Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1243: Apology from Dr. Carol 1

Chu Muyue took a rest for a night, and finally recovered the mental and physical strength that she had consumed.

Xiao Junyan finished his breakfast and went to Chu Muyue's room, still holding a tray with milk and steaming breakfast on it.

Chu Muyue watched Xiao Junyan come in, with a smile on her mouth, and asked in a slightly surprised tone, "You also have a house here?"

Last night, Xiao Junyan sent her to this small villa and opened the door of the small villa, very shocked.

Xiao Junyan can have the key to this small villa, then it proves that this house belongs to him.

Although Chu Muyue could see from Xiao Junyan's face that he was not a person short of money, but also a very, very rich person.

But he didn't expect that this guy had a house in other cities, and it was still such a good villa.

Really, is she getting a big money? Why didn't she know before!

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded lightly, "I have a mission, so I bought it by the way!"

Chu Muyue nodded suddenly, but she felt a little distressed in her heart, "Oh!"

"Repose?" Xiao Junyan sat beside Chu Muyue, looked at her, and asked with concern.

Chu Muyue smiled and comforted him, "Well, I've got a good rest, it's all right now, I'm sorry, I worried you!"

Knowing that it was all right, Xiao Junyan took Chu Muyue into his arms, hugged Chu Muyue tightly, lowered his voice, and murmured in her ears, "Knowing that I am worried, don't do such things again in the future!"

Chu Muyue could feel that Xiao Junyan put his arm around her strength, raised her hand and gently patted his back, don't worry him.

In order to prevent Xiao Junyan from worrying, she could only divert her attention, smiled and asked, "I'm hungry, didn't you make me breakfast? Don't you eat it for me?"

When Chu Muyue said that she was hungry, Xiao Junyan let go of her, got up and brought the breakfast to Chu Muyue.

"It's really comfortable!" Chu Muyue sat cross-legged on the bed, just picked up the food on the tray and ate, and drank another sip of milk.

Seeing Chu Muyue eating with relish, Xiao Junyan's mouth showed a gentle smile, "If it tastes delicious, eat more!"

"Must!" Chu Muyue smiled happily, "How about you? Have you eaten it?"

Xiao Junyan stared at Chu Muyue eating the breakfast that she carefully cooked. There was nothing happier than this, "It's okay!"

Chu Muyue immediately knew that Xiao Junyan hadn't eaten breakfast, and handed the sandwich in his hand to his mouth, "Eat!"

Xiao Junyan looked at the sandwich in front of his mouth, then looked at Chu Muyue who was staring at him, and obediently opened his mouth and took a bite.

Chu Muyue was dissatisfied, and pushed forward again, reminding him, "Big mouth!"

"You eat!" Xiao Junyan reminded.

Chu Muyue glared at Xiao Junyan dissatisfiedly, "You haven't eaten breakfast yet, don't you listen to me? Gult, otherwise, I won't eat it!"

Seeing a certain woman's firm eyes, Xiao Junyan could only take a big bite obediently, which was satisfied.

"Eat separately!" Chu Muyue decisively ordered Xiao Junyan.

Without staring herself, Xiao Junyan has always eaten less, so she can only stare at him and eat with him so that he can be full.

Xiao Junyan was very clear about Chu Muyue's purpose, the light in his eyes became softer, and the corners of his mouth showed a gentle smile.

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