Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1084: Goodbye Yuan Feng Ting 2

Yuan Fengting received the order from the veteran and came to the villa.

Because the elder said that he wanted to have another dinner for the family, he took his wife and son directly to the villa.

"Why are you here?" Seeing Yuan Fengting's wife and son, the senator showed a look of surprise on his face.

When Yuan Fengting heard what the elder said, he was taken aback and asked incomprehensibly, "Dad, didn't you say let us come to dinner?"

The veteran was questioned by Yuan Fengting, with a hesitant look on his old face.

Chu Muyue saw the embarrassment and hesitation on the elder's face, glanced at the Yuan Fengting family of three, and said, "Let them all stay!"

Hearing what Chu Muyue said, the elder nodded, "Well, in that case, stay here!"

Yuan Fengting looked at Chu Muyue, the muscles on his face jumped slightly, not knowing why.

When she saw Chu Muyue, she didn't know why, and she gave a sigh of relief, and suddenly she had an ominous premonition.

Thinking of Chu Muyue's medical skills, Yuan Fengting's heart felt cold.

Could it be that his poison was discovered? Then he was cured by Chu Muyue?

After all, what he had done before, Yuan Xiao's crippled legs, was also good because of Chu Muyue.

"It turns out that Miss Chu is here too!" Although she was worried and anxious in her heart, she said to Chu Muyue with a bright smile on her face.

Chu Muyue smiled at Yuan Fengting, "I didn't expect to meet again so soon!"

"Yeah! Miss Chu also came to the dinner party. It's really welcome. You are Xiao'er's lifesaver. Our Yuan family has to thank you very much!" Yuan Fengting said with a smile.

However, before Chu Muyue answered and spoke, the young man standing behind Yuan Fengting, with his hands in his pockets, showed a look of disdain.

"Cut! What savior, I think it's fake, right?"

Hearing what his son Yuan Qian said, Yuan Fengting turned his head and stared at him angrily, "Qian'er!"

Yuan Qian was reprimanded by his father Yuan Fengting, and he was very upset, but he just shut up and stopped talking.

The elder also showed an angry look on his face, staring at Yuan Qian, "Since you don't want to thank Mu Yue, get out of here immediately!"

"Grandpa!" Yuan Qian widened his eyes in shock, looking at his grandfather senator.

Chu Muyue lowered her eyes, she had already seen Yuan Qian's character and some future information from his face.

This Yuan Qian is a blessed person, and a small-minded man, just like his father.

The elder directly ignored Yuan Qian's expression, "Don't you understand me?"

"Dad, Qian'er is just a slip of the tongue, she didn't mean it!" Yuan Fengting quickly explained to his son, persuading the elder.

"Yeah! Dad, Qian'er is still young, so please forgive him!" Yuan Er's wife also nodded with a smile, speaking for Yuan Qian, "After all, Ms. Chu's age is too young, and Qian'er can't believe it! "

The elder snorted coldly, his eyes full of dissatisfaction and anger when he looked at Yuan Fengting's family.

Especially what Yuan Fengting had done made him very dissatisfied. He felt that this son had already ignored their blood relationship with himself.

He even dared to start with his own nephew, and caused Yuan Xiao to suffer for so many years, and finally healed, and he still had to kill him!

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