The second course and the third course take a long time. Ye Qingyan plans to make simple dishes first.

She picked up a lettuce and peeled it with a knife. The knife was so fast that others couldn't pierce their eyes.

Xiao Gang felt that he couldn't keep up with the speed. He said in a hurry, "Miss, don't be so fast. Be careful to cut your hand."

"You work with me. When did you see me cut my hand?"

Ye Qingyan found that Xiaogang's worry was superfluous.

"Miss, you're very right, but it's not good to be careful in everything. I'm also worried. You don't think the people in that box are particularly easy to deal with, so I'm afraid you're in a hurry."

Ye Qingyan found a large plate, put the lettuce in it, and put all the garlic and red pepper seeds in it.

She handed them all to Xiaogang and said, "stir them with chopsticks and marinate them for half an hour.

Don't always believe me. I'm still very calm when I encounter many things. When will I be as impatient as you said? "

Xiaogang took over the work in Ye Qingyan's hand. He smiled and smelled the smell in the kitchen.

He really believed that miss could solve all these things, but miss was a girl after all.

Sometimes it's more convenient to deal with men of the same sex. It's just different for girls to come out to mix with society. There are still many inconveniences.

"By the way, Xiao Gang, don't send this cold lettuce silk right away. It's just easier to make. Now there are two big dishes, which are a little difficult."

Xiao Gang knew Ye Qingyan's meaning long ago. He hurriedly said, "Miss, we're ready for the ribs and beef. You just need to put them directly into the pot. The time is a little tight, but they are already semi cooked. You can put them in and cook them for a while. They should be ready to eat."

Ye Qingyan knew that the guests in this box were difficult to handle. She was not at ease and decided to have a look in person.

After confirming the correct operation, ye Qingyan began her third course again.

But at this time, there was some dissatisfaction in the box. Xu qiangxia found that the cooking speed in ye xianglou was too slow, even though some dishes came up and let the brothers rush out.

But he still misses Ye Qingyan's dishes very much. Hey, why can't the second and third dishes come up so far?

Xu qiangxia couldn't help but open the door and asked, "manager Tao, some of your restaurants are not good? I'm almost finished with all the dishes. I didn't order those five specialties. Why can't I come up now?"

Manager Tao came to the box to have a look. He really had eaten all the soup he had just served, and there was not a drop left.

He seriously doubted whether the gang came out of prison.

Why do you eat 2 ~ 3 times faster than others?

People say they chew and swallow slowly. They probably didn't even chew and stuffed it directly into their mouth.

Tao Jing's haircut is really a group of cruel people. He still said with a smile, "don't worry. I'll ask you right away. It should be on soon. You eat too fast."

After saying this, manager Tao regretted again. He clearly knew that these people were not easy to mess with. Why did he just say the last sentence? He really should beat himself in the mouth.

Fortunately, Xu qiangxia devoted himself to the four delicious dishes behind him. He didn't care what manager Tao said at all.

"OK, OK, go and hurry for me. We'll go back quickly after we finish eating."

Manager Tao breathed a sigh of relief. He hurried to the kitchen to have a look. How has Ye Qingyan prepared?

As soon as Xiao Gang Saw manager Tao's appearance, he knew that manager Tao must have encountered something bad.

"Did manager Tao's gang urge you? Ignore them. They have to wait even if they go to other restaurants. They thought they were the emperor. As soon as they sat down, the food was ready."

Xiao Gang is always like this. When no one is around, he likes to complain behind his back.

"Sooner or later, you child will suffer some losses in your mouth. I suggest you don't talk like that in the future. Our young lady says that the customer is God, not the emperor."

Xiao Gang looked and was busy. Ye Qingyan said, "manager Tao, we still have two dishes. We've been cooking them all the time. Don't worry. We should send them later. Don't worry too much. Now we're making garlic eggplant."

Manager Tao looked. Ye Qingyan had begun to pour salt, chop pepper and stir in the oil pan. It seemed that she had almost done it.

In that case, it doesn't matter for him to wait any longer.

When ye Qingyan saw manager Tao coming to her, she asked curiously, "how did you come here? Are the people in that box a little worried?"

Manager Tao comforted Ye Qingyan by saying, "no, no, I just came to have a look. Miss, you can cook at ease."

Although manager Tao said so, ye Qingyan knew in her heart that the two dishes were almost ready.

"Manager Tao, OK, you can take it to them."

Ye Qingyan is still very confident in her craft. She believes that her craft will make Xu qiangxia give a high praise in her heart.

Manager Tao and Xiao Gang carried the dishes into the box quickly.

Xu qiangxia was eager to wait. When he saw the two dishes, his brother couldn't wait to clip them with chopsticks.

Seeing that the food was not guaranteed, Xu qiangxia shouted, "you two stop! What the hell are you doing? You dawdled and served two dishes. Can I urge you to serve two more dishes later?"

Today's brother can't understand Xu qiangxia's move. When it's time to serve, just eat directly. Why do you say so much nonsense? I can't stand it.

Manager Tao and Xiaogang looked at each other. Finally, manager Tao said, "Sir, the cooking speed of our restaurant has always been like this. We have so many guests, of course, we need to wait, and this is the fastest speed. You first taste the taste of this dish. Since you come to the restaurant to eat, you just want to taste delicious food, don't you think so?"

Xu qiangxia's little brothers also thought manager Tao was right. When they just looked back, they found that Xu qiangxia ate a mouthful of shredded lettuce and eggplant alone.

Didn't you agree to serve slowly?


The speed of hitting the face

No one wants to take care of manager Tao and Xiaogang.

Xiao Gang shook his head and left the box. He looked at manager Tao and said: "Is it really so difficult for a group of duplicitous people to admit that others are excellent? Mingming's dishes are delicious and I have to find problems elsewhere. I've never seen such a person before. Manager Tao, tell me why our young lady has to entertain such people. Bo Shaogang has just been rejected. Our young lady... Hey, isn't it nothing to ask for trouble?"

Manager Tao glanced at Xiao Gang. He said with a smile, "I don't know what to say. Your child works with the young lady for so long and doesn't understand the young lady's mind at all. No wonder the young lady sometimes says she can't explain clearly to you. I think so."

Xiao Gang was confused by manager Tao. He didn't seem to have done anything wrong. Why was manager Tao so serious.

Hey, if only Pang Jing were around, at least she could translate for herself. Now Pang Jing doesn't know how well she is at Bo Sijing's house. For such a long time, Pang Jing doesn't even call herself, or is she not her good partner? Should she not enter a rich family, get to know better people directly and forget herself?

Thinking of this, Xiaogang suddenly wanted to cry. He had already felt lovelorn before he began to fall in love.

Manager Tao looked at Xiaogang who was left behind and couldn't help shouting, "what are you thinking? Go to the lady's kitchen and see if she needs help."

Xiao Gang wiped his tears. Manager Tao felt a little confused. He just said a few words. The psychological endurance of a guy should not be so poor.

"Xiao Gang, are you okay? Why are you crying? I didn't seem to say anything serious just now. Why are you crying so sad? If I say something to offend you, you must say it."

Xiaogang sobbed, "it has nothing to do with you."

Manager Tao didn't want him to go to see ye Qingyan like this. He quickly stopped Xiao Gang's way. "You'd better tell me honestly. You'll want to complain to the young lady later. Hey, how can you do this when we've worked together for so long? Hum!"

Manager Tao treats Xiaogang like a child. He doesn't like Xiaogang to complain everywhere all day, just like primary school students, but he really has something in his heart. It's the best thing to say it directly.

But Xiaogang didn't want to say that he preferred to bear it silently.

He pushed manager Tao away, approached the kitchen and came to Ye Qingyan. Ye Qingyan didn't care about Xiaogang's mood. She said faintly: "how? I believe they must have eaten all my dishes. Now there are only two big dishes left. It's time to see."

"Miss, you think too much. At their speed, they will soon eat up your two dishes. No, the dishes they ordered before have been eaten up as soon as we went up."

Ye Qingyan looked at Xiao Gang strangely. She asked, "have you eaten all the dishes? Didn't you complain just now? He said that my cooking was ordinary. It seems that it's just a slap in the face."

Manager Tao hurriedly said, "what Miss said is right. These people just don't want to admit it. In fact, they are very satisfied with the dishes in our restaurant."

Ye Qingyan thinks so herself. She believes in her ability and has done so much. She won't be disappointed at all.

"Xiao Gang, why do you seem a little unhappy? Is it because of the guests at that table? I feel wronged? I tell you, over time, you will meet more such people. Don't be angry. We should treat such people well and speak with strength, okay?"

Manager Tao didn't forget to say, "I think so, too, but the child doesn't know why. It seems to be different from our thoughts."

What's different? Xiaogang's mind is not on this at all.

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