Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1274: Xiao Junyan's Fury 2

Grandpa Xiao also put down the chopsticks in his hand, looked at Xiao Junyan puzzledly, and asked, "Jun Yan, what happened? You put the gun down first!"

"Dad, you control Junyan, he actually held a gun at me!" Feng Jiahui heard Grandpa Xiao speak, as if grabbing the life-saving straw, and quickly screamed.

Elder Xiao didn't look at Feng Jiahui, but at Xiao Junyan, "Let's talk, what happened!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at everyone present, then looked at Old Man Xiao, "I know, you don't like talking to me, and you don't like being with me!"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's words, the entire hall of the Xiao family was silent.

Du Xueqin lowered her head with some guilty conscience. Although she didn't want to be with Xiao Junyan, she didn't like talking to Xiao Junyan because he was too cold and was afraid of him since he was a child.

Tang Yalan heard her son's words, her heart ached, "Jun Yan, what are you talking about! Why would we not like you?"

Elder Xiao also quivered his hands slightly. He looked at Xiao Junyan and didn’t know what to say. He was very distressed and proud. This child, he was the most proud, but also the most distressed, because he was not at home since he was a child, and he lived a life of bullets and bullets. All his feats were earned in exchange for his life.

Looking at Xiao Junyan's actions now, Elder Xiao couldn't bear to talk about him either.

"You don't like me, I can leave!" Xiao Junyan's voice became even colder, his dark eyes became very distant, his eyes fell on Feng Jiahui's body again, and his tone was full of threats and killing intent." However, none of you can trouble Mu Yue, who makes life difficult for Mu Yue, I make her life difficult!"

Feng Jiahui's body shuddered suddenly, her neck shrank in fright, and she looked at Xiao Junyan in fear.

She didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

Even more unexpectedly, Chu Muyue actually told Xiao Junyan about the incident, and asked Xiao Junyan to trouble her.

I felt even more dissatisfied and hated Chu Muyue in my heart. Such a girl could never enter the door of Xiao's house.

"What the **** happened?" Elder Xiao asked, looking at Xiao Junyan seriously.

Xiao Junyan looked at Feng Jiahui, "Auntie, I found Mu Yue and threatened her to leave me!"

Lishang exchanges, since Feng Jiahui threatened Chu Muyue, then he had to find him for Chu Muyue, and he threatened her with a gun.

He had promised Chu Muyue that he would not kill anyone casually, and Feng Jiahui was still his second aunt, so he just threatened her.

Hearing this, everyone in the Xiao family turned their heads to look at Feng Jiahui, and many of them had incredible faces on their faces.

Tang Yalan turned her head abruptly, looked at Feng Jiahui, and asked angrily, "Brother sister, is this thing Jun Yan said true? Did you really go to her junior sister?"

"What are you going to do with her!" Elder Xiao also yelled at Feng Jiahui angrily.

Feng Jiahui lowered her head, didn't speak, and didn't know what to say, "I...I just talked to that girl, and nothing happened!"

Elder Xiao is not a fool, knowing that these words are definitely not good things, "What did you say!"

Feng Jiahui raised her head slightly, but when she raised her head, she was facing Xiao Junyan’s muzzle, and she suddenly shrank her neck in fright, and said with a trembling voice, "I...I just think that the girl doesn’t For Jun Yan, I want her to leave Jun Yan and stop pestering him!"

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