Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1019: Face slap Zhang Mu's family 3

The veteran didn't say any sensational words, and it was his elders' birthday, just a few words.

"Here I want to thank Mu Yue!" The elder smiled and turned his head and glanced at Chu Muyue. "Xiao'er's legs are really thanks to you. You are the savior of Xiao'er and my old man, and we are also ours. The savior of the entire Yuan family!"

"Wow!" The words fell, and everyone exclaimed in an instant, with surprised expressions on their faces.

The old people who were with the elders just now knew that Chu Muyue and the Yuan family were not surprised, and the others were shocked.

There are still many people who subconsciously look at the Zhang family.

Some smart people understood right away, and there was a sneer in their hearts.

Especially, they are really looking for death on their own.

Looking at their attitude towards Chu Muyue just now, they already knew that Chu Muyue was Yuan Xiao's lifesaver, and they still insulted Chu Muyue so much. Isn't this seeking death by themselves?

No wonder the Yuan family was unwilling to marry the Zhang family, and they broke all business cooperation directly.

They knew the relationship between Chu Muyue and Yuan Xiao a long time ago, but they were still so embarrassed! No matter who it is, I don't want to get along with them anymore.

Although this life-saving is somewhat inappropriate, everyone feels that if you are disabled for a lifetime and are now cured, it is equivalent to rebirth, which is a life-saving, and it is not an exaggeration at all.

Looking at Yuan Xiao, the indifferent and gloomy person who used to sit in a wheelchair, and the proud and confident demeanor who is now standing on the stage, made everyone feel that Chu Muyue deserves the title of this life-saver.

In the presence, only Yuan Fengting heard another meaning, that is, Chu Muyue's medical skills, superb!

"What! It turned out that she saved Yuan Xiao!"

Yuan Fengting never thought that Chu Muyue would have rescued Yuan Xiao.

He didn't believe it, and it was reasonable, who made Chu Muyue so young, he was only a teenager.

He knew the condition of Yuan Xiao's legs better than anyone, and even those with superb medical skills could not cure it.

Moreover, the veteran also took Yuan Xiao to run around the world, and found countless famous doctors to cure Yuan Xiao's legs. One can imagine how difficult his legs are to cure.

Chu Muyue smiled at the elder, and said, "Elder, you are too exaggerated. The person who cured Yuanxiao was not me, but my master. I was able to cure Yuanxiao only by following the guidance of my master. !"

"Hahaha, your master is an expert from outside the world, although he saved Yuan Xiao, we have never seen your master, although you have treated Xiaoer according to your master's words from beginning to end. , But this is enough, because the person who started the treatment is you. Whether it is you or your master, you are the savior of our Yuan family. If you have anything in the future, you can just ask my old man!" The senator laughed haha. Said.

"Thank you veteran, then!" Chu Muyue smiled at the elder, her manners and attitudes even more innately extravagant.

Zhang Tengfei and the others stared at each other, looking at Chu Muyue, who was chatting and laughing with the elder, and they just wanted to crush the silver teeth in their mouths.

The most angry Zhang Tengfei turned his head and stared at Zhang Zihan fiercely.

This daughter really did not succeed enough to fail, and immediately felt that Zhang Zihan had concealed Chu Muyue's cure for Yuan Xiao's legs.

After all, when the Yuan family found their Zhang family, they once said that Zhang Zihan had trouble finding Yuan Xiao's life-saving benefactor. They hadn't thought about this aspect yet, because Zhang Zihan hadn't made it clear.

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