In the News Herald, there is a big news every day, which is also constantly being staged.

The news on Sunday night was showing another video, which was recorded in the village where the Chu family is located.

The reporter went to the village, found people in the village, and asked about Chu Muyue.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from XX, can I ask you about Chu Muyue?" A reporter took a microphone and asked a middle-aged man who was working hard in the farmland.

The middle-aged man looked at the reporter and said with a smile, "You want to inquire about Mu Yue's girl, yes, if you have any questions, just ask, that girl, it's our pride to have the current achievements! "

"Listening to this uncle, you seem to like Chu Muyue very much?" The reporter asked the middle-aged man with a smile.

"Of course, in this village, except for those from the Chu family, we all like Mu Yue's girl. She looks quiet, and she is very well-behaved. She also helps us at ordinary times. The Chu family don't cherish it!" The young man nodded with a smile, showing a look of nostalgia, "Such a well-behaved and hardworking child can have today's achievements, we are all happy for her!"

The reporter nodded and asked curiously, "Oh, I heard that Chu Muyue is often bullied. Is this true?"

"Bullying is being bullied, especially when I was a child, the rascals of the Chu family used to fight around Mu Yue's head. I have helped a few times. Those rascals were of bad character and were still messing around outside. Now they are all in jail, I think they deserve it!" The middle-aged man said with an angry expression on his face when he heard it.

"Then I want to ask, is it true that Ding Chunhong abducted Chu Muyue?" The reporter asked again.

"Of course it is true. There was a lot of noise at that time! The police just caught people, rescued girl Mu Yue from the traffickers, and personally sent her back. Our entire village knows!" The middle-aged man said indignantly, "Moreover, the most unexpected thing is that Ding Chunhong and the others did this thing. I can't believe it is true."

"Then why did Ding Chunhong do this?" the reporter asked curiously.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "Why! Of course it is for money, what else can it be for!"

The reporter asked and changed people. This time it was the neighbor of the Chu family, Zhang Hu and his family.

Several people sat in the yard of Zhang Hu's house and were interviewed by reporters.

"Girl Mu Yue, that's a good boy. I want such a girl to be my daughter. Just this stinky kid in my family, don't worry!" Zhang Hu's father Zhang Shan glared at Zhang, who was sitting next to him. Tiger said.

Zhang Hu scratched his head very innocently and said, "Mu Yue is already very good, how can I compare with her!"

"You know too!" Mother Zhang said to Zhang Hu irritably, "Girl Mu Yue, I feel distressed when I look at it. I really don't know how the people of the Chu family are so cruel. Only Chu Zhiming is the only one in the Chu family. And Chu Jiaqi and the others are good to her, and those other people don't bully her even if they are good!"

"Why? Chu Muyue is so unwelcome in Chu's family?" The reporter asked curiously.

"Who knows why I don't want to see her, I look so cute and cute. As long as she comes here, she will do all the chores of the Chu family. I haven't seen any of the other people do anything!" Mother Zhang felt distressed again. Angrily again, he said, "And that **** from Chu Zhou, who even took the advantage of Mu Yue to wash the vegetables by the river and kicked her down the river, I reminded Mu Yue and didn't let that **** succeed!"

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