Qiu Xiaogang's words didn't provoke Chu Muyue, but Xiao Junyan.

Hehe, what does it mean as long as you like it? Can I buy it for you?

Isn't he stealing Xiao Junyan's right to be Chu Muyue's man?

Therefore, when Qiu Xiaogang's voice fell, she felt a gust of wind blowing from her back, making her shiver subconsciously.

Xiao Junyan's dark and deep eyes stared at Qiu Xiaogang coldly, his body also faintly exuding a chill.

Chu Muyue also felt the obvious drop in the surrounding temperature, and she was amused.

"No, I still have some money, Chu Muyue. If I like it, I will buy it myself. However, should you pay for the bet of the two of us and take out the money for this car?" Chu Muyue Stretching out a slender hand, Qiu Xiaogang didn't show any face at all, and he still wanted money from him.

Qiu Xiaogang was embarrassed by Chu Muyue's behavior, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

Seeing a certain guy not moving, Xiao Junyan said, "Take the money!"

The two words, like two bowls of cold sleep, splashed down on Qiu Xiaogang's head, causing him to shiver.

Qiu Xiaogang turned his head, glanced at Xiao Junyan with fear, and swallowed droolingly.

"Okay, I... I pay, I pay immediately!" Qiu Xiaogang quickly took out his bank card and handed it to Manager Liu, "Pay!"

Manager Liu looked at the bank card in his hand, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

However, he glanced at Xiao Junyan with a cold face, shivered subconsciously, and quickly turned around and ordered Zhou Meifang to deal with it.

Since Chu Muyue had already said that, and Qiu Xiaogang was willing to pay, he had nothing to stop him.

It's a pity that this time there is no way to get closer to Chu Muyue.

"Miss Chu, do you still need any car? I can give you the biggest discount here!" Manager Liu said to Chu Muyue with a smile.

Chu Muyue smiled and declined politely, "No, I haven't learned to drive yet. I bought a car for my dad today. If I have a chance, I will come to your store to buy a car!"

"Good, good!" Manager Liu quickly took out his business card, held it in both hands and handed it to Chu Muyue. "Miss Chu, this is my business card. If you need anything in the future, you can call and order!"

"Thank you, then!" Chu Muyue smiled and took the business card handed over by Manager Liu. No matter whether he will come again in the future, this business card is to be picked up. This is a kind of courtesy and a kind of communication in the market.

Of course, Manager Liu did not ignore Xiao Junyan and Chu Zhiming, and both gave business cards.

Qiu Xiaogang, who was on the side, watched Manager Liu's actions, really wishing to replace him, but there was still some envy and envy in his heart.

Why is Chu Muyue, such a teenage girl, able to create such a company?

Moreover, not only was his ability strong, but even his appearance was so outstanding. It was the most different woman he had ever seen. Compared with the women around him, she was really a heaven and an underground.

The woman who was brought by Qiu Xiaogang, after being shocked by Chu Muyue's identity, lowered her head and was afraid to see Chu Muyue. She only hoped that Chu Muyue would not trouble her. After all, she had insulted her just now.

She didn't expect that the girl she looked down upon would be the legendary Chu Muyue.

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