After dinner, the three of Chu Muyue sat on the sofa.

"Dad, I want to tell you something!"

Chu Zhiming glanced at Chu Muyue and sighed softly. Even if he didn't say it, he knew what it was. "I know what you are going to say, it's because of the Chu family!"

Chu Muyue nodded, "Dad, what do you think of this matter?"

"Just do what you want! They have already ignored our blood relatives, so I don't have to care about it!" Chu Zhiming shook his head, his face was full of pain.

After all, they are all his elder brother and second brother's family, as well as their own parents.

Although he has been on the construction site, he still knows about this, and the people on the construction site don't believe those things.

All of them threatened to believe in Chu Muyue, after all, her attitude towards them lies over there!

Chu Muyue never treated them with the attitude of chairman, and also gave them free medical treatment. The medicines were all issued by the company.

Some people who feel ashamed of Chu Muyue have to give money or help on the construction site, which is considered to be thankful to Chu Muyue.

It was also because of this incident that everyone came to him and asked what was going on.

Chu Zhiming didn't know what to say, it was really hard to tell, what his family did was really shameful.

"Dad, don't worry, what they are doing now is only the loss of my reputation. At most they are being put in jail, which has some impact on life. They will not die!" Chu Muyue smiled. , Hugging Chu Zhiming's arm, comforting.

"Just do what you want, don't worry about me!" Chu Zhiming waved his hand and said indifferently.

The people of the Chu family had already torn their skin, and he had nothing to worry about.

Knowing that he was a little sorry for Chu Zhiming, Chu Muyue changed the subject with a smile, "By the way, Dad, now the company is on the right track, and your car should be retired. Let me buy you a new car!"

"Buy a new car? Why do you want to buy a new car? I drove it well! Don't waste money to buy a car!" Chu Zhiming immediately waved his hand when he heard it.

He felt that as long as he could drive, it would be convenient to come home and he didn't need a expensive car.

Chu Muyue knew Chu Zhiming’s character, but she still comforted and persuaded, “Dad, this is what I said to you. When I get rich, I will not only buy you a house, but also a good car! Because of the Chu family I was said to be ungrateful to you, so I gave you such a cheap car!"

Originally, listening to the first half of Chu Muyue's words, she disagreed a little. For him, it just needs to be simple, not the best.

However, after hearing the last half sentence, Chu Zhiming understood that it turned out that there was a reason for the people of the Chu family.

"In that case, let's buy one! For the house, isn't there a villa built in your community? Anyway, it is our own house, so we can just choose one at that time!" Chu Zhiming was also relieved. But if you have a house, you don’t need to buy another one. After all, your company has also developed a villa.

"That's fine too!" Chu Muyue thought it was fine when she heard Chu Zhiming's suggestion.

After all, Chu Zhiming estimated that he would handle the Longdun Security Company over there in the future, and it would be convenient to live there.

"Then we will go to see the car together tomorrow. Anyway, dad, buy whatever car you want. Now your daughter I have money!" Chu Muyue smiled and blinked at Chu Zhiming and said.

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