Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1139: Anxious Xiao Junyan 1

When the bag was opened, a small, cute, but prickly hedgehog got out of the bag and sniffed his nose.

When the little hedgehog got out of the bag, the golden silkworm Gu in the hands of the old lady instantly stopped flying towards Chu Muyue, and after a short pause, it went backwards instead.

The old lady was shocked when she saw this situation, her eyes widened in surprise, she looked at the animals that came out of the bag that Chu Muyue was holding with a face of disbelief, and she squeaked.

"This...what's going on! How is it possible!" The old lady stared at her eyes in shock.

Chu Muyue showed a smug smile at the corner of her mouth and chuckled lightly, "Nothing is impossible, old lady, wouldn't I be ready before I knew you were coming to trouble me?"

The golden silkworm is the most fearful of its head and beak like a mouse. It has a hedgehog with hairs like an oyster and pig arrow. Therefore, the hedgehog is a special medicine for golden silkworm.

This is what she saw in the books, so yesterday she predicted that the old lady would appear, she had asked Ling Hong to get herself a hedgehog.

Although I don't know if what was recorded in this estimate is true, at least Chu Muyue still prepared a bit to avoid being in a hurry if he encountered it.

Seeing this situation now, Chu Muyue is really thankful that all the records in the books are correct.

In addition to shock, the old lady's face was shocked, and there was incredible disbelief.

She didn't expect that she spent most of her life and died before she became a teacher.

This Golden Silkworm Gu didn't show its strength yet, so it died halfway through.

Although there is no real battle yet, the old lady already knows that this Golden Silkworm Gu is not going to come in handy today, let alone use him to subdue Chu Muyue.

Thinking of this, the old lady was so angry that her teeth were itchy and furious.

"Old lady, since I am a descendant of the mysterious doctor, how come I don’t know how to solve the Gu? Of course, this also includes your Golden Silkworm Gu, and the other Gu worms are the same. In my eyes, your Gu Insects, just caterpillars!" Chu Muyue sneered and looked at the old lady mockingly.

Listening to Chu Muyue's calm and bland words, the old lady hated her in her heart.

Although the old lady was very angry, she knew very well in her heart that she couldn't kill Chu Muyue today, so she could only think of another way to leave.

"Little girl!" The old lady squinted her eyes and looked at Chu Muyue coldly, "You should know that even if you can prevent my golden silkworm Gu from hurting you, but you can't stop me from fighting with you. If I'm desperate, you can't stop it even if you want to, and you might be poisoned by me!"

Although she was very unwilling, the old lady still cherished her life very much, so she planned to make a deal with Chu Muyue.

When she heard the old lady's sudden change, Chu Muyue was taken aback. She didn't expect that the old lady would make terms with her.

"You mean, if I let you go, won't you kill me?" Chu Muyue raised her eyebrows and asked the old lady.

"Yes!" Now that Chu Muyue understood what she said, the old lady stopped twitching and said, "As long as you let me go, I don't need to trouble you in the future!"

Now, the old lady just wanted to escape first, and then wait for an opportunity to retaliate against Chu Muyue. She would definitely avenge this grudge.

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