Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1251: No medical qualification certificate 1

Chu Muyue smiled and nodded, "This is natural, but the main reason is that Shencheng is too far away. It will take three hours to come here, no matter how fast! In Linshi, I can take the time to see Ning Lao Yezi. On weekends, I can also give old man Ning acupuncture and moxibustion, so the recovery will be faster!"

Regarding this matter, she deliberately didn't take the initiative to bring it up, and let the Ning family bring it up by herself, so that they could trust her more.

After receiving Chu Muyue's answer, Ning Jianbin only felt that it was necessary to travel to Linshi.

Without Chu Muyue's acupuncture and moxibustion, Father Ning could recover from his illness, but the speed would be very slow, so it would be better to go directly to Linshi!

In the past few days, they have already seen Chu Muyue's medical skills. If they don't seek her for treatment, who will be treated?

During this period of time, they also investigated Chu Muyue. It's okay if they didn't investigate. The information they got out of the investigation shocked them.

Unexpectedly, Chu Muyue not only has superb medical skills, but also has strong commercial talents. Using her Chinese medicine, she created a medicinal restaurant, then a dream cosmetics company, and finally established the Longteng Group.

This really shocked them at Chu Muyue's ability. They didn't feel like Feng Jiahui was relying on Xiao Junyan's ability. If her medical skills weren't so good, how could they develop this aspect?

"When can I go to Linshi?" Ning Jianbin asked with concern.

"Tomorrow, I will take care of Mr. Ning today. Tomorrow I will go with you. If there is something, you can have some help on the road. You should also go to Linshi and make arrangements!" Chu Muyue thought for a while. , Said.

"Okay, I'll go down and make arrangements right away!" Ning Jianbin listened and nodded quickly.

Lin City is the capital city of Jiangnan Province. The city is not only large, but also has complete facilities. Although it is worse than Shencheng, it is not much worse.

Now that Ning Jianbin is going to make arrangements and arranging Father Ning to Linshi, he is still at ease.

After all, even in Lin City, Chu Muyue is the only one who treats Elder Ning, and others will not let them touch them, as long as they are given a bed.

With the right of the Ning family, it is absolutely easy to do this little thing.

Finally I can go back, Ye Tianming stretched his waist and said with emotion, "I can finally go back, I can finally go to sleep in my bed!"

Hearing Ye Tianming's words, Chu Muyue just laughed, "You don't need to go back and sleep here!"

"Forget it, I still have to go back to sleep, you have to go to school, the boss has to go to work, I also have to go to work, I am the people's police now!" Ye Tianming looked just and awe-inspiring, and he pulled it. I have some old camouflage uniforms on my body.

For Ye Tianming, this kind of clothes is the most comfortable to wear, and it makes him feel more cordial.

He doesn't care if this kind of clothes will damage his image. Anyway, he doesn't need a noble image. He is a soldier, not a high-level cadre who does nothing.

Chu Muyue only rolled her eyes at Ye Tianming's words, "Just be narcissistic!"

Ye Tianming smiled happily, "However, no matter how narcissistic, he can't be better than the boss!"

Chu Muyue turned her head directly, stopped talking to him, tidyed up her own things, and prepared to go back to tidy up.

Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue's eyes with a little more concern, and only thought that Chu Muyue would be tired again during this period of time.

It was good for the Ning family for the old man Ning to live in Linshi, but Xiao Junyan cared about Chu Muyue's body and ran around every day, and there were company affairs to deal with.

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