Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1027: Zhang Mu's family quarreled 5

Chu Muyue was chatting with Yuan Xiao, and there were also old people like Yan Lao who had a good relationship with Chu Muyue.

Xiang Tianhe also followed Mu Zhitong and walked over together.

"Grandpa!" Xiang Tianhe yelled when he walked up to his grandfather.

"Where did you go?" Xiang Lao glared dissatisfiedly, Xiang Lao said accusingly, "None of Mu Yue's company!"

Mu Zhitong said with a smile, "Aren't we going to see the people who bullied Chu Muyue just now!"

"The person who bullied Mu Yue?" Xiang Lao and Yan Lao frowned, and the old man beside him looked a little ugly.

"Yeah! They were arrogant just now, not only insulting and bullying Mu Yue, but also kicking her out of the banquet!" Mu Zhitong said that was agitated, as if the person being bullied was her.

Chu Muyue felt that this girl was definitely deliberate.

"Oh? Who is it?" Yan Lao asked Mu Zhitong with a grim expression.

Mu Zhitong pointed to Zhang Zihan's direction and said, "Here, it's them!"

"Let's go!" Old Yan took the initiative to grab Chu Muyue's arm, "The old man will support you and ask them for theory!"

Yan Yu saw that his grandfather was so excited, and quickly comforted, "Grandpa, don't get excited!"

"I'm not excited!" Yan Lao waved his hand at Yan Yu, and took Chu Muyue towards the Zhang family.

Seeing this posture, the elder smiled helplessly, "Let's take a look!"

He didn't expect that all the people in this family would have to find Chu Muyue's troubles. Isn't this making himself uncomfortable and troublesome?

Sure enough, it was the wisest decision to terminate the contract with the Zhang family. Otherwise, if this continues, they might still be dragged down by them!

Yan Lao and others all walked towards the seat where Zhang Tengfei and others were.

For fear of being noticed, Zhang Tengfei and the others have retreated to the corner of the banquet hall.

Now Yan Lao and his group appeared, as if they had surrounded the Zhang family in a corner, preparing for a group fight.

When Zhang Tengfei saw the arrival of the elders, a bright smile appeared on his face, "Uncle Yuan, I haven't congratulated you on your birthday yet!"

The elder waved his hand to Zhang Tengfei, "Congratulations are forgotten. Don't cause trouble to my old man, thank God!"

Hearing what the veteran said, Zhang Tengfei's smile couldn't hold back.

Yan Lao hummed his nose, glanced at Zhang Tengfei and the others, his tone was a little unkind, "You bullied Mu Yue just now? Tell me, how did you bully!"

With this overbearing tone and words, Yan Yu, a grandson, couldn't help but twitched his lips fiercely. How could he never see his grandpa defending people like this?

Now he turned out to be defending Chu Muyue, not his grandson, who is the dear?

Chu Muyue naturally didn't know what Yan Yu was thinking in her heart, only that Yan Lao was very cute.

Facing Yan Lao's harsh words, these people in the Zhang family naturally did not dare to take a breath.

Even if they don't know Yan Lao, but depending on his clothes and showing up here with the veteran, his identity must be unusual, so they dare not say no.

"Why didn't you speak? Wasn't it very arrogant just now?" Wei Qingqing supported Lao Wei's arm and arrogantly said to Zhang Tengfei and the others, "I still yelled to drive Mu Yue out! Who do you think you are! Dare to insult Mu Yue!"

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