Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant

Chapter 274: chickens do not stay

"Fire broke!"

"It is a military account!"

When the fire rose into the sky, the military camp that was still quiet at night suddenly exploded.

"Firefighting!" There was a confidant of Wu Yanji who rushed to the front of the Chinese army and called out loud.

The most important thing in the military to fight the fire is the manpower.

"General, it's oil!" After a few pots of water went down, the fire burned even more. The experienced sergeant reacted and said loudly.

"Is there a martial artist who has found it?" The general's general's voice asked anxiously.

This is the Chinese military account. Until now, Wu Yanji has not appeared. Everyone has a little bit of it. Wu Yan has already been afraid of it.

When everyone was busy fighting the fire, the people at the former camp post ran again and shouted: "Someone ran out of the former camp!"

"Is it Yiren?" Several generals stood together and had this speculation.

"What's wrong?" The defending champion did not rush from his own camp until then.

"General Wei," several generals did not have the capital like Wu Yan. They defended them and they could not afford to sin. They were busy defending their fists.

"The general is not there?" The defending star looked at the crowd.

"The general should sleep in the middle of the army tonight," said the general.

The defending head looked back at the burning fire and said, "What about the general?"

The public will not speak.

Wei Wei sighed and shook his head, and then said: "Who was the former battling someone who ran out?"

The former sergeant was busy: "It is a villain."

"See where you ran?" asked Wei.

"South," Sergeant Road.

"Is it really a good person?" The generals who were unsettled immediately shouted.

The stockade of the Yiren was in the south ten miles and ran to the south. The ten bā\'jiǔ were the people who came to the camp and fled to the stockade.

The defending champion looked at the military's highest-ranking general in addition to Wu Yanji, saying: "General Liu, I want to bring troops to chase, I wonder if you intend?"

General Liu’s mind quickly calculated that his own master would seem to be living more and more, and that this fall on the back of the mountain and then offending the defending would be worth the loss.

"General Liu," Wei Wei approached this general Liu a few steps, whispered: "If the military general is really unpredictable, we are afraid that it is difficult to escape the blame, at this time to chase, even if the arrest can not get the murderer, we will also Good to Luo Shuai."

The defending is telling the truth. General Liu once again looked at the middle of the military account, and asked Wei Wei: "How many people do you want to chase?"

The defending champion said: "This will listen to the generals at the end." He saw General Liu open his mouth, and he took the lead and said: "General, here the general will be the master. If there is warfare, the general will certainly take the first place. At the end, I hope that the lord will be safe and hope that General Liu will be able to rise step by step."

General Liu quickly watched the defending glance, and the defending words were pleasing, he understood.

"Please show the military," defending the tribute to General Liu.

"You can stay here at the battalion camp," General Liu said: "We can't fail to report this vulture. If you chase the enemy, you will bother the general."

"The end will not be held by the generals," defending the way.

The fire of the Chinese army account was extinguished, and the defending team also left the team with a large group of people.

General Liu took the man and walked into the middle of the army that was still standing on the skeleton.

"A total of eight bodies," the most advanced account of the Chinese officers to General Liu.

General Liu endured the smell of cockroaches and the smell of vomiting. He looked at the black body lying on the ground. The eight bodies were not only burned beyond recognition, but also the corpse.

"This should be the body of the generals," the Chinese officer pointed to the innermost coke corpse: "He has a sword that the generals never leave."

General Liu went to the front of the coke, and the head of the body rolled down on the waist. What the appearance was before him could not be seen. General Liu’s hand licked his nose and nose and looked at the long sword with the waist of the corpse. The sword has not been squirted, and the scabbard has been burnt black and deformed, but the engraved word can still be seen. This is the sword that Wu Yanji will not leave when he fights.

"Do you want to call the army's work?" asked the Chinese officer.

"Call," General Liu said. This matter is very embarrassing, the Yi people have such a great ability, will be killed in the military camp will be the main army will be killed? General Liu looked at Wu Yan’s waist with a sword. What kind of hackers could make the military from the military to Wu Yanji for many years, and even the weapons of self-defense could not be pulled out? Is it really a good person? General Liu wants to think that this is not the right thing.

He made a walk in and stood in front of General Liu.

"This matter is of great importance," General Liu said to him: "If you find out something, you can't talk nonsense, just say it to the general."

"The villain understands," he promised when he was busy.

General Liu walked out of the middle of the military account that had not been counted, and looked at the sky and there were clouds, "damn weather!" General Liu snorted. The weather in this mountain is cloudy and uncertain, just like this cockroach, people are in it, can't see clearly, can't touch it.

After the light was shining, the defending champion stood outside the valley of the Yirenzhai. The rain in the sky grew from small to large. At this time, the sight of the sky was blurred. The stockade in the valley disappeared in the rain, and it was covered with a mist across the rain.

"The Yi people will not expect that we will arrive at this time," Wei Wei listened to the ear, he could hear the dog cockroaches in the stockade, and the baby screamed, the Yi people in this village, and his place. I thought about it, I didn’t expect them to be killed by the muddy roads after the rain.

"The generals rushed over?" A sergeant asked Wei.

Wei Weichong led a general of the Pioneer Battalion and made a gesture.

This member will take the rain under his arm and touch the village.

The defending champion took out the sword and took it in his hand. He said to the left and right: "This stockade has a deputy, and the chicken and the dog don't stay. After you enter the village, you can't leave your hand. Luo Shuai is the first to speak, and a Yi people's head is a copy. reward."

The Yizhai’s stockade is remote, which is why Yi people chose it as one of the food fields. At this time, in the early morning, in addition to the women who started to do housework in the cottage, most people are still asleep. Zhou Jun took a piece of mud to kill, so that the people in this stockade could not catch up.

The defending priest entered the cottage in a shout, crying and crying, and his body shape has not yet stabilized. He will slash his hand and kill an razor man.

"General Wei," led the forward camp's partiality, and went to the defending front: "The men in this stockade seem to be big."

The defending look around, is a rare figure of a young man.

"Is the news that we have come to be revealed?" asked the bias.

"Go and see the granary," defended the murderer.

Partial will take people to the place where the grain is placed in the stockade.

"Let them all shut up," the defending and the pro-arms behind him said: "If a person kills, then who will make a sound, the military law will be disposed."

Several pro-militaries went to separate orders.

The defending dragon stood in this small street paved with cobbles in the mountains. After a while, the stockade was quiet. The defending champion heard the sound of the wind behind his head. The arrows on the Yi people were all poisoned. The defending did not dare to pick it up by hand. It was only one side, and a bamboo arrow passed him. The defending duck escaped the dark arrow and turned his eyes to the direction of the arrow. I saw a child about seven or eight years old running back. This bamboo arrow was shot by the little boy.

Several sergeants chased them up, one of them went down and chopped the child to the ground. A woman cried and rushed out from the lane next to her, and was cut down by a knife.

“Going door-to-door,” said the sergeant’s sergeant’s life: “Don’t leave alive.”

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