Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1069: Instructor Ye, Officer Ye 2

If Ye Tianming and Duan Tianyu both joined forces to find Liu Qingyue's trouble at the same time, the speed was naturally fast.

This Friday, there was only one class, and a police car drove into the school and walked upstairs to the teaching building.

The sound of the police car made everyone walk out of the classroom curiously and watched the situation outside.

"what's going on?"

"Yeah! How come there are police cars coming to our school, are they trying to arrest someone?"

"The police have come out, come out!"

"What's the matter? Why did the police come?"

The students leaned on the balcony and watched the policemen walking towards the teaching building. They all seemed to be upstairs.

Curious classmates, one by one all ran to the top of the stairs to see what happened to these policemen?

There was also a scream in the classroom of Class 18.

"The police are here!"

"Police? What are you doing here?"

"Who knows, hurry up and look out!"

Everyone rushed out of the classroom.

Chu Muyue slowly raised her head, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Here is someone!"

"What? Is it here to catch Liu Qingyue?" Yan Yu heard this and turned his head curiously to look at Xiang Chu Muyue.

Mu Zhitong jumped up excitedly, "Really? Then let's go take a look!"

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go and see if it really came to catch Liu Qingyue, we have to take a good look at what the end of this guy is!" An Ziyun also ran over and pulled Chu Muyue from her seat. stand up.

"Go and see, I won't go!" Chu Muyue refused.

"No, we have to go together!"

"That's right! What the **** is the culprit, you have to go and see!"

An Ziyun and Mu Zhitong both forced Chu Muyue to go to see them together to see their enemies get retribution. How cool is this!

Chu Muyue looked at them helplessly, a little bit dumbfounded, she could only nod her head, "Well, you let me go, I will go with you, don't hold me, we can't walk!"

Mu Zhitong and An Ziyun both let go of Chu Muyue, followed by Wu Hongjun, Yan Yu and others, they are also going to see what the end of Liu Qingyue will be.

"I heard that I'm going to Class 8. Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Go to Class 8? What are you doing to Class 8!"

Everyone asked curiously, but they didn't stop, one by one, they headed towards the eighth class.

Chu Muyue and others also walked towards the eighth class, but when they arrived in the corridor, they had already heard the girl's angry screams, "Let go of me! Let me go! Let go of me!"

"This classmate, please cooperate, we just want you to make a record for us!" A serious and formulaic voice came out.

"I don't want it, why are you arresting me? I haven't committed a crime! Let go of me!"

Liu Qingyue was dragged out of the classroom by two policemen, but still resisted.

"You are involved in making false accusations against others, causing property damage to others, and even damage to your reputation. It is only a routine matter for us to ask you to go back. If it is really not you, we will still release you back!" With a serious face, "I hope you can cooperate with our work. If you don't cooperate, we can only catch you back to the police station!"

"I didn't, I didn't, you let me go! You are framing me!" Liu Qingyue's eyes were full of panic and fear, and there was a burst of anger and anxious shouting in Liu Qingyue's mouth.

Mu Zhitong and the others saw Liu Qingyue being arrested, and their faces showed mocking smiles.

"Deserve it!"

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