Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1248: Father Ning goes to Linshi 2

On the way back, Chu Muyue also called the school, and took at least four days of leave before going back.

With Chu Muyue's achievements and achievements, even if she didn't go to school, the school would not say anything or expel her.

Therefore, after Yu Chengwei received the call, he agreed without saying much.

It's just that after suffering, Mu Zhitong and the others came over and asked about what happened and whether there was a problem with the company.

Chu Muyue promised them many times before they convinced them that she asked for leave because she wanted to save people and was far away from the clinic.

For their concern, Chu Muyue was very heartwarming, so when explaining, she was not impatient at all, explaining slowly, everyone explained clearly.

After handling the school's affairs and having arrived at the villa, Chu Muyue took a rest first, and then went to Elder Ning for treatment in the afternoon.

After two consecutive days of acupuncture treatment, it was indeed on the morning of the third day that Chu Muyue applied a needle to Old Man Ning, and after pulling the silver needle from Old Man Ning, Old Man Ning let out a low moan.

Hearing this groan, everyone opened their eyes curiously, stretched their necks and looked at the bed.

Ning Jianbin and his team rushed to the bed and looked at the old man Ning on the bed. Watching his eyes slowly opened, there was a joyful smile on his face.

"Dad, you're awake!" Ning Jianbin exclaimed Father Ning with joy.

Originally, Chu Muyue said that Grandpa Ning would wake up today, but after a good breakfast in the morning, I didn't see Grandpa Ning wake up. Ning Jianbin was still a little worried and suspicious.

But now, seeing that Old Man Ning really woke up, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When Father Ning woke up, his eyes were still a little confused and puzzled, "Where am I? What's wrong with me?"

"Dad, you are in the military area hospital in Shencheng. You came here to suffer from an old illness, and you just had an operation on you!" Ning Jianbin hurriedly answered for Mr. Ning.

Elder Ning pondered for a moment before he suddenly said, "Oh, I remember, I am sick! Unexpectedly, I didn't die!"

He thought he would die directly this time, but he didn't expect that he didn't die.

"Yes, Dad, thanks to Miss Chu's treatment, if it weren't for her...the consequences would be really unimaginable!" Ning Jianbin looked up at Chu Muyue very gratefully and said.

Standing by the bedside, Chu Muyue was tidying up the practice box in front of the bedside table, and said with a faint smile, "As a doctor, this is what I should do!"

Elder Ning turned his head and looked at Chu Muyue. On his old face, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise, "She!"

When he first saw Chu Muyue, Old Man Ning, like everyone else, was shocked by her age. He really didn't believe that she was saved by this girl who was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Ning Jianbin seemed to see his father’s disbelief, and quickly explained, “Dad, don’t look at Dr. Chu’s age. Her medical skills are beyond the reach of Dr. Carol. Dr. Rolle gave you an operation, but he failed. It was Chu Muyue who entered the operating room, pulled you back from the ghost door, and rescued you from the dead!"

To be honest, he didn't intend to lower Dr. Carol's medical skills, but it was really only in this way that he could convince his father Chu Muyue's medical skills.

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