Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1112: Teacher Yu is confused 1

What happened in the medicated restaurant was reported in the evening news.

Everyone who sat in front of the TV and watched TV was shocked.

"What? That Chu Muyue founded another company?"

"It was created by a company called Dream Cosmetics, where the skin care products are made of pure Chinese medicine!"

"This girl, how can she be so enchanting that she has opened another company!"


Every household, as long as the people who read this news, want to discuss with each other whether this matter is true or false.

People who have indeed experienced the medicated food in the medicated food restaurant opened by Chu Muyue feel that this skin care product is really so powerful!

Because Chu Muyue had a very good history, the medicated food restaurant really shocked them too much and gave them too many benefits, and they had to believe that it was true.

If it weren't for the medicinal restaurant, Chu Muyue would believe it, maybe not so many people would believe it!

I just feel that she is sixteen or seventeen years old, it is impossible to study this kind of skin care products, after all, it requires professional knowledge.

As the president of the student union, although he lives on campus, he still reads the newspaper every day.

Especially after knowing that Chu Muyue started from scratch by himself and created a medicated food restaurant, she always read the newspaper to see if there is any information about Chu Muyue in it.

Originally, Chu Muyue's ignorance of him, his disdain, he was very angry and wanted to avenge her.

But before he took the shot, he received the exposure of Chu Muyue's identity.

Chu Muyue, a girl who was just studying, actually created the restaurant and medicinal restaurant that is now popular throughout Lin City.

I read the newspaper again today, but was stunned, "What? Chu Muyue opened another dream cosmetics company?"

Because of shock, the tea cup in his hand also fell on the table, splashing water on the table without knowing it.

The water stains fell along the tabletop and on Tan Wei's legs. The hot hot water made him take a breath of air-conditioning, and jumped up from the seat.

Quickly take a towel and dry the tea on the table.

"Hiss!" Tan Wei sat on a chair, touching his leg that was scalded by hot water, and looking at the newspaper in his hand, with a shock in his heart. Is this true or false?

"Is this... true or false? Did she really start another company? How old is she now!"

Tan Wei muttered to himself for a while, still couldn't believe it was true.

What I can't do, I just feel that it is impossible to be done by others, let alone the status that Chu Muyue achieved?

However, this matter is true, even if Tan Wei can't believe it, he must be believed.

At this moment, Tan Wei could only sit in a chair blankly, looking at the newspaper in his hand.

On the other side of the office, especially the principal’s office, Fan Hongwei read the newspaper with a bright smile on his face, and said, “Good, good, okay! This Chu Muyue is really amazing. It’s created again. A company! Gives our school another face! We have to spread the good news and let the students know about it!"

For the principal, his greatest hope is to use Chu Muyue's reputation to improve the reputation of his school.

Therefore, for Chu Muyue now, it can be said that nothing is left.

After all, Chu Muyue, who is now studying in school, is more effective than those who have achieved achievements out of school.

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