Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1061: Chu Muyue True Energy 1

After a busy weekend, Chu Muyue returned to school and led the school life.

Both the school and the head teacher Yu Chengwei already knew what happened to him, so Chu Muyue didn't conceal any things.

Sometimes, it’s common to make a phone call after class, and the teacher won’t pick up the phone when he sees it.

This was the result of discussions with the principal, and the principal naturally agreed, fearing that Chu Muyue would be dissatisfied with them.

However, what Chu Muyue didn't know was that there was a rumor that her funding source was problematic.

Chu Muyue didn't care about this rumor, it was just a rumor.

Unexpectedly, when she was in school, a group of people came to the medicated restaurant.

"We need to investigate the source of your funds!"

Ling Hong looked at the staff of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce in front of him, his expression a little ugly.

What is meant by investigating their funds? There is no problem with their funds at all.

The start-up funds were given by Chu Muyue, but not many people knew how much the funds were and where they came from.

At the beginning, Ling Hong knew the source of the funds best. There were Chu Muyue, Xiao Junyan, and Ye Tianming. It was these three people's funds.

At that time, both Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming contributed a lot, and the funds needed to open a medicinal restaurant did not require that much. Therefore, later, Hengyue Real Estate Company, Dream Cosmetics, and Longdun Security Company were divided. Five percent to them.

Chu Muyue had already informed Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming about this matter.

And they didn't care about the shares. Although Ye Tianming felt that he was sold by his boss, he would not care about this kind of shares.

And he also believes that Chu Muyue's future achievements are absolutely extraordinary, and now he is making good relations.

Because of their words, the medicinal food restaurant began to close again for rectification, and even Ling Hong was invited away by them.

Looking at Ling Hong who was taken away, Han Tao called Ye Tianming.

At this moment, Ye Tianming slapped the file on the table with a slap, and the sound was clear and loud.

"Boy, it's better to tell Lao Tzu who is the head of you thieves!"

"The police notified, I said everything, I just stolen the money without the money on my body, there is no thief's boss at all!" The colorfully dyed youth responded to Ye Tianming in a frivolous manner.

"Okay, don't you..." Ye Tianming pointed at the young man and wanted to speak. When the phone rang, he immediately connected the phone, "What the hell, who is calling Lao Tzu!"

"Boss, it's me!" Han Tao's voice reached Ye Tianming's ears.

Ye Tianming was taken aback, glanced at the young man opposite him, pointed at his colleague, and then left the office, "What's the matter?"

He knew that Han Tao wouldn't call him for nothing. This time he called medicated restaurant or Chu Muyue.

Sure enough, Han Tao told him what had happened in the medicated restaurant just now.

Ye Tianming gave a chuckle, a gloating smile flashed across his face, "That guy is so courageous!"

"Boss, what do you think about this matter?" Han Tao quickly asked Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming smiled and said, "Don't worry, leave this to me. You ask the people in the security company to investigate it. It's time to use them!"

"Yes!" Han Tao listened and nodded quickly.

"Oh, by the way, don't let Mu Yue's father know about this for now!" Ye Tianming still knew Chu Muyue's character and reminded him.

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