Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1296: Chu Muyue Adult Sex 2

"Dead note! Don't get close again! Otherwise, I will kill her!" The young man dragged Chu Muyue and stared fiercely at Ye Tianming who was about to step forward and the policeman who followed him behind him.

The handcuffs in Ye Tianming's hand "crazy waves" and fell to the ground.

Looking at Chu Muyue, who was being dragged by the youth in front of her, she blinked her eyes, and the muscles in the corners of her eyes twitched.

"You want to... kill her?" Ye Tianming pointed to Chu Muyue in the arms of the young man, with horror on his face.

Chu Muyue also looked at Ye Tianming on the opposite side in surprise. It seemed that he didn't react for a while, why did Ye Tianming appear in front of him and also in this playground.

"Little...boy, you better let go of the hostages! Otherwise, you will only stay in prison longer!" The plainclothes policeman standing next to Ye Tianming angrily warned that Chu Muyue threatened their youth.

A stern smile appeared on the young man's face, "Really? If you don't want her to make a mistake, just get out of her way!"

"Are you sure you can take her away?" Ye Tianming asked that guy with a playful smile on his mouth.

Now he felt how miserable this guy was, and he actually met the little junior sister.

The young man was taken aback, but he felt that Ye Tianming and the others wanted to attack him, not allowing him to take the hostages in his arms.

"Yeah! Are you sure you can take me away?" Chu Muyue also showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, and asked the young man who was holding herself hostage.

Now Chu Muyue understood it, it turned out that Ye Tianming was catching the prisoner, and then he chased the prisoner to the amusement park.

And she was very unlucky that she was treated as a hostage by this prisoner.

I can only say that this guy was out of luck because he didn't read the almanac when he went out today.

When the young man heard Chu Muyue speak, he was taken aback, and turned his head to look at Chu Muyue who was wearing a fruit knife by himself.

Chu Muyue raised his hand and grabbed the young man's hand holding the fruit knife. With a hard hand, "Kacha" broke the young man's wrist without mercy.

The youth suddenly let out a screaming scream.

He never expected that his hand would be broken by the hostage he held.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him revolved, and his body was light, and he fell heavily on the ground, making him dizzy, and his chest turned overwhelming.

Seeing Chu Muyue's behavior, Ye Tianming couldn't help blowing a whistle. He deserves to be his junior sister! The start is still the same decisively.

"Little Junior Sister! Amazing!" Ye Tianming gave Chu Muyue a thumbs up and said with a complimenting smile.

Chu Muyue patted her hands, looked at Ye Tianming and said contemptuously, "The useless guy is still Brother Xiao's deputy captain. You can't even chase a prisoner. It's a shame!"

Ye Tianming’s greeted hand stiffened in the air, with a far-fetched smile on his face, he touched his nose awkwardly, and innocently explained to himself, “No, if this guy is not too cunning, there will always be Ordinary people threw it to me. I didn't catch this **** to prevent them from getting hurt!"

"That's the same, it's useless!" Chu Muyue pouted, but said with contempt.

"Hahaha..." Ye Tianming could only laugh dryly. He touched his nose in a whisper, hurriedly broke the topic, looked around, and asked Chu Muyue incomprehensibly, "But, junior sister, why are you here? Here? This is an amusement park!"

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