Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1194: The jealous man is terrible 3

Manager Liu quickly glanced at the crowd. When he saw Chu Muyue, his brow furrowed, and then he pondered for a moment, with a shocked expression on his face.

"You... Are you Chu Muyue? Chu Dong?" Manager Liu asked Chu Muyue with a somewhat uncertain tone.

Chu Muyue turned his head and looked at Manager Liu, not surprised at all that he knew himself.

Her identity and appearance have been published in newspapers and television, so it is not surprising that someone recognizes herself.

It's just that there is a big difference between what she usually wears and what she wears to attend, so no one will discover her identity so quickly.

"I am!" Chu Muyue nodded, confessing his identity without shy.

Hearing Chu Muyue's admission, Manager Liu suddenly showed a bright smile on his face, and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Dong Chu! I didn't expect that I would meet Dong Chu here!"

I'm not sure just now, I'm sure, how can this not make Manager Liu excited?

Recently, it was all about Chu Muyue's news in the news, and he also sighed that Chu Muyue's ability was able to start a company at a young age.

It wasn't really in the newspapers, so he wanted to see Chu Muyue with his own eyes a long time ago. Today, he can finally see it with his own eyes, and he can't help himself if he is excited.

And Qiu Xiaogang and the sales staff of the 4S shop stared at each other, watching Manager Liu treat Chu Muyue so enthusiastically.

I don't understand why Manager Liu is so enthusiastic?

However, soon, I was thinking of what Manager Liu called, "Chu Muyue, Chu Dong!"

The only person who can match this name and identity is Chu Muyue, who has been in the limelight recently and founded a group company at a young age.

Knowing the identity of Chu Muyue, the expressions on Qiu Shaogang's and others' faces were so wonderful.

They didn't expect that the girl they looked down upon was actually that Chu Muyue.

Especially the salesperson who is the group leader, his old face is full of incredible expression, his eyes are wide, and his eyes are about to come out.

"Hello!" Chu Muyue smiled and shook hands with Manager Liu, but quickly received someone's strong gaze, and immediately accepted it.

Manager Liu didn't notice anything wrong, with a bright smile on his face, "Hello, hello! How come Chu Dong came here today?"

Chu Muyue was a little funny at what Manager Liu asked, but still replied with a smile, "I'm here to buy a car!"

When Manager Liu heard this, he immediately patted his head and apologized, "Look at my mind, Chu Dong is here to buy a car. It's really an honor for our 4S store to be able to come to our 4S store! I don't know, Chu. What car is Dong buying today?"

Because I was so excited, I forgot that this is a car dealership, not another place. What else can you do if you come here instead of buying a car?

Chu Muyue glanced at the female salesperson faintly, and said, "I wanted to buy a car, but the salesperson in your store wouldn't let me buy it!"

Hearing this, the smile on Manager Liu's face stiffened, "What...what!"

It's no wonder that Manager Liu showed such a shocked and stiff expression. He looked forward to the opportunity to meet Chu Muyue, although he had never thought about whether she would buy a car in the 4S shop where he worked.

However, when he heard that Chu Muyue bought a car, and his employees refused to buy it, how could this not make him feel unbelievable?

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