Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1164: Yu family father and daughter are also here 2

Suddenly, on the day before the Lantern Festival, outside the medicated restaurant, it was the same grand occasion as the last dream cosmetics company.

Xiao Junyan was wearing a black suit, accompanied by Chu Muyue.

He didn't allow Chu Muyue to leave his sight for half a step today.

Although Chu Muyue said that her body had recovered, he was still worried and cared about her.

Chu Muyue could only silently accept Xiao Junyan's concern and tension, and agreed to his request and let him follow.

Qin Shaoyang is also present today. After all, he is the general manager of Hengyue Real Estate and Longdun Security Company.

"Chu Dong!" Qin Shaoyang, An Qing and Ling Hong all stood in front of Chu Muyue and nodded to her.

As soon as the news is announced, Chu Muyue is the chairman of Longteng Group, and Qin Shaoyang is the general manager of Hengyue Real Estate Company, Longdun Security Company, Dream Cosmetics Company, and Medicinal Food Restaurant.

Chu Muyue smiled at them and nodded, "Well, today's press conference is very important, especially President Qin. This is the first time you meet with everyone!"

"I know, Dong Chu, don't worry, you will never be disappointed!" Qin Shaoyang said to Chu Muyue with a confident smile.

Chu Muyue nodded lightly, "Well, I know you won't let me down, let's go down first! Let's talk with you more first!"

An Qing and Ling Hong nodded in understanding, and led Qin Shaoyang down to get to know some contacts.

Chu Muyue also came to the venue with Xiao Junyan.

"This girl, finally came!" Mu Zhitong had been looking in the crowd, and she saw Chu Muyue's figure.

An Ziyun also followed Mu Zhitong aggressively, "I'll go there too, this girl didn't even tell us earlier!"

Yuan Xiao and the others took a look, shook their heads helplessly, and grabbed them, "What are you making here? When things are handled, I believe that Mu Yue will naturally give you an explanation!"

"That's right, don't go over, just sit here first!" Qiao Mobai also grabbed An Ziyun's arm and persuaded.

"The people are not here yet, just take advantage of the time to find and talk to Nizi!" Mu Zhitong waved her hand, broke Xiang Tian and their hands, and walked towards Chu Muyue.

However, before Chu Muyue saw Mu Zhitong and the others, Xiao Junyan found a place where she could sit and asked Chu Muyue to sit first. Standing up would be tired.

Despite Xiao Junyan's orders, Chu Muyue could only obediently follow Xiao Junyan's orders to find a place to rest.

Only halfway through, he was stopped by a middle-aged man.

Chu Muyue glanced at the middle-aged man, and then at the girl standing beside her, her eyes drooping slightly, and a smile on her mouth, Yu Qi.

The people who stopped Chu Muyue were Yu Qi and her father Yu Wei.

"Please let me!" Chu Muyue smiled slightly, and reached out for Xiao Junyan who was about to stand up.

Yu Qi looked at Chu Muyue's eyes full of discomfort and pride. Her father is also here today, and she wants to see what qualifications this little **** has to be arrogant in front of her.

Thinking of the New Year this year, Yan Yu simply didn't give face to herself, nor did he give face to his father. He didn't even show the door of the room. Even if he got out of the door, he went to his grandfather's side and didn't want to see her.

How can this make her not angry? All this is because of this Chu Muyue in front of me!

"Are you Chu Muyue?" Yu Wei looked up and down Chu Muyue and asked.

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