Chu Muyue and Ye Tianming left the ward and left the matter here temporarily.

Leaving the ward, standing at the elevator door, opening the elevator door, you can see Xiao Junyan standing inside the elevator.

"Alright?" Xiao Junyan was a little surprised, looking at Chu Muyue and asked.

Chu Muyue shook his head and turned to look at Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming touched his nose in embarrassment, and said with a guilty conscience, "They don't believe in the medical skills of Junior Sister, so let Dr. Carroll go for treatment!"

Hearing Ye Tianming's words, Xiao Junyan's expression was a little ugly, and his dark and deep eyes swept towards Ye Tianming coldly.

Just let Chu Muyue come to help people treat them. They rushed over. Chu Muyue didn't drink a sip of water, and now he kicked her out directly.

"Boss, don't be angry. After all, the junior sister is young and her medical reputation hasn't spread. That's why Uncle Ning doesn't believe in her medical skills. You know that Uncle Ning did it! It was really not intentional Yes!" Ye Tianming quickly argued for himself, hoping to calm Xiao Junyan.

Chu Muyue smiled and also stepped forward to comfort Xiao Junyan, "This is nothing, and it's not the first time I have encountered it. If people don't believe me, I can't help it, don't be angry!"

"Let's go!" Xiao Junyan directly took Chu Muyue's hand and pulled her into the elevator, ready to leave.

Since he doesn't believe in Chu Muyue, then forget it, he doesn't care if they believe in Chu Muyue, do you want her to heal?

However, Chu Muyue thought more than her.

What Ye Tianming did now was to give her a great opportunity.

This opportunity is to let her reputation for medical skills reach the ears of the upper class and spread to the capital.

This is her best chance to build a reputation, how can she let it go?

What if it is looked down upon now? It's not the first time she has encountered this kind of thing, and she has to get used to this kind of thing sooner or later!

Moreover, if she wanted to marry Xiao Junyan, she had to establish a huge network of relationships, so that Feng Jiahui who came to trouble her would not have the courage to trouble her again.

"No, anyway, that old man is also an elder you know. It's not good for me to leave like this!" Chu Muyue comforted Xiao Junyan in a soft voice, "Don't worry about my affairs, I'm not angry at all, and, don't you think this Is this my best chance?"

If you suffer hard, you can become a master!

Xiao Junyan looked down at Chu Muyue, he understood what she meant, she just wanted to expand her network and strength.

However, he didn't want to look at his beloved, be looked down upon by others, and let others look down on his face.

But since it was something that Chu Muyue had already decided, he couldn't refuse, and could only nod his head, "Okay!"

Chu Muyue smiled softly, comforting him, "Take me to buy a bottle of water first, things here should not have come to fruition so soon!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, thinking that he was going to take her out, take a walk by the way, and let out the grievances he had just received.

Ye Tianming looked at the backs of Xiao Junyan and Chu Muyu leaving, and touched his nose in a slanderous manner.

He also knew that he was a bit reckless this time, because he caused Chu Muyue to be wronged, and he was still a little guilty.

Knowing that they are the least suitable to follow, they are going to live in a two-person world, what is his light bulb?

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