Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1221: Feng Jiahui investigates Chu Muyue 1

There are a lot of wild Chinese medicinal materials in Shennongjia, some of which are relatively old. After all, few people dare to enter it.

The leave that Chu Muyue asked for was not long. After all, he had to manage the company's affairs. Moreover, Xiao Junyan had to deal with the affairs of the military region, and had no time to stay with him in Shennongjia.

Although he was very reluctant, he was still alone in this forest with Xiao Junyan, living in the two-person world. Although the environment was a little worse, he was very happy.

It was also time to leave after spending two days in the forest. During these two days, Chu Muyue collected a lot of Chinese medicinal materials, and the years were so long that Chu Muyue had never expected.

When leaving the forest, Chu Muyue was still a little bit reluctant.

Xiao Junyan patted Chu Muyue on the shoulder, comforting, "In the future, if you want to come, you can accompany you!"

Chu Muyue turned his head, glanced at Xiao Junyan, and smiled softly at her, "It's okay, you can come again if you have a chance! Let's go back first!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded gently, took Chu Muyue's hand, and left the forest together.

Shennongjia is so big that even if the two teams are walking, there is no way to touch them, and I don't even know.

In the dense forest that Chu Muyue didn't know, there was a team walking towards the wooden house where they were.

However, what Chu Muyue didn't know was that when she and Xiao Junyan were about to leave Shennongjia, Feng Jiahui, the second room of the Xiao family, couldn't help showing some surprise on her face when she saw her investigating Chu Muyue's information.

However, soon Feng Jiahui snorted coldly, "When I started a company from scratch at the age of 17, I think it was Jun Yan that made it up!"

In Feng Jiahui's heart, Chu Muyue had no ability at all. With her being a 17-year-old girl, she wanted to truly start a company from scratch? That is simply a fantasy.

She knew the most about the people in those departments. She was a minor girl, and it was impossible for her to handle those things if she wanted to start a company.

The relationship between Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan is so close, it must be for the resources behind him to use their Xiao family.

Without Xiao Junyan, then Chu Muyue would be nothing, and the company would not have been established at all.

"Now that I know her purpose, I should tell her elder mother so that she will not be deceived. I really think that by taking those things, we can make the Xiao family accept her!" Xiao Kexin flipped through the fashion magazine in her hand, with a mocking and disdainful tone. Said.

For Chu Muyue's things, she was useless at all, she lost all of them. They were the same as potatoes from the country, and she couldn't get them at all.

She didn't care about those things because she developed them by herself!

"I'll tell your elder mother about this!" Feng Jiahui nodded and looked through the information, almost disdainful on her face, "A person who doesn't even know who his parents are, also If you want to marry into the Xiao family, you don’t even look at what status and status our Xiao family is!"

After finishing the information, I got up and went to find Xiao Junyan's mother Tang Yalan.

Although he could talk about him as an aunt, she really didn't dare to say anything about Xiao Junyan's character, so she could only find Tang Yalan.

As long as Tang Yalan was persuaded, it would be impossible for that little girl to marry their Xiao family.

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