Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1035: Seeing a doctor at a banquet 3

Until the banquet ended, there were still a few people beside Chu Muyue.

However, the time is almost there, so they all left one by one.

Watching Chu Muyue send the last person away, Yan Yu and the others both sat on the sofa and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Chu Muyue walked towards them and asked.

Xiang Tian and haha ​​laughed and said, "Laughing, you really made a big splash today!"

"Yeah! You really made the show today!" Mu Zhitong also nodded and said enviously, "I can't see your people anymore, I'm really worried that you will be squeezed into flesh by them. Cake!"

"Puff! Hahaha..." Hearing Mu Zhitong's description, most of the people couldn't help laughing.

Ouyang Mengxi also smiled and nodded teasingly, "Yes, I want to rush to save you, but my body is too weak!"

Chu Muyue heard the ridicule of these friends and couldn't laugh or cry. She sat between them and put down the wine glass in her hand. "Don't look at who I am, how can they squeeze me with my skills!"

"Yes!" Yan Yu nodded in agreement, "That Jin Shengwu is not your opponent, let alone these people who have long been hollowed out by alcohol!"

"That is to say, who is Mu Yue, he not only knows medical skills, but also martial arts, it is two-way almighty!" Mu Zhitong smiled and said jokingly.

"No need to say any more!" Chu Muyue raised her hand to stop Mu Zhitong and the others continued. "When are you going to leave?"

"Are you going back so soon?" Wei Qingqing asked Chu Muyue in surprise, "I haven't recounted the past with you!"

Chu Muyue shrugged helplessly, and apologized, "Sister Qingqing, there is no way, it is estimated that after tomorrow, those people will have to disclose my identity. Some people at the medicinal restaurant are busy, and other things are also busy, so, This is temporarily out of time!"

"Oh, okay, busy guy!" Wei Qingqing sighed helplessly, but said with care, "I won't keep you anymore, you go back and take a good rest!"

"How do you go back?" Yuan Xiao asked Chu Muyue with concern.

Chu Muyue smiled and comforted, "Ling Hong will send me back, don't worry!"

"Yeah! That's good, Ling Hong should still be counting the remaining medicinal wine!" Yuan Xiao glanced around, turned his head and said.

Chu Muyue nodded, "Well, when he counts, we will go back!"

Mu Zhitong laughed and teased, "What? Didn't your Senior Brother Xiao come to pick you up?"

"It's already so late, I didn't call him!" Chu Muyue shook her head.

However, Chu Muyue unconsciously wondered if that guy would come and pick her up.

"Cut, if you don't understand romance, you should let a man pick you up. How can you let your subordinates send you back?" Mu Zhitong rolled her eyes immediately.

Chu Muyue turned her head and smiled and asked Mu Zhitong, "What's the use of romance? Those who know romance, are you sure they can give you happiness?"

Mu Zhitong opened her mouth and snorted proudly, "I can't tell you, I won't tell you!"

She also knows best that those rich second-generation officials and second-generation officials are all very romantic, but what about after marriage? I have forgotten you a long time ago.

So she really had nothing to refute Chu Muyue.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Xiao Junyan's person is really good, after all, they are all in their eyes.

Every time I accompany Chu Muyue, there is not only no complaints, but also caring, and a woman has to be envied and jealous.

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