Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1286: Go to the playground in a suit 1

On Saturday, Chu Muyue gave herself a rare vacation to accompany Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan drove the car, leading the way, wearing a very formal suit with a rare appearance.

Chu Muyue looked at Xiao Junyan with a look of interest, this guy, dressed so formal, is he going to any formal place?

"Where do you take me to play?" Chu Muyue asked Xiao Junyan curiously.

However, Xiao Junyan turned his head and showed a mysterious smile, and learned how to sell it, "I'll know it when I get there!"

Chu Muyue also smiled at Xiao Junyan's mystery. This guy is very good, knowing he will surprise him!

"Okay!" She was expecting what kind of surprise he would give herself.

Chu Muyue was lying lazily in the passenger seat, watching Xiao Junyan driving and looking at the scenery outside.

Before she knew it, Xiao Junyan and Chu Muyue came to a large parking lot. Chu Muyue looked at the outside through the car window and opened her mouth slightly. This guy actually took her to this place. .

"Is it here?" Chu Muyue turned her head and looked at Xiao Junyan and asked.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Well, here, do you like it?"

Chu Muyue looked at Xiao Junyan, then turned to look at the lively scene outside, helping her forehead helplessly, did he treat her as a child? Bring her to the amusement park!

Yes, Xiao Junyan took Chu Muyue to a huge amusement park newly built in Lin City.

This amusement park is very similar to the Disney parks of later generations. Those who can come to play are all people who have some money at home, or, it is estimated that they can only come once in their life and pool enough money to go crazy.

Although, at her age, it is normal to come with her boyfriend, but her mental age is already 20 or 30 years old!

And most importantly, Xiao Junyan wore a suit and brought her to this amusement park. Do you match it? Said that she was speechless.

Xiao Junyan saw Chu Muyue holding his forehead, and asked in confusion and worry, "Don't like it?"

Chu Muyue hurriedly turned her head and showed a bright smile at Xiao Junyan, and said, "No, how could it? I love it! I have never played it before! Unexpectedly, Brother Xiao, you can still be so romantic. Cell, bring me here!"

Xiao Junyan said honestly, "Sister recommended!"

Hearing the answer, Chu Muyue twitched the muscles at the corners of her mouth, turned her head and looked out the window, she said, why this guy suddenly thought of coming here, it turned out to be his sister instigated.

Indeed, when Xiao Fengyi knew about Xiao Junyan, he also talked about the amusement park and the Ferris wheel incident.

So this time Xiao Junyan brought Chu Muyue to play, that's the reason.

Chu Muyue opened the seat belt, pushed the door and said, "Okay, let's go down and play!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and went to the amusement park with Chu Muyue.

Although this is at the beginning of the 21st century, the people's life is not as understanding and enjoyable as later generations, but this amusement park still attracts a lot of people, especially young boys and girls.

For them, this kind of large amusement park is still a very strange and fun place.

Xiao Junyan hugged Chu Muyue's shoulders and walked in the crowd. His brows were slightly frowned, and he seemed to regret it. There were so many people, he was afraid that he might squeeze into Chu Muyue.

However, Chu Muyue was accustomed to so many people, and she had been in places more crowded than this amusement park in later generations, not to mention it was so crowded.

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