Mu Pingting bit down hard. She only felt a gush of blood between her lips. A few more bloody marks appeared on Xiao Zhan's shoulder.

But Xiao Zhan did not let go, his hand that was locking Mu Pingting's waist became tighter and tighter. He increased the strength in his hands and pushed Mu Pingting onto the bed.

Mu Tingting only felt pain on her back, but the pain on her body was far less than the fear in her heart that made her panic.

"Miss!" Qing Luan heard a sound coming from inside the house and immediately rushed in, but she did not expect to see such a scene. For a moment, he did not know how to react. She stood blankly on the spot.

What was the prince doing?! Normally, he would act like a scoundrel. However, it was always a verbal mockery. He had never really tried it. Even if he did it himself, it would only be for fun. How could he be so rude like today?!

"Qing Luan, are you a wooden person?" Mu Pingting saw Qing Luan who was standing blankly outside the door, and shouted angrily, "What are you standing there for, hurry up and help me subdue this madman!"

When Qing Luan heard this, he immediately recovered from her shock and anxiously rushed forward to pull Xiao Zhan back. The young miss was still a girl and her reputation was the most important. If the young miss was tainted by the prince today, then her entire life would be ruined!

Besides, Miss doesn't like the Prince. Even if the prince was willing to take responsibility for the young miss, the young lady would not be blessed!

But how could Qing Luan, a weak girl, possibly surpass him? Xiao Zhan had only exerted a little force, when Qing Luan was pushed to the side.

Mu Pingting looked at the crazy man in front of him, and the panic in her eyes slowly faded away. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself as she thought about what to do next.

When she accidentally touched the pillow, her mind seemed to flash with a bright light.

"Xiao Zhan, let me warn you one last time!"

Mu Pingting let out a lovable cry, but to the Xiao Zhan who had long since lost his mind, her voice was not only unthreatening, it was even filled with temptation.

"Since you don't listen to my advice, then don't blame me." Mu Pingting tried very hard to twist her wrist, break free from Xiao Zhan's imprisonment, and put her hand under the pillow. When her fingertips came in contact with a cloth bag, she was immediately overjoyed. It was as though a drowning man was grabbing onto the last piece of floating grass.

Mu Pingting hastily took out a silver needle from her cloth bag and hid it inside her sleeves. Before she could move, Xiao Zhan had already reached out her hands, wanting to pull her wrist once again.

Qing Luan had waited on Mu Pingting for such a long time, so he naturally understood what she meant. Knowing what Mu Pingting was thinking of to do, she threw herself forward with all her might, hanging the weight of her entire body on Xiao Zhan's body, and interfered with his movements.

"Miss, quick!" Qing Luan could not care about anything else, if it was a normal situation, she would hesitate to charge into the Imperial Family. But now, she no longer had the time to hesitate.

Mu Pingting was extremely cooperative, she used the fastest speed possible and pierced the silver needle in her sleeve into the acupoints on Xiao Zhan's body. Her control over the situation was good, and in a few seconds, Qing Luan felt that the strength she had to contend with was much weaker. Xiao Zhan fainted on Mu Pingting's body.

"Qing Luan, help me move this guy away." Mu Pingting looked at the man in front of her in disdain, but her heart was still in a state of turmoil.

Although Qing Luan's legs were still weak, but she still obediently followed orders. She looked at the unconscious man on the bed, and a hint of hesitation flashed in her eyes. "Miss, what should we do with the prince?"

Your highness can't possibly stay here for the night, can you? If tomorrow was seen by the little maidservant who came to serve him, in addition to Xiao Zhan's disheveled appearance, it would be extremely easy for others to misunderstand him.

If the maidservant talked too much, young miss' reputation would be ruined!

"What else can we do? We can just toss him outside the courtyard and let him fend for himself!" Mu Pingting gave a cold snort, the expression in her eyes slightly sinking.

This guy had tortured her for an entire night, so she naturally wouldn't let him fall into such a good sleep.

"Miss, are you sure you want to throw the prince out of the courtyard?" Qing Luan was shocked. It was late autumn now, and the night temperature was extremely low. If he were to lie outside in disarray like this, he would definitely cause problems from the cold!

"Miss, why don't we find someone from Biluo House and send him back secretly?"

"Send them back?" Mu Pingting gave Xiao Zhan a kick in retaliation, "I don't have such a good temper, to let others make trouble for me. I still need to help him send it back safely! "

Seeing that Mu Pingting had hardened his heart, she felt helpless in his heart, and could only obediently do as she was told.

After Qing Luan brought Xiao Zhan out of the room, Mu Pingting felt that her mental state which was in danger had relaxed and a sense of tiredness welled up in her heart. She lightly wrapped the blanket tightly around her. She thought that she would be able to fall asleep very quickly, but she didn't expect that she would be unable to do so.

"Miss, it's already so late, why haven't you slept yet?" When Qing Luan returned back to her room after settling Xiao Zhan's matters, she saw that Mu Pingting was lying on the bed, staring blankly out the window.

"Ah!" Hearing Qing Luan's voice, Mu Pingting was startled, and quickly regained her senses, "You're back."

"Yes." Qing Luan went forward and covered Mu Pingting with the blanket. Seeing Mu Pingting who seemed like she wanted to say something but was hesitating, Qing Luan was a little surprised in her heart. The Miss was always straightforward in her actions, and she rarely showed such an expression.

"Qing Luan, you …" Mu Pingting hesitated for a moment, but still asked: Where did you throw Xiao Zhan?

Looking at the unsettled expression in Mu Pingting's eyes, it seemed as if she was trying her best to hide what was in her heart. Qing Luan was only slightly startled, but quickly recovered. The corner of her mouth couldn't help but slightly curl up.

"I placed the prince in a grove outside of Biluo House. With the cover of the forest, it probably won't be too cold." After Qing Luan finished speaking, she did not forget to add another sentence, "Young miss is not at ease with your highness?"

Mu Pingting's face immediately flushed red. She slightly raised her head and said: "Who's not at ease with him? I was just casually asking! "

The moment she closed her eyes, Xiao Zhan's face appeared on her face. When she thought of the scene of him lying in the cold wind, although she tried her best to comfort herself that he had brought this upon himself, she still felt worried.

"Miss, if you're worried, you can go out and take a look yourself!" Seeing Mu Pingting like this, Qing Luan firmed up her mind.

It seemed that the young mistress wasn't so heartless to the prince either.

"Why would I want to see her?" Mu Pingting glared at Qing Luan fiercely, and continued to speak, "What does his life or death have to do with me? Qing Luan, if you continue to mess with me in the future, do you believe that I won't chase you out! "

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