Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1131: Binocular predictive ability 1

Xiao Fengyi paused, turned his head and looked at Xiao Junyan holding the box so precious, was stunned, blinked, and asked curiously, "What are you holding in it? Why are you such a baby?"

Xiao Junyan didn't say anything, and walked towards the stairs with the box in his arms.

Seeing someone like this, everyone below was stunned.

It seemed that they had never seen Xiao Junyan attach such importance to it before. No, it should not be valued, but treasure cherished.

"What's wrong with this kid today?" Xiao Fengyi touched her chin and asked puzzledly.

Tang Yalan laughed, turned her head and glanced at Xiao Shufeng, "Jun Yan's other half doesn't need your second brother to bother, I believe that he will find a girl he likes by himself!"

How could Tang Yalan, who was a past person, fail to see what her son's actions now represent?

As long as her son likes it, she, a mother, raises her hands in favor.

No one cares more about her son's future than she does, and whether he can marry a girl he likes in the future.

The girl who can fascinate his iceberg son is definitely not an ordinary girl.

Xiao Shufeng had a cold face, obviously disagreeing with what Tang Yalan said.

At this time, Xiao Junyan sat at the desk in his room, opened the box, and looked at the exquisite snacks inside, his eyes became very gentle.

After staring for a while, Xiao Junyan took out his mobile phone and called Chu Muyue in Linshi.

"Brother Xiao, are you home?" Chu Muyue received another call from Xiao Junyan, and knew that he should have arrived home.

Because Xiao Junyan called Chu Muyue when he got off the plane to report that he was safe, and he was sure to get home now.

"Well, here it is!" Xiao Junyan nodded softly, with a gentle voice, "I gave them a gift, I like it all!"

Regarding what happened later, he didn't tell Chu Muyue, he didn't want her to worry.

The person he liked, he knew, would never let others interfere with his marriage, and the only person he wanted to marry was Chu Muyue.

Hearing Xiao Junyan's return, Chu Muyue was also relieved, "Well, just like it! I'm still worried that they don't like it!"

"Don't worry, I like them all, grandpa, mom and sister like them the most!" The corners of Xiao Junyan's lips raised, comforting Chu Muyue.

Hearing Xiao Junyan's words, Chu Muyue's mouth showed a relaxed smile, "Really? That's good!"

Regarding the things she gave, in fact, it was said that it was precious and precious, and that it was neither precious nor precious. Therefore, Chu Muyue was still very afraid that they would be dissatisfied with these gifts.

Now that I heard Xiao Junyan say this, I was relieved, at least it gave the people in Xiao Junyan's family a good impression.

"Well, mom will let me marry you!" Xiao Junyan nodded and added, "Grandpa and sister also want me to hurry!"

Suddenly Xiao Junyan's words caused Chu Muyue to be taken aback for a moment, then his face flushed, and she took a sip, "What are you talking about!"

"Frankly! Grandpa wants you to be a grandson-in-law, and he often brews medicinal wine for him!"

Listening to Xiao Junyan's explanation, Chu Muyue's muscles trembled at the corner of her eyes. She really didn't expect that Xiao Junyan's grandfather was such a childish person. Shouldn't he be serious?

"Cough, cough, cough, I... I'm going to take a bath, so you can rest well, I'm hanging up!" Chu Muyue still felt a little hot, said.

"Take a good rest, don't be tired!" Xiao Junyan said with concern.


I'm really sorry, I'm getting married tomorrow. The amount of recent updates is a bit low, but I can't help it. I can't code words. They are all supported by the manuscript.

After a while, the update will resume growth, and the volume will increase! muah!

The chapter will be updated regularly for a few days, please forgive me!

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