Ye Qingyan suffered losses like this before, but now she hasn't made any progress at all. Thinking of this, she really hates herself.

Seeing ye Qingyan so unhappy, ye Kangtai said, "don't be angry with your little mother and don't think she takes a lot. I have a treaty. If your little mother can give me a son, all these properties will belong to her."

Su Yunmeng patronized to see her share, but didn't look at the next page carefully. When she read it carefully, she squeezed the contract.

The old fox has been working for a long time to give birth to his own children, but he is a girl all his life? Don't Ye Kangtai want his own flesh and blood when he has a girl?

"Sir, you've gone too far. In your eyes, is it bad for your daughter if your son is born? Do you intend to give me these shares only if I have to have a son? If I can't have a son, you don't intend to give me. Is that what you mean?"

Su Yunmeng looked at Ye Kangtai angrily, and she was a little coquettish.

Ye Kangtai said with a smile: "where, you see how good I am to Qingyan. I just smooth spoken when I said it. Don't be angry. I'll ask others to change it now. With my daughter, what do you think?"

Su Yunmeng said happily, "it's good to be recognized by the master. After all, I can't decide whether to have boys or girls, so sometimes you can't always think about your son."

When it comes to having children, Su Yunmeng thinks it's the most terrible thing. If she doesn't pay attention a little, there may be the kind of big and small on TV. She can imagine that ye Kangtai will do everything possible to protect the children. For her feelings, Su Yunmeng thinks she needs to ask a question.

Ye Qingyan glanced at Su Yunmeng. She also knew her father's temper. If she continued to fight against her father, she would not be able to get good or care from her father.

After thinking about it, ye Qingyan said with a smile: "Mom, since you want to get pregnant, you'd better put it in your coffee shop for the time being. After all, pregnancy is a very hard thing. I'm afraid it's bad if your brother or sister gets hurt.

Of course, I really think about it for you. Whether you can accept it or not depends on yourself, Dad. I also care about my little mother. After all, in your face, I still hope that everything will be happy at home. "

Although Ye Qingyan's words didn't sound wrong, in Su Yunmeng's ears, she didn't think ye Qingyan really cared about the child in her belly.

On the contrary, she felt that none of the people here had a good heart. Su Yunmeng had to feel that she should be more careful now.

After the family property distribution, ye Qingyan specially invited ye zongnegative to accompany him around the garden of the villa.

Ye zongnegative also knew that today's Ye Qingyan was particularly dissatisfied with herself. He took the initiative to say, "Qingyan, I know what you want to say, but let it pass when it's over.

Think about it. If I were not ye Kangtai's child, would I work a lot harder if I started my own business? Without the support and encouragement of my relatives, I might fail or succeed. If you think so, do you think I'm very lucky? "

Ye Qingyan is so close to ye zongnegative because ye zongnegative never looks at Zhongye Kangtai's fame and wealth. He doesn't care about these things at all.

Ye Qingyan just hopes that her family's things can't be taken away by outsiders. She doesn't want Su Yunmeng to destroy her sign.

"Brother, to be honest, I think you should take more shares in this family. I really don't know what dad thinks. What is he thinking for so many years?"

Yes, for so many years, ye Kangtai's attitude towards ye zongnegative has never been better, nor has he ever shown a little smile in front of himself.

He never knew what was in this? If you say you are not ye Kangtai's child, ye Kangtai has no need to give yourself shares.

Ye Zong has never understood this problem. Every time he asks housekeeper Bai, housekeeper Bai seems to hesitate. He can't say a thing or two, or he just doesn't know.

Fortunately, ye Kangtai is good to Ye Qingyan. Ye zongnegative places all his hopes on Ye Qingyan.

"Qingyan, can I ask you about my mother? Although I live at home every time, housekeeper Bai and I are not particularly familiar, and housekeeper Bai avoids these things every time I ask him."

Ye Qingyan knows that these things are more obscure in her family. It is estimated that housekeeper Bai will not easily tell the outside world.

She sighed and said, "brother, I think it's a little troublesome, because housekeeper Bai is very loyal to my father, so sometimes he will ask my father about some things. If my father doesn't tell him what he can reveal, he will never reveal half a word, so don't put all your hopes on him."

"I never put my hope on this person. You didn't find that I accounted for less shares this time, and I didn't care about it. I know that some things you care about are still the result.

I want to know my mother's whereabouts now. For me, I don't care about other things. "

Speaking of this, ye Zong's negative eyes were full of tears. He missed his mother for more than two days.

Ye Qingyan could feel this feeling. She patted Ye Zong on the shoulder and said seriously, "brother, don't worry. We can't ask about this kind of thing here. I believe someone should know about the older generation. Let me do it."

A person's shadow suddenly appeared in Ye Qingyan's mind. Presumably, this person can do anything.

Ye Zongfu looked at her in some uneasy way, and seriously said, "in fact, you don't have to offend some people for my business. To tell you the truth, these things need to be secretly investigated. They should not be too publicized." Yan Yan, I know you have done my best for so many years. I don't want you to be in a big contradiction with your father all day long, so please make good use of Ye Xiang Lou.

Ye Qingyan wiped her mouth. "Don't worry, I won't make it ugly. I don't know our father. I'm a face lover. I have other things. I'll go first."

Ye Qingyan happily stepped on her skateboard and left.


Li rongqian came home in a bad mood. She really didn't want to stay at Bo's house. Even if old lady Bo was nice to herself, what she wanted was Bo Sijing's heart.

Hardly had she opened the door when she heard her father's voice.

"Where did you go last night? I thought you were young and liked to play outside. Now you are so old and like to play outside. Once you play, you don't know how to go home. Why did I marry a woman like you?"

"Hum, what kind of woman am I? Li Fengdong, don't you have any points in your heart? Don't forget that you used to be a poor boy. Would you be today if it weren't for me?"

Li Fengdong obviously doesn't like to mention this topic. He looks at sun Ronghan fiercely. This is a woman who has lived with him for more than 20 years. Now seeing this woman is like seeing an enemy.

"Sun Ronghan, if I can have today, I also rely on my own skills. Even if I rely on your family, if I don't rely on my own skills, I don't think I can make a fortune at all. Don't be too proud. To tell the truth, I'm not bad to you these years. If you don't kill yourself, how can I..."

Li Fengdong still has a lot to say, but he can't go on.

Listening to the noise, Li rongqian quickly opened the door. Obviously, the couple didn't expect their daughter to come back. They were surprised and resumed their old love.

"Qianqian is back, silly girl. Why don't you say it when you come back? Just now your father and I were just quarrelling about a little thing. I was very bored at home every day, so I went to play outside for a while. As a result, your father was jealous because of this."

But the voice of the quarrel just now doesn't smell like that of parents' jealousy.

Li rongqian looked at her parents suspiciously and rubbed her hands. She said, "Mom and Dad, are you hiding something from me? If you're really divorced, tell me directly. In fact, I can accept it."

Now sun Ronghan and Li Fengdong are tied to their interests. If they divorce, it will be no good for both sides.

Sun Ronghan looked at his daughter gently and said in a watery voice, "silly girl, there is no husband and wife who don't quarrel. I quarrel with your father. Is there going to be a divorce? There will inevitably be some verbal disputes between husband and wife, but there is also a kind of communication between me and your father. Don't think about it.

By the way, I haven't asked you, why did you suddenly return home? When did you come back? Why don't I know? "

Li rongqian's heart was relieved when she heard her mother say so.

"I came back long ago, but Mrs. Bo always wanted to talk to me for a while, so I didn't come home."

Sun Ronghan said happily, "she must be planning for her son. We used to order a baby kiss with their family. However, Qianqian, you are not young. You two young people have a common language. You can talk more if you have nothing."

Li rongqian smiled bitterly, "Mom, I'm afraid you don't know. In fact, he doesn't like me. These things are just your wishful thinking. I'm really tired. I don't want to be with Bo Sijing because of this."

Seeing his daughter so disappointed, Li Fengdong, as a father, was naturally very uncomfortable. He quickly said, "don't worry, daughter. I'll talk to their family about this. Our Li family is a good match anyway. What can he be proud of?"

Sun Ronghan said angrily, "you can do it. Don't find something for me to do. I'll have a good communication with Mrs. Bo. We can't compare the strength of the Bo family now. Who do you think you are?"

Li Fengdong doesn't like to listen to sun Ronghan's words. This woman is no longer so considerate to herself.

He said coldly, "Qianqian, don't worry. There is more than one man in the world. It's really not good. Let's change one. There are so many good men in the world. Do we have to hang from a tree?"

But Li rongqian slowly said, "Dad, I used to think so about what you said, but I suddenly found that I couldn't forget this man. I don't know why. I just wanted to be with him. When I saw Ye Qingyan with him, I was angry and jealous.

I really wasn't such a girl before. I don't know why I'm so ugly now. "

Li rongqian kept holding on to her hair. The more painful she was, the more distressed sun Ronghan and Li Fengdong looked.

Sun Ronghan was even more distressed. She picked up the phone in her hand and said to Li rongqian, "Qianqian, don't be sad anymore. I'll call old Mrs. Bo and ask what their family means. I can't let my daughter suffer such a great injustice."

Li rongqian released sun Ronghan's hand. She also acquiesced in her mother's behavior. In this way, it's none of her business. After all, she can't help what her mother asked.

Even Li Fengdong was trembling with anger. He thought that at the beginning, he strongly opposed his wife ordering baby kisses for his girl. Now it's all right.

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