Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1264: Need to review Chu Muyue 3

Now, Ning Lao is Chu Muyue's patient, and Chu Muyue has to personally ask about her diet and daily life during the treatment, and she also asks Mrs. Ning how to take care of Ning Lao.

Madam Ning also listened to Chu Muyue's instructions very seriously.

This chat is about time for dinner.

However, Chu Muyue hadn't planned to leave yet. At this moment, the door of the ward was opened, and a dozen people came in.

The leader was a middle-aged man. After a scan, his eyes fell on Chu Muyue who was sitting on the sofa and talking face to face with Madam Ning, "Are you Chu Muyue?"

Chu Muyue looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously and nodded, "I am!"

"We are from the Provincial Health Department! My name is Luo Yiping!" Luo Yiping introduced himself.

When Ye Tianming heard Luo Yiping's words, his expression was a little ugly. Before Chu Muyue could speak, he asked, "What are you doing here!"

People who work for the Provincial Health Department are usually high-ranking. Moreover, they still have a very special status. They have a very special status. It is too late for others to flatter them. Now there are people who are so rude to them.

However, Luo Yiping also has a brain, knowing that the people living in this ward are special and cannot get angry in this ward, but can only suppress the anger in his heart.

Luo Yiping said very seriously, "We have received an order from a superior to review Chu Muyue's medical qualifications. If I practice medicine illegally, we will take some necessary measures!"

A flash of anger flashed in Chu Muyue's eyes. When she was in Shencheng, no one was bothering her! Only a few days after I came to Linshi, someone wanted to review her medical qualifications.

It seems that someone is bothering to find her!

Ye Tianming's expression is also a bit ugly, and he can see that someone is coming to trouble Chu Muyue.

When they were in Shencheng, those people were very conscious, but when they came to this forest city, Chu Muyue only appeared in this hospital for the second time, and someone came to her for trouble.

In fact, at Ning's old level, it is very normal for the doctors who treated him to be tried.

But Chu Muyue was different. She was a doctor hired by the Ning family herself. Could these people not even believe in the Ning family's own people?

"Who asked you to come!" Ye Tianming coldly questioned Luo Yiping, who took the lead.

Luo Yiping didn't care about Ye Tianming's threats at all. "As I said, we have received orders from our superiors! We are responsible for the leadership!"

When these words fell, Chu Muyue laughed and looked at Luo Yiping mockingly, "Responsible to the leader? Not distrustful of Ning Lao and the others? I am the doctor Ning Lao and the others invited. Do you think, Ning Lao? Are they making trouble for themselves? Or do you think that you don’t trust the people of the Ning family because they have the intention of murdering Ning Lao?"

Luo Yiping and the staff members who claimed to be sent by the provincial government to review them turned pale when they heard Chu Muyue's words.

They did not expect that this would be the case!

Originally they wanted to care about Ning Lao, swaying in front of Ning Lao, leaving a good impression, but they did not expect that this matter had not been done yet, they would offend the Ning family first!

Said that the doctor they hired by the Ning family was not reliable?

Isn't that just saying that the people of the Ning family intend to murder Ning Lao?

How can the Ning family accept such charges and doubts? Naturally, the impression of them is extremely poor.

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