Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1171: Longteng Group was established 1

After sending away Yu Wei and his daughter Yu Qi, the atmosphere of the entire banquet venue seemed very harmonious.

However, no one was close to Chu Muyue's situation, because Yan Lao and the others were chatting with Chu Muyue.

As time passed, almost everyone who should have arrived, reporters from various media and radio stations had arrived, and Ling Hong informed that it was almost time.

There are no fewer than two hundred celebrities who came here tonight, and most of them are business giants.

Today's press conference is different from the last press conference. It is more solemn and solemn. On the rostrum, there are tables and chairs.

Chu Muyue, An Qing, Qin Shaoyang and Ling Hong all took the stage.

The four people were sitting on the podium, and all the media took pictures of them.

Chu Muyue, Ling Hong, and An Qing all knew each other, but they did not know one of them, Qin Shaoyang, a strange young man.

However, many people, after being introduced by Ling Hong before, knew what the general manager of Hengyue Real Estate Company was, but they had never heard the name of this real estate company.

Even if I have heard it, I have forgotten it directly. It has been a while since the last time with the Mu family and others, so naturally I forgot.

All the media reporters, seeing this posture, couldn't help feeling abrupt. Isn't something going to happen?

Xiao Junyan stood in the crowd, looking at Chu Muyue sitting on the podium, and at the small smile at the corner of her mouth, his eyes became deeper and gentler.

Ling Hong took the microphone and glanced at the people present with a smile, "Welcome to participate in the press conference of Longteng Group today. Before that, we have one thing to announce to you!"

When Ling Hong paused, the flashlight flashed wildly, waiting for the moment that shocked the world.

"Today, I am here to announce that Medicinal Food Restaurant, Dream Cosmetics Company, Hengyue Real Estate Company and Longdun Security Company have merged into Longteng Group!"


Everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Originally, the Medicinal Food Restaurant and the Dream Cosmetics Company, they all knew, were companies founded by Chu Muyue.

However, where did Hengyue Real Estate Company and Longdun Security Company come from?

Some people in Hengyue Real Estate Company have heard some of them, and have a little impression, but, Longdun Security Company, which spring onion is it? Why haven't they heard of it?

The most shocking and curious thing for everyone is, who is the chairman of Longteng Group? Is it still Chu Muyue?

Looking at the rostrum, the familiar and beautiful face of Chu Muyue, and the strange and handsome face of Qin Shaoyang, everyone took pictures of them and flashed their flashes violently.

Only they could be the kind of situation they had guessed in their hearts.

Yuan Xiao, Mu Zhitong and others who had a good relationship with Chu Muyue naturally knew that this chairman must belong to Chu Muyue.

But they still feel shocked. It seems that they have only heard that Chu Muyue started the company for less than half a year, and she has merged the group. This speed is too fast!

In addition to worship, Xiang Tianhe still worships, who made Chu Muyue open the company, his medical skills are still so good, far surpassing him, and even more, surpassing his grandfather.

Xiang Lao also felt in his heart for a while, it really was the back wave of the Yangtze River that pushed the front wave and the front wave died on the beach!

Looking at Chu Muyue's achievements, he is ashamed of this old man!

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