Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1030: Do you need to do it yourself 3

Chu Muyue would never treat her enemies softly. Raising her hand was a slap and slapped the other half of Zhang's face.

Mother Zhang was directly slapped by Chu Muyue and fell to the ground, but Chu Muyue herself still stood in place, motionless.

Yan Yu chuckled and looked at Mother Zhang mockingly, "Even Jin Shengwu can't hurt Mu Yue's hair, so you have this ability?"

You know, Chu Muyue's cultivation base was in the mid-stage of Dark Jin, so what kind of ability did such a woman with no power to bind a chicken hurt Chu Muyue?

"Yes!" Mu Zhitong also remembered what had happened in the Taekwondo Martial Arts Hall, and felt relieved in her heart.

Just now when she saw Mother Zhang was about to fly at Chu Muyue, she subconsciously became worried, but she didn't even think of the ballast.

The main thing is that girls are too easy to give people a sense of weakness.

Even Yan Lao and the other old people blinked their old eyes at the mother Zhang who was slapped by Chu Muyue, turned his head to look at Chu Muyue, smashed it, smashed his mouth, he couldn't tell. , This little girl could have such a great strength with one hand.

"Deserve it!" Xiang Tianhe snorted coldly when she looked at the embarrassed mother Zhang who fell on the ground.

Seeing that Zhang Zihan was slapped and slapped by Chu Muyue, she suddenly screamed, "Mom!"

Looking at this situation, Zhang Tengfei only felt ashamed today, and felt extremely angry and disgusted with this stupid mother and daughter in his heart.

If possible, he really wants to say that he has any relationship with them!

Mu Xueqing and her mother looked indifferently at the development of this gaffe, and sneered in their hearts.

Shame it, shame it, it's better to be more embarrassed, and let Old Master Zhang hate them more and more, then the entire Zhang family's property belongs to them.

After all, the current situation of their Mu's family is almost impossible to sustain.

In their hearts, if they get the property of the Zhang family, they will be able to stand up.

"Zhang Tengfei, you are still not a man, and you don't stand up when you see your wife and daughter being beaten!" Mother Zhang clutched her painful face, sat on the ground, pointed at Zhang Tengfei angrily and screamed.

I didn't know if my foot was abducted, but now I don't even have the ability to stand. I feel painful when I move, and I can only sit on the ground.

Zhang Tengfei snorted coldly, "That's what you did yourself. In this case, you are responsible for what you did! If you can't get Ms. Chu's forgiveness, don't blame me for not acknowledging you!"

Anyway, the shame has been lost for this kind of sake. If they can't get Chu Muyue's forgiveness, he will give up the woman when he goes back and leave them clean.

In the future, if Chu Muyue wanted to retaliate, he would also retaliate against them, and he could get out of the matter.

"You, you..." When Mother Zhang heard Zhang Tengfei's words, her face flushed with anger, her fingers trembling.

Zhang Zihan was almost crazy. He never thought that his father would not want their mother and daughter for Chu Muyue's sake, "Dad, how can you not want me and my mother for this bitch!"

But Zhang Tengfei ignored Zhang Zihan's mother and daughter, turned his head and smiled at Chu Muyue, "Ms. Chu, don't worry, I will definitely run away justice for you in this matter. Nothing is my unbelievable daughter. Yes, she shouldn’t have people quit your father’s job, if... if your father wants, you can come to our company!"

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