Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1258: Two people with instincts 2

Perhaps Duan Tianyu is nearby and will be here soon.

When I came here and saw the situation here, I couldn't help but tremble in my heart. I hurriedly searched in the crowd, and soon found Xiao Junyan first.

Seeing Xiao Junyan, Duan Tianyu hurried up and asked with concern, "Sister Mu Yue, how are you, is there anything else?"

Chu Muyue smiled and waved her hand, "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

"It's okay if it's okay, it's okay if it's okay!" Duan Tianyu looked at Chu Muyue, seeing that she was okay, and he was relieved.

"You are coming very fast!" Chu Muyue asked with some surprise and curiosity.

"It happens to be near here, so I'm coming here soon!" Duan Tianyu said, rolling up his sleeves, "Where is that **** Qi Rui, I'm going to look for him! Special, he is looking for death!"

To find Qi Rui very quickly, this place is also very small, and I found it immediately.

"Qi Rui!" Duan Tianyu sat in front of Qi Rui angrily.

Qi Rui looked up and saw an angry Duan Tianyu, very surprised, "Duan Tianyu, why are you here?"

"You ask me why I am here!" Duan Tianyu directly grabbed Qi Rui's chest, "How dare you drive such a fast car and hit my sister, why do you say I am here!"

Whether or not Chu Muyue ran into Qi Rui's car themselves, it was true that Chu Muyue and Qi Rui's two cars collided together.

Qi Rui grabbed Duan Tianyu and grabbed his chest and said, cursing, "What hit your sister? When did you have a sister? How come I don't know. The things here have nothing to do with you. Don't get involved. roll!"

Although Qi Rui and Duan Tianyu don't have much communication and intersection, they are very clear about each other's situation.

When Duan Tianyu said his sister, Qi Rui immediately vetoed it. He didn't remember what sister Duan Tianyu had. This guy came to trouble him at this time.

He was upset right now. He drove upright. Someone hit him directly and knocked over his car, making him crawl out of the car like a dog.

"Hehehe, let me go!" Duan Tianyu sneered and looked at Qi Rui mockingly, "Today, if you don't give me an explanation, I won't leave. You dare to drive on such a noisy street. You want to die. Others don't want to die yet!"

"Who are you, why should you explain to you, why should you care about my business! Duan Tianyu, we didn't interfere with each other before, and now it is the same!" Qi Rui coldly reminded and threatened Duan Tianyu.

Duan Tianyu glared at Qi Rui, "Just because the person who crashed with you was my sister, what! Tell you, don't want to blame this incident on Sister Mu Yue, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

He still doesn’t understand Qi Rui’s careful thoughts. Just now Chu Muyue told him that what the traffic police was looking for was to blame them on them. He left it clean and turned it out. victim.

Pushing Qi Rui away, walking to the traffic policeman who was holding the transcript, he immediately grabbed the transcript in his hand, read the content on it, smiled, really!

"It seems that I have to make a good report!" Duan Tianyu looked at the traffic policeman who was scared by the license plate and didn't know what to do. He approached the traffic policeman with a smile and asked him, "Do you know who I am?"

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