She suck up the pain of her body and wants to get out of bed to Su Yunmeng, but her body is not at all giving her strength.

Su Yunmeng glanced at her, "I advise you not to waste your energy. If you are in poor health, have a good rest. I won't embarrass you, but you can't continue to stay at Ye's house. After all, ye Kangtai has been very disgusted with you. For my future, I decided you'd better go to a psychiatric hospital, otherwise I can't even protect you."

Su Limei raised her head and sneered at the sky.

"Well, well, I really have a good daughter. People who don't know think I will always enjoy happiness, but I never thought you were such a person. It is estimated that you are the only one who sent your own mother to the psychiatric hospital. Su Yunmeng, you are really not afraid. Don't you feel at ease when I die?"

Su Yunmeng looked at her and wondered why she was getting more and more upset.

"Don't worry. If you really die, I'll do a big funeral. You feel at ease. For me, it's kind to you. What else do you want? As far as I know, you should have died 800 times before. I haven't done so much to you.

So I hope you don't drill the horn for me here. You can do whatever you want. "

Su Limei was shaking all over. She had thought that she would live a prosperous life by her daughter in the future. Now it seems that her daughter can't bear these things at all, but pushed her into the abyss.

Sulaime didn't know why. She suddenly wanted to cry. But in front of her daughter, she can't let herself cry. She doesn't want to let Su Yunmeng see her most vulnerable side.

"Xiaomeng, well, just give me a handful of rat poison and let me die. Don't you torture me by sending me to a psychiatric hospital? Are those places where people can go? I'm a normal person. If you send me there, don't you really worry about my safety? Instead, you might as well take a handful of rat poison and kill me now I'm dead. "

If killing didn't break the law, Su Yunmeng really wanted to do so. If it had been in ancient times, she would have done it long ago, but now no matter what she does, she is bound by the law.

How could she do such a thing? Don't you ruin your future? What's more, Su Limei only considered her prosperity and never thought about her mood. At the beginning, she forced herself to marry an old man. Now, she also forced Su Limei to enter a psychiatric hospital. The debts owed by the two people are equivalent to having been settled without any complaints.

"Mom, don't think about those whimsical things all day. It's no good for you to ask too much. Your only thing now is to behave yourself. When these things have passed, I'll think of a way to see if I can get you out."

Su Yunmeng comforts her mother. She hopes her mother can live well and get it out. This sentence also needs a question mark, which is nothing more than giving her a hope to live.

But Su Limei saw clearly that she knew she had gone in and estimated that the probability of coming back would be reduced.

She's not going to the psychiatric hospital. She's not going to that gloomy place. She's going to escape anyway.

"Xiaomeng, since you want to send me to the psychiatric hospital, I should miss it today. It's the last time our mother and daughter meet. My mother always wanted to eat something good, but she was reluctant to eat. At that time, she was afraid of getting fat. She wanted to maintain her figure and face the public with you. Now it seems that I don't need it anymore.

Can you buy me some coarse grain pastry? I really want to eat it. I think you should be able to meet this little requirement. After all, we will meet less and less in the future. Will you often come to the psychiatric hospital to see me? "

Su Yunmeng didn't hesitate. After all, he wouldn't often go to the psychiatric hospital to see her. What he said before was just to comfort her.

"It's just coarse grain pastries. I'll tell Xi Rui to buy you ten and bring them back for you to eat slowly on the road. What do you think?"

Sullimei looked at her daughter with a bitter smile. Now she didn't even want to buy food herself.

"The meaning of others' buying is different from that of you. You'd better go there yourself. If you can't take it, you can let Xi Rui go with you. I want you to buy it for me. From small to large, there are few things you can do for me. Will you leave an impression on me this time?"

Su Yunmeng was suddenly touched. After all, this was her own mother. She didn't want her mother to leave her so soon, but sometimes she hated her mother and wanted the other party to die. She didn't know why she was in such a mood.

As soon as Su Yunmeng stepped out of the door of the ward, she looked back at her mother and said: "I hope you are still lying in the ward when I come back. Believe me, I will find a way to take you back to Ye's house. If you run away from here, I have no way. After all, you are wrong first. If you can stay at Ye's house honestly and don't provoke so many things, I don't think so."

Sullimei was surprised. She didn't expect her daughter to find out that she was in the mood to escape so soon. It seems that her daughter still

She paused. In order not to let her daughter see her heart, she said calmly: "silly girl, don't mom believe you? Of course I believe you will pick me up. I just don't believe the people around me. After all, there are so many people in the psychiatric hospital. I'm afraid if one person murders me, you really won't see me, and that..."

Su Limei paused. She saw Xi Rui at the door. Xi Rui looked simple. Her daughter was cheated by her face. Now she really doesn't know how to talk to her daughter. It's estimated that even if she told Su Yunmeng, Su Yunmeng won't believe it.

Su Yunmeng also looked at his mother in a daze, "do you have anything else to explain? If you have anything, just say it together."

"No, no, the only thing is to let you pay attention to the people around you and don't be deceived by the appearance of some people.

Although mom has some bad habits, most of them are still good for you, but some people just like the money in your pocket. Maybe sometimes the price offered by the other party is higher, and her heart drifts to another person. "

Xi Rui was very nervous. She was afraid that Su Limei's words would make su Yunmeng suspicious. Anyway, it was also her biological mother. Would Su Yunmeng really ignore it?

And Xi Rui just observed Su Yunmeng, and there was still a little touch in her heart.

In order to prevent Su Limei from going on, Xi Rui pulled Su Yunmeng and said, "madam, the coarse grain pastry is in ye xianglou. You know that ye xianglou's business is very good. If you don't queue up now, you probably can't buy it."

Su Limei's favorite is the coarse grain pastry in ye xianglou. He doesn't know why. She is clearly her daughter's competitor, but she never forgets that coarse grain pastry.

"Mom, do you have to eat that coarse grain pastry? You can't change so many things. You know the relationship between Ye Qingyan and me. I lined up with you to buy coarse grain pastry and showed her what it looks like."

If it hadn't been for Xi Rui's reminder, Su Yunmeng had forgotten that coarse grain pastry is a characteristic snack of yexianglou.

If this is known to others, she is a Michelle cafe owner, but she still lost to Ye Qingyan.

Su Yunmeng really can't pull down his face to buy.

Sullimei looked at Xi Rui coldly and looked at her daughter disappointed. "Unexpectedly, I can't imagine that the old mother couldn't eat a mouthful of her favorite food when she was dying. Her daughter is still here. She just hesitated about her face. Xiaomeng, if you wanted to say what you wanted to eat, I would try my best to satisfy you.

Now, I can't count on you for anything. Of course, I can't count on you, so I expected it today. You don't have to buy it. Even if you buy it, I dare not eat it. Who knows if there will be any drugs in it. I want to poison me immediately. "

Su Yunmeng was very sad. She didn't mean that.

She looked back at Su Limei and said, "Mom, you're too negative. It's just a grain pastry. I'll buy it for you now. Xi Rui, let's go."

Su Yunmeng took Xi Rui and left the ward. She left the hospital and sighed.

Seeing Su Yunmeng's melancholy appearance, Xi Rui quickly asked, "madam, is this a little difficult for you? If it's a little difficult, I'll come out occasionally. After all, although I have a little conflict with them, this coarse grain pastry is not difficult for us."

Su Yunmeng shook his head. Xi Rui thought something too simple. It's not whether ye Qingyan sells or not. If ye Qingyan wants to embarrass you, you can't help it.

After thinking about it, Su Yunmeng decided to call ye Qingyan for safety.

Ye Qingyan was surprised to see Su Yunmeng's phone call. After all, the two talents just had a tit for tat. Call yourself now. Shouldn't there be something unconvinced.

She hung up without thinking. Today, she doesn't want to talk to Su Yunmeng for the time being.

Su Yun dreamed that ye Qingyan hung up the phone and was very angry.

What's the big deal? Don't you answer the phone? Has she hated herself like this?

Unconvinced, Su Yunmeng continued to make another call, and the second call was finally opened.

Ye Qingyan asked in a very unfriendly tone, "what's the matter? Mom? It's rare for you to call me. In the past, you never answered when we called you. Now you've tried to get through?"

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