Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1079: Invitation from Chu Muyue 2

The senior veteran asked people to dispose of things, and when he walked in, he took a caring look at Yuan Xiao who slowly opened his eyes on the bed.

"Xiao'er, how do you feel?" the elder asked Yuan Xiao worriedly.

Yuan Xiao closed his eyes and felt for a while, his body said weakly, "It's much better now, although it's not in the situation just now, it's very tired!"

The elder nodded, then turned to look at Chu Muyue, "Mu Yue, come and see Xiaoer!"

Chu Muyue opened her eyes from closing her eyes and rested her mind, comforting the elder, "Senior, don’t worry, it’s okay, I just removed the poison from Yuan Xiao’s body and consumed a lot of his energy and strength. Energy, I will now prescribe a prescription for him to restore the strength consumed in his body and also to clean up the residual poison in his body!"

Hearing the explanation, the veteran breathed a sigh of relief and comforted Yuan Xiao, "Don't worry, it's okay! You take a good rest, so you don't have to go to school today, and rest at home for a week!"

Yuan Xiao nodded gently. He didn't try to be strong. He really lost the strength to move his fingers, let alone going to school.

"Well, rest at home for a week, take the prescription that I am taking for a week, and then you can go to school!" Chu Muyue nodded, turned around and wrote down the prescription, and handed it to the elder, "Elder, you Let people go down and prepare first, boil a bowl for Yuan Xiao to drink and then rest, the effect will be better!"

"Oh, well, I'll let someone go to boil the medicine right away!" The veteran nodded quickly and took the prescription and asked to make arrangements.

After arranging things, the elder turned and looked at Chu Muyue gratefully, "Mu Yue, thank you so much for this matter. Without you, Xiao'er would have been..."

Chu Muyue smiled and waved his hand, and said, "No, this is what I should be. Yuan Xiao is not only my classmate, but also my friend. Without you, I wouldn't be able to achieve what I am now, so I don't need to thank me. , If you have any needs in the future, you can find me!"

"Good!" The veteran nodded and looked at Chu Muyue gratefully.

The expression on Chu Muyue's face gradually became a little serious, and she reminded him, "However, Elder, you still need to find out who actually started Yuan Xiao. Investigate it out and tell me, because I'm worried about his hands. There are other Gu worms in it, if he strikes at you, it would be bad!"

Listening to Chu Muyue's reminder, the veteran nodded in agreement, "You are right, I will send someone to investigate if there is any real evidence, if there is any, I will invite you over again!"

"Okay!" Chu Muyue nodded, glanced at the time, and said, "Elder, it's too late, I have to go back!"

"Well, I'll send you out. I really bother you too much!" The elder said with some guilt.

"No need!" Chu Muyue waved her hand, turned and left with Xiao Junyan.

This treatment was at nine o'clock in the evening, and the head teacher Yu Chengwei was called in the middle to ask for leave for herself and Yuan Xiao.

The excuse is that Yuan Xiao's body is a little wrong, she needs to treat him, and Yuan Xiao will not be able to go to school for the next week.

Yu Chengwei is very concerned about Yuan Xiao's body, let him rest well, and she can come to school again tomorrow, he will greet the security guards at the school gate.

In fact, there is no need to say hello. The security guards also know that the principal said that if Chu Muyue has anything to do in the future, he can leave the school without applying for anything.

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