Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1218: You have me in your life 3

There has been no one for more than ten years. The house has been in dilapidated condition, but there are still traces of people's lives inside, some things on the table, and some broken porcelain bowls on the ground.

It can be seen from the messy signs in the house that there should have been a lot of movements here, but this may also be caused by animals.

Chu Muyue walked in. Although the house was small and looked a little messy, it was more or less able to see that it had all five internal organs.

And in this house, what attracted Chu Muyue the most was a wooden crib that fell on the ground. There was still a tattered quilt beside the crib. It is estimated that you will not see it in a few years. .

Although she had no memory of her childhood, Chu Muyue knew that she used to sleep in this crib.

She seemed to be able to see that seventeen years ago, her parents surrounded this crib and teased herself who was just a baby.

Waves of gentle and loving calls echoed in Chu Muyue's ears, bright smiles on her face, and laughter in the cabin.

However, in a moment, the scene in front of me collapsed suddenly, returning to a scene like the one in front of me.

If it hadn't been rebirth once, Chu Muyue believed in herself and would definitely not be able to withstand such a change in the scene.

In those clear eyes, there was a layer of crystal, two lines of tears slowly falling from the cheeks, dripping on the moss-covered ground.

After two lives, she finally found her birthplace, getting closer and closer to her parents.

Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue, who was slowly squatting down in front of him, weeping and crying, stepped forward, embraced her into his broad and firm embrace, and gently patted her back with his big hands, comforting her.

Chu Muyue leaned her head against Xiao Junyan's arms, as if she had found her support, and burst into tears, tears streaming even more fiercely.

Whether in the previous life or now, she longed to find the whereabouts of her parents, but she was very sad when she learned from Chu Zhiming that they might have died.

But at that time, none of her could make her feel safe, and a strong embrace made her cry.

Today, with Xiao Junyan here, she was finally able to cry happily and vent the pain in her heart happily.

Xiao Junyan also squatted silently, holding Chu Muyue in his arms, letting the people in his arms cry.

He doesn't have a father, so he understands Chu Muyue's feelings at this time. Even if she finds the location of her parents, she must be very miserable if they are not found.

Xiao Junyan hugged the crying person in his arms tightly. He seldom comforted girls, and he didn't know how to comfort her.

I can only lower my head and kiss Chu Muyue's head softly, with a gentle voice, "It's okay, I will be with you in the future!"

Chu Muyue looked up at Xiao Junyan, her delicate and beautiful face was full of tears, and her eyes were a little red and swollen, which made her look even more worrying.

Xiao Junyan stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her cheek with his fingertips. The voice was soft, but it was clearly transmitted to Chu Muyue's ears, "From now on, there will be me in your life, and in my life. With you, I will protect you and love you forever!"

In the future, even if Chu Muyue has no parents, then his mother is her mother, and the place where he has him is home, and no one can bully her.

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