Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1087: Yuan Fengting's Madness 1

Yuan Fengting stared at Chu Muyue, opened his mouth, and said, " me!"

Hearing Yuan Fengting's begging for mercy, the senior veteran became even more angry, and asked him angrily, "Say, why on earth are you doing such a cruel hand to Xiao'er? He is your nephew!"

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue also nodded, and questioned Yuan Fengting, "Tell me, why do you have such a cruel hand to Yuan Xiao! A child, but you did such a cruel thing to make him Become a crippled for so long?"

Listening to Chu Muyue's words, Yuan Fengting showed a hideous look on his face, staring at the elder, "Haha! Ask why! Don't you know?"

The senator was taken aback and looked at Yuan Fengting puzzledly, not knowing what he meant by this.

"It seems that those who have money don't even have blood kinship! Even their own nephews can do it!" Chu Muyue sneered and looked at Yuan Fengting with cold eyes.

Hearing this, the elder showed an expression of pain, "You are so cruel! Is money really so important?"

He did not expect that he had made so much money in his entire life, not only did he not let his children and grandchildren have a happy and worry-free life, but became a reminder for them, and even let his grandchildren suffer such pain. .

When Yuan Fengting heard the elder’s words, he smiled and looked at him coldly, "If the eldest brother does not die, will you give me all the property of the Yuan family? Only when the eldest brother dies can I be able to Get everything I want!"

"Then why do you want to do something against Xiao'er? He doesn't pose any threat to you!" The elder angrily questioned Yuan Fengting.

Yuan Fengting’s face was full of sneers, “Although he is just a child, he is my elder brother’s son after all. Didn’t Zhu Yuanzhang pass on the throne to his grandson, the eldest grandson Zhu Yunwen? I didn’t kill Yuan Xiao. It's already considered the affection of our uncles and nephews!"

The meaning of these words is that Yuan Xiao is not dead, but sitting in a wheelchair like a disabled person, which is already regarded as his kindness.

At least not like the legendary Zhu Yunwen, was it true that Zhu Di was murdered secretly instead of running away.

"You..." The veteran suddenly flushed with anger from his old face because of Yuan Fengting's words.

He never expected that he would say such a thing.

He has such ambitions. Is he going to be Zhu Di?

Chu Muyue heard it, but shook his head gently, he really did something like this.

I really think of myself as that Yan Wang Zhu Di! Ambition is really not small!

"Elder, don't be angry!" Chu Muyue patted the elder on the back, soothing him, don't get angry because of this.

"I really didn't expect that this **** would have such an idea!" The elder pointed at Yuan Fengting with trembling fingers.

The corner of Chu Muyue's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mocking smile, and looked down at Yuan Fengting, "The evil man has his own retribution, let him pay for it in the rest of his life!"

The senator closed his old eyes, and his body was very exhausted.

Sometimes, it's okay not to know the truth, but after knowing the truth, the power in the body seems to be emptied instantly.

And the veteran also felt like he was ten years old again.

Chu Muyue gently stroked the elder's back, helping him to consolidate the vitality in his body.

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