Yan Yu sneered and said, "What else? Of course I'm in trouble!"

It was indeed in trouble, Duan Tianyu went to find Yu Qi's trouble after returning.

He doesn't care what Yu Wei and Yu Qi have to do with the Yan family. After all, Yan Lao is present this time!

Old Yan represents the Yan family, and there is no need to ask other people.

Yu Wei also had no face to look for Yan Shijie, because Yan Shijie had already called him, and his attitude was that he would not be friends with him in the future.

Yan Shijie was also angry. If it wasn't for his old father, Yan Yu told him about what happened at the dinner that day. He really didn't believe Yan Yu and misunderstood Yan Yu.

And he was even more angry that Yu Wei actually teased him so that he took the initiative to call him, and after naming them, they would no longer be friends.

"What about your dad?" Mu Zhitong asked curiously.

"My dad? Of course he helped me, and he also apologized to me!" Yan Yu said with a triumphant smile on his face, looking at Chu Muyue, "This is also the information my dad read from Mu Yue. And my grandfather's words!"

Now I think of the shocked appearance of my father after seeing the information of Chu Muyue, and he is extremely proud of him.

However, what made him feel depressed was that his father actually compared him to Chu Muyue.

What did Chu Muyue say, but he was inferior to others, and it was ashamed of him.

Yan Yu said that he is very innocent, and it is not his fault. It is very good that he can maintain his current top 50 status!

"That's not very good!" Chu Muyue smiled lightly and said jokingly, "At least, you can go home and sleep!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone looked up and laughed.

Yan Yu only felt a little blushing, touched his nose sullily, and said helplessly, "You know to make fun of me, anyway, I really admire your energy."

Everyone who didn't know Xiao Junyan's true identity only thought that Chu Muyue was related to the Duan family.

Duan Tianyu and Duan's mother announced that Chu Muyue was the goddaughter of Duan's father and Duan Wenhao's goddaughter under such a large public. With such an identity, her development in Jiangnan Province is absolutely smashing.

After Yan Yu returned, he also heard Yan Lao talk about the identity of Xiao Junyan, but he did not expect that there was such an identity behind him.

Xiao Junyan liked Chu Muyue to the extent that he saw it. It was estimated that she was already the daughter-in-law of the Xiao family.

Although Chu Muyue's family background is not good, but with her current development speed in the business world, she should be able to match the Xiao family.

He was able to predict Chu Muyue's future achievements, which was beyond his reach.

What's more, there is the Duan family behind her. Although the Duan family and her are only involved in relatives, her medical skills cannot be ignored.

Didn't the Duan family take the initiative to recognize her as a kisser because of her medical skills?

People are inherently dead, but they also hope to live in this world for one more day. Even if it is only an hour, they are willing to fulfill their own wishes.

Maybe in the future someone with a higher status than Duan Wenhao will ask her for help!

It has to be said that Yan Yu's defamation in his heart will definitely come true in the future, and it is still enough to affect the rise and fall of a family.

"That's true!" Everyone nodded in agreement with Yan Yu's words, and looked at Chu Muyue in admiration.

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