Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1114: Teacher Yu is confused 3

Just as Mu Zhitong and the others said, when those students heard that Chu Muyue was back, they would deliberately come to the 18th class to take a round, and then look at Chu Muyue, what is so special about her, she is so small. , Will already start a company.

According to their estimates, Chu Muyue's current worth, even if he is not a billionaire, is also a multimillionaire.

Thinking that they are still studying in the school, the money is also required by their parents, but Chu Muyue has already made money on her own, and also made so much money, it is really envy and envy.

Among them, there are also those who can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. They only think that Chu Muyue used an unhealthy channel to get the money. Maybe he has a relationship with a rich person.

However, they can only say something in their hearts, but they don't dare to talk nonsense, for fear that what will happen if they say it, especially if they are heard by the boys who admire Chu Muyue.

Not only the students but the teachers are also curious about Chu Muyue.

A teacher in a class put a stack of books in front of Yu Chengwei and said, "Teacher Yu, you will go back early today and study late. I will help you do it!"

Yu Chengwei's face was stunned, what's the situation? Asked puzzledly, "You help me do it? This is my job!"

"It's okay!" The teacher waved his hand. "Teacher Yu, we have been colleagues for so long, and you have given me a second face. I want to see Chu Muyue in your class, observe and observe how she does it. To the point where it is now!"

When Yu Chengwei heard what the teacher said, he was a little startled, but he was also a little dumbfounded. What is this!

"It can be, but!" Yu Chengwei nodded, but hesitated.

The teacher got Yu Chengwei's permission and decided to make a decision, "No need, but this is the case!"

Yu Chengwei opened his mouth and really didn't know what to say. In fact, he wanted to say that today Chu Muyue and him asked for leave, and took leave from the last self-study class to the evening self-study.

However, looking at the teacher's appearance, Yu Chengwei could only swallow what he was about to say.

He had already reminded him anyway, who made this teacher too domineering? I just won't let him go on.

Naturally, Chu Muyue didn't know the situation in the office, nor did he know what happened during the late self-study.

Because she still has to go to some patients for follow-up treatment, including Jiang Xu! So he and Yu Chengwei asked for leave in the afternoon and evening.

In the end, the teacher returned in defeat. I didn't expect Chu Muyue to ask for leave. Thinking of what Yu Chengwei had to say at the beginning, she was really depressed and wanted to hit the wall.

On Friday, Chu Muyue left school with everyone.

However, there are many more people at the school gate today. These people are journalists with cameras and cameras, and they all want to take pictures of Chu Muyue.

Walking out of the school gate and seeing this scene, Mu Zhitong and others all cast sympathetic glances at Chu Muyue. This is really the end of a bit of private life!

Looking at Chu Muyue, Wu Hongjun smiled a little gloatingly, "It seems that you were right not to disclose your identity before!"

"Can I have a choice?" Chu Muyue spread his hands helplessly.

Yan Yu patted Chu Muyue on the shoulder, "Don't worry, we will help you deal with these people!"

"You go first, we will help you block!" Yuan Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"Thanks a lot!"

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