wanxia replied, and she didn't forget to tiptoe and touch Su Xiaoyao's head.

Su Xiaoyao's ears turned red by this action, and then he quickened his pace...

On the dining table, Su Xiaoyao looked at the menus with high prices and felt a little nervous. After a dry cough, he said carefully:

"That... Sister Wanxia, ​​this... this is too expensive, how about... let's go to another one?"

After hearing this, Lin Wanxia laughed and said in a doting tone:

"Don't worry, brother Xiaoyao, I have money."

There was no way, Su Xiaoyao had to bite the bullet and order a few slightly cheaper dishes.

He was worried about the money, but Lin Wanxia didn't care. After ordering more than a dozen expensive dishes, she asked the waiter to serve the dishes. This action made Su Xiaoyao stunned. Is she so rich?

Perhaps seeing Su Xiaoyao's doubts, Lin Wanxia poured him a glass of water and said something.

"My last name is Lin......"

Su Xiaoyao was a little confused by this sentence and pouted.

"Don't I know your last name is Lin?"

But he reacted immediately, looked at Lin Wanxia in shock, and said tentatively.

" are, that Lin family?"

Lin Wanxia did not answer, but looked at Su Xiaoyao and chuckled, then nodded.


Su Xiaoyao's mind was blank all of a sudden.

Lin Group, a real leading enterprise, a real estate tycoon, almost monopolized all the markets in the industry, and its power was even stronger than that of the Su family.

It can be said that if the Su family is compared with the Lin family, the Su family is just a younger brother among younger brothers, and there is no comparison between the two.

"Brother Xiaoyao, don't stare at me like that. The Lin family is the Lin family, I am me, and I am still your sister Wanxia."

Perhaps Su Xiaoyao was too shocked and didn't realize that

He kept staring at Lin Wanxia.

After realizing that his emotions were a little out of control, Su Xiaoyao began to change the subject and continued to ask:

"Then, Sister Wanxia, ​​if your family and background are so good, why do you still come to work in the school's infirmary?"

Hearing this, Lin Wanxia took a sip of the water in the cup and answered naturally:

"I opened that infirmary. Our Lin Group will donate some money to this school every year, so it will be very convenient to do things. Opening a small infirmary is nothing.

As for why I came here to work... ..."

Speaking of this, Lin Wanxia looked at Su Xiaoyao's face, chuckled, and then said:

"I came here to find a very important person in my life, but now I have found it... ..."

After that, she lowered her head slightly, and if you look closely, her ears are still a little red.

Su Xiaoyao looked at Lin Wanxia with some envy. She could easily open a medical clinic in the school, and she said it lightly. He thought to himself:

"Rich people are so willful."

Obviously, he didn't notice the point of Lin Wanxia's words...

Soon, the table was filled with delicious food, and Su Xiaoyao was drooling.

Lin Wanxia, ​​who was standing by, smiled and said softly:

"Eat quickly, it will be cold soon."

After hearing this, Su Xiaoyao rolled up his sleeves and started to eat voraciously.

Lin Wanxia said nothing, just quietly drank tea, watching Su Xiaoyao eating voraciously, and couldn't help but smile.

This scene reminded her of the past when she brought food to Su Xiaoyao in the alley, and Su Xiaoyao was eating voraciously just like now.

At the same time, a dark look flashed in her bright eyes.

For a long time... Perhaps Su Xiaoyao felt that he was not doing this properly, so he looked up at Lin Wan'er awkwardly, coughed and said:

"That... Sister Wan'er, I'm sorry, my eating style is a bit... ..."

Lin Wanxia reacted and smiled:

"It's okay, sister doesn't mind, but you still have to eat slowly, don't choke."

The tone was full of doting.

After hearing this, Su Xiaoyao's eyes were a little sour, but he still held back his tears. It was the first time in many years that someone cared about him so much.

Lin Wanxia looked at the young man in front of her and opened her mouth more than once. She wanted to ask Su Xiaoyao how he had been doing these years and what he had experienced.

But when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

Because she knew that Su Xiaoyao must have had a very difficult time these years, and she could see it from his face.

He didn't like to laugh as much as before. Even if he laughed now, it was very forced. He had lost the innocence of the past, but instead had a touch of sadness.

And combined with the diagnosis in the infirmary today, she concluded that Su Xiaoyao had not lived well in recent years, and might have been abused.

But she didn't dare to easily uncover the secrets of Su Xiaoyao. She was afraid that Su Xiaoyao would be sad because of the past, so these questions could only be understood slowly.

"Wow~~~ Third sister, this restaurant is so big. I will come here often to eat in the future."

"Okay, okay, as long as brother Zijin likes it, sister will bring you here often in the future."

Just as Xu Chao was eating, two inappropriate voices rang out. Su Xiaoyao's hand holding the chopsticks paused, but soon returned to normal.

Lin Wanxia on the opposite side noticed Su Xiaoyao's actions and was a little confused, but she didn't say anything.

"Eh~~~ That back figure looks like Brother Xiaoyao?"

Su Xiaoyao cursed inwardly, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he raised his head and put down his chopsticks. Under Lin Wanxia's puzzled gaze, he slowly took a stack of tissues and wiped his mouth.

"(Su Xiaoyao) Brother Xiaoyao..."

Sure enough, the third sister Su Zining took Su Zijin's hand and came to Su Xiaoyao's table, and asked in a puzzled tone:

"Su Xiaoyao, why are you here?"

Su Xiaoyao raised his eyes, glanced at the two of them lightly, and said calmly:

"I don't need to report to Miss Su where I go, right?"


After all, I am your third sister, are you talking to me like this?"

After hearing this, Su Xiaoyao sneered and said with a playful face:

"Sorry, Miss Su, you are indeed my third sister, but it was only in the past. Now, I want to have dinner with my friends, so please leave and don't disturb us."

At this time, Lin Wanxia, ​​who was sitting opposite Su Xiaoyao, stood up suddenly, which scared Su Xiaoyao and the others.

"You are the family that took Xiaoyao's brother away from the orphanage that year, right?


Lin Wan'er's tone was extremely cold, her eyes were filled with murderous intent, and her delicate face was now covered with frost. She stared at Su Zining and said.

It was not difficult to hear from Su Xiaoyao's tone just now that he hated the person in front of him, so Lin Wanxia guessed that Su Xiaoyao must have been wronged in their family, so he was so angry.

After hearing this, Su Zining frowned slightly and said in a commanding tone:

"Yes, I am Su Xiaoyao's sister, Su Zining, the third lady of the Su Group.

I don't care who you are, but I warn you, stay away from my brother, and don't even think about using him to climb up our Su Group. "

As soon as the words came out, Su Xiaoyao could no longer sit still, and then he slammed the table and said angrily:

"Enough, Su Zining, I've already said that you are not my sister............"

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