Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1092: Yuan Xiao's Revenge 3

The corner of Yuan Xiao's mouth showed a bitter smile of rejoicing. Should he be thankful that he did not die for this reason?

"As long as you confess that grass ghost, I can let Mu Yue let you go and let your whole family go!" Yuan Xiao glanced at Yuan Fengting, then at Yuan Qian and Yuan Er's wife.

When Yuan Fengting heard Yuan Xiao's words, his pupils wrinkled. He understood the meaning of Yuan Xiao's words, that is, if he didn't confess the whereabouts of the grass ghost, then he would settle accounts with his son and wife.

"Yuan Xiao! Dare you!" Yuan Fengting gritted his teeth and stared at him with red eyes.

Yuan Xiao looked down, looked down at his legs, and touched his hands. "You have killed my parents. As their son, how could I not take revenge for them? I want to avenge my legs. Since you made me a useless person, I will also treat him as a human being, so that your son will taste it and become a useless person!"

Whether it is the hatred of his parents or his own legs, he will avenge it.

Even if Yuan Fengting was his uncle, he would not let it go.

Who told him to stop treating his father as his elder brother and his nephew?

Then, he would not recognize this uncle who has blood relatives.

Chu Muyue chuckled and nodded gently, "Yes, I can help you abolish Yuan Qian's legs, and anyone whose legs are abolished by me will definitely not be cured!"

"Dare you! I want to call the police!" When Mrs. Yuan Er heard that Chu Muyue was about to abolish her son's legs, she immediately stood up from the ground, pointed her finger at Chu Muyue, and screamed.

Chu Muyue looked at Mrs. Yuan Er, then at Ye Tianming, slightly raised her chin and smiled and said, "There is a policeman here, but this policeman is not here to arrest me, but your husband. It will be arrested on the crime of murder, tusk tusk, two lives, even if they are immortal, they will not be able to get out of prison anymore!"

Mrs. Yuan Er was so angry that the wrinkled face was shaking, she stretched out her pointed fingers, and flew towards Chu Muyue.

She didn't know Chu Muyue's skill, even if she knew it, she would definitely forget it because of her anger.

Seeing Madam Yuan Er rushing towards her, Chu Muyue leaned slightly and poured a cup of tea on the coffee table in front of her at her.

Although the tea on the table was not hot, it was not too hot. It splashed on the face of the second lady, causing her to scream in pain, and screamed in pain while covering her face.

The high-heeled shoes under her feet tripped on the carpet and couldn't stand firmly. She thumped and fell to the ground. She fell on all sides and screamed again in pain.

Looking at the appearance of his son and his wife, Yuan Fengting showed a crazy light in his eyes. He turned his head and looked fiercely at Chu Muyue and Yuan Xiao who were sitting on the sofa leisurely, gloomy. Laughed.

"Since I can't get everything, I won't let you guys feel better. The master will avenge me and let you and the Yuan family be buried with me! Hahaha..."

Anyway, his son has become like this, and he doesn't think that he is put in jail, even if he is dead, Yuan Xiao will let him go like this.

That being the case, he will fight to die and break the net!

Chu Muyue and Yuan Xiao looked at each other, knowing that Yuan Fengting was crazy.

"Take him away! I'll leave it to you, just ask if you can, and forget if you can't!" Chu Muyue faintly instructed Ye Tianming.

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